CASD Homecoming eNewsletter
Blue and White Day |
Friday, October 15 is "Blue and White" Day. Be sure to wear your Trojan colors around town to celebrate your alma mater! |
Homecoming Tailgating |
Tailgating will be allowed in the parking lot across McKinley Street from the high school prior to the Homecoming football game on October 15. Alcohol, charcoal grills, and open fire grills are not permitted. |
Trojan Dedication |
A 10-foot Trojan statue will be unveiled and dedicated in front of the CASHS Field House at 6:15 p.m. Friday, October 15. |
Band Show |
The CASHS marching band will be performing its field show following the Homecoming football game on October 15. Stick around Trojan Stadium to see our talented student musicians and Color Guard members! |
2010 CASHS Homecoming
October 11-16, 2010
See highlighted community events below. |
Alumni Tent Planned for Football Game
 The Chambersburg Trojans will take on the Carlisle Herd at 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 15 in Trojan Stadium. The CASHS National Honor Society and CASD Foundation will be sponsoring a tent at this game welcoming alumni to the 2011 Homecoming. The "Trojan Huddle" tent will be set up near the north end zone and will offer refreshments, decade books, and old yearbooks for alumni to browse through. Temporary tattoos and Trojan Store wearables will also be on sale. Whether you want to sign our guest books, flip through a yearbook, or connect with old friends, please stop by Trojan Huddle to say hello! |
Tours of CASHS Addition Offered
 In conjunction with the "Trojan Huddle" alumni tent at the football game on Friday, October 15 ( see article above), National Honor Society students will be conducting tours of the CASHS addition for alumni. Tours will be held every 15 minutes from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. and are limited in size, so stop by the tent early to sign up! |
Powder Puff Benefiting Worthy Cause
A powder puff football game will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 12 in Trojan Stadium. Admission is $2 per person, with proceeds benefiting the CASHS "mini-thon." Game #1 will feature the sophomores vs. the juniors, and game #2 will feature the winner taking on the seniors.
The mini-thon itself will be held Saturday, November 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the CASHS Field House. CASD students will use this half-day dance marathon to raise funds for pediatric cancer patients and cancer research and benefit the Penn State Hershey Four Diamonds Fund. Watch for more information in the next CASD e-newsletter! |
Homecoming Court Announced
This year's CASHS Homecoming Court includes 12th graders Jenna Brewer, Kaita Grove, Kaitlyn Hess, Leah Martin, Megan Willwerth, Zane Bard, Mason Beck, Derek Burkhard, Andrew Reed, and Jerome Williams.
Court members were elected by a senior class vote, and a panel of teacher judges will choose a king and queen based on their performances during a school variety show on Friday, October 15. The king and queen will then be announced at halftime of the football game that evening. |