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Word from the Superintendent
FC Student Career Expo
2010 Annual Academic Achievement Awards
CASHS Presents: "The Diary of Anne Frank"
"Chambersburg Reads"
CASD Foundation Scholarships
CASHS Literacy Initiative
CASHS: Wellness Department
Payroll Updates
CASHS Band: New Uniforms
New Mileage
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January 13, 2011
Word from the Superintendent

We are currently in crisis, at the local, state, and national levels in relation to education.  Locally, our teachers and school board are agreeing to disagree on elements of a contract. At the state level, discussion centers around alternative forms of public education such as vouchers, cyber schools and charters and finally at the federal level No Child Left Behind has demanded we track what works and what doesn't in education.  The data isn't perfect, but it's an attempt to measure and evaluate education for improvement which has never happened before in our history. The paradigm shift isn't on the horizon anymore. It is here.


In CASD our schools are succeeding and successful. This has been accomplished by insisting on great instruction by quality teachers, a consistently rigorous curriculum and higher standards. What we know and I have personally learned is that what matters more than anything else in the school is the TEACHER.  Unfortunately there are members of the community who would say the job of a teacher has not changed in the past half-century. Of all the demands being placed upon our schools today, the CASD classroom teacher role has changed the most.  


For many students, our schools must fill the role of the church, the parent, the social worker, and grandparent. One of the best analogies I've heard recently about our current national model of education is that it can be compared to a vending machine. Tax dollars go in the top, expectations of students, staff and the community mix around inside and out comes our world-ready, futuristic, life-long learner graduate.  The vending machine doesn't work any more. The gap between what we want our schools to do and what it is actually capable of doing is getting bigger and bigger and bigger all the time.


Currently in the Chambersburg Area School District, we are revealing a problem and making it public, clear and evident. It is our hope that by creating the right kinds of conversations we will be more likely to produce the kinds of results we all expect and can be proud of.  Let's keep that conversation on student achievement and allow CAEA and the Board to resolve the contract issues we face locally.   


Franklin County Student Career Expo


In collaboration with school districts and businesses from across Franklin County, over 2000 Franklin County eighth and tenth grade students representing Chambersburg, Fannett-Metal, Greencastle, Shalom Christian Academy, Shippensburg, Tuscarora, and Waynesboro will have the unique opportunity to prepare for the Twenty-First Century workforce at the first Annual Franklin County Student Career Expo on April 29, 2011! 


 The Greater Chambersburg Chamber Foundation (Franklin County Student Career Expo Committee), Franklin County Chambers of Commerce, and the South Central Tech Prep Consortium are sponsoring the event.


The Chambersburg Area School District will host the expo,  which will be held in the Field House from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (students), 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (teachers); 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (community). This exciting event will include:  a keynote speaker, exhibitors, breakout sessions, an entrepreneurial competition, and door prizes.


Chambersburg Area Senior High School Assistant Principal, Brad Ocker, and the CASHS Business Department team, which includes Stephanie Barnhart, Jonathan Michael, Michael Snedden, Kathy Jo Reinsmith, and Sandra Traynor, are working closely with the Franklin County Student Career Expo Committee in organizing the event. 


This is a unique event because it consists of a countywide workforce development initiative that will bring school districts as well as business and industry together on behalf of Franklin County students.


2010 Annual Academic Achievement Awards  


CASD is proud to acknowledge the dedication and accomplishments of its teachers, students, and staff. The 2010 Annual Academic Achievement Awards recognizes such committed efforts. The data results reveal that our students continue, across the district, to improve and show growth in Writing, Reading, Science, and Math.  Therefore, these awards are a celebration of all of our teachers, staff, and families who continue to participate in the succcess of our students.  


There were three distinctive awards earned: "Academic Performance," "Academic Growth," and "All Means All" Award.  


The 2010 stars are:

 Academic Performance: Lurgan Elementary

 Lurgan Staff with Banner


Academic Growth: Hamilton Heights Elementary

HH Staff with Banner


 "All Means All" Award: Stevens Elementary

  Stevens Staff with Banner

In addition, the district is divided into two classifications: Small Schools and Large Schools. 

     Schools that fall within the small school classification include: Buchanan, Coldbrook, Falling Spring, Grandview, Guilford Hills, Lurgan, Marion, New Franklin, South Franklin, and Stevens Elementary.

     Schools that fall within the large school classification include: Ben Chambers, CAMS, CASHS, Faust, Fayetteville, Hamilton Heights, and Scotland. 


The Academic Achievement Awards are divided into the following various academic categories, demonstrating exemplary performance and outstanding growth.


The shining stars for 2010 include:

   Exemplary Reading Performance

Small School: Falling Spring, Large School: Scotland

Exemplary Math Performance

Small School: South Hamilton, Large School: Fayetteville

South Hamilton Staff with Banner

Exemplary Science Performance

Small School: Lurgan, Large School: Scotland

Exemplary Writing Performance

Small School: South Hamilton, Large School: Faust

Outstanding Reading Growth

Small School: Marion, Large School: Faust

Outstanding Math Growth

Small School: Grandview, Large School: Hamilton Heights 


  Honorable Mention for 2010:

Academic Growth: Hamilton Heights

"All Means All": Faust, Hamilton Heights, South Hamilton, & CAMS

Academic Performance: Scotland, Guilford Hills, & Coldbrook  


The Diary of Anne Frank





Ian Jacobs, Drama Director at CASHS and his student cast will present "The Diary of Anne Frank." 



When:   January 14 & 15, at 7:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30) 

Where: The New CASHS Auditorium

Cost:     Adults: $7.00, Students: $5.00 (w/activity pass)


Teachers may use their activity passes to get tickets: one free ticket & $5.00 for second ticket.


Tickets are  only sold at the door. No reservations required. The cast includes: Shannon Gross, Marina Barnett, Rachel Tardosky, Devon Caldwell, Jedidiah Franklin, Sarah Davis, Adam Fennen, Aryn Santrock, Nicky sanders, and Connor Orr. 


403(b) Information Update


All CASD employees are reminded that the district offers you the option to participate in the district's 403(b) plan.  The 403(b) plan is a supplemental retirement program, which offers the ability to redirect a portion of your pre-tax wages to a selection of individual investment accounts.  All employees are eligible to participate in the voluntary program.  Employee contributions to a 403(b) are offered through payroll deduction to one of the approved 403(b) vendors.  Information regarding the district's 403(b) plan is available on the business office website or from PenServ at  


Chambersburg Reads: Still Making a Difference




In our previous newsletter, we brought you information about the districts' "Chambersburg Reads" program. This is a follow-up to that story. In addition, it's a reminder that although we are moving toward our eighty-fourth day of school, celebrating and encouraging reading is ever important. 


Fayetteville Elementary School distributed the selected Chambersburg Reads books throughout the Chambersburg area.  The following classrooms delivered books to local businesses. 


Mrs. Rowland's second grade class donated books to Miller Family Dentistry. Mrs. Faith's second grade class donated books to Summit Health Center (the area where you wait for lab work/X-rays/Sonograms). Mrs. Powanda's kindergarten class donated books to Franklin County Pediatrics. Mrs. Bietsch's first grade class donated books to Dr. Toothman and Dr. Barra's office as well as to Cumberland Valley Family Physicians. And Mr. Mentzer and Mr. Miller's fifth grade classes donated books to Laurel Run Nursing Home.


Many thanks to our teachers who continue to encourage our students to become strong, avid readers. 



CASD Foundation: Scholarship Deadline


Grant Application for Teachers (click here)  
The Foundation Board reviews grant proposals from CASD teachers/staff twice a year for projects in the current and next school year.  Total amount of grants awarded since the inception of the program is over $400,000.  Deadline for the second round of grants for the 2010-11 academic year is Friday, April 8, 2011


Grant guidelines and the application are available on the CASD icon in the Foundation folder (under public).


For more information, contact Beth Luka at 709-4091 or

 foundation logo



CASHS Literacy Initiative

  library books

Melissa Engel-Unruh, CASHS Librarian, and Ms. Jessica Prosser, English teacher and Literacy Coach, have been awarded a grant from the CASD Foundation, from the Mary B. Sharpe Trust. Their grant allows them to purchase books for the SSR Literacy Center Project. The SSR Literacy Center project creates classroom libraries for the CASHS English classes. The purchased books will guarantee a variety of genres, authors, and reading levels. The goal is for all students to have open access to various types of books.


The literacy initiative has lead all CASHS English classes to schedule SSR in their daily routines. SSR stands for: Silent Sustained Reading, which is 10 minutes of required reading Monday through Thursday. And on Fridays, the classes have an accountability exercise and/or discussion that correlates with the weeks' reading. This is 

proving to be a successful program for CASHS students and faculty.



CASHS: The Wellness Department


Mrs. Lissett Jones and The Wellness Department at Chambersburg Area Senior High School have worked to transform the physical education curriculum. Prior to the new curriculum, physical education primarily emphasized on team sports, with the new curriculum now in place, students have a variety of courses to choose from to fulfill their graduation requirements. While students must still enroll in Health, they may choose any three of the semester courses listed below. 


Exercise Physiology

Cardio Endurance

Strength and Conditioning

Team Sports

Lifetime Sports

Advanced Team Sports

Dynamic Motions in Dance


Each course focuses on the important concepts that pertain to the specific course.  Teachers also follow through with common assessments that can either be physical, verbal, or written.  


The Wellness Department at CASHS is working hard to keep our students fit, both physically and mentally.  


Payroll Updates for 2011


You will notice some changes to your pay starting with the January 14, 2011 paycheck. The changes are in compliance with IRS issued guidelines effective January 1, 2011 and are outlined below:


1)      Employee portion of Social Security changes from 6.2% of gross pay to 4.2%. What does this mean to you? For most employees, you will see a positive change to your net pay/direct deposit. The Employer paid portion of your social security remains at 6.2% of gross pay. This is the amount the District contributes to social security for you each pay and is represented on your direct deposit statement.

2)      The Federal Income tax tables have been updated to reflect the new guidelines. What does this mean to you? Some employees may see a difference in the amount of federal tax withheld due to the tax table changes. Any difference in federal income tax withheld is a factor of your income, your filing status and the number of exemptions you selected on your W-4(Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate)


CASHS Marching Band: New Uniforms 

Band Uniforms



CASHS Marching Band proudly displayed

their new uniforms at the January 12th

School Board meeting. 



New Mileage Rate in Effect


The Internal Revenue Service has issued the 2011 standard mileage rate. Beginning January 1, 2011, the mileage rate for the cost of operating your car for business is 51 cents per mile.


The updated form is located in the public folder under Forms, Mileage, Travel & Expense Form Effective January 2011. Feel free to contact Tracey Hammond with any questions.





Board DocsFor more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website.



 If you have news about a student achievement, upcoming school event, or other information of interest to the CASD community, visit

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