eCASD Employee Newsletter |
Word from the Superintendent
It's hard to believe summer is almost half over! Even though our students aren't with us, summer is still a very active time for our district. Nearly 500 teachers and administrators are participating in professional development including workshops and training sessions focused on technology, literacy, instruction, and other critical topics. Teams of teachers are working all over the district on curriculum writing and department planning. Many of you are hard at work studying and learning to become even better at what you do.
Our support staff members are busy finalizing reports and paperwork from this past school year, as well as gearing up for 2010-2011 schedules, ordering materials, and registering new students. Our custodians and buildings and grounds staff are tackling massive projects in many schools to have everything ready for the first day of 2010-2011. Everyone is working four-day weeks so we can save thousands of dollars in energy costs by closing our buildings on Fridays. (Thanks for keeping us on track, Connie!)
In the midst of all the summer activity, I encourage you to take some time for yourself this summer. Travel, see old friends, spend time with family, or tackle that project you've been putting off throughout the school year. No matter what, give yourself an opportunity to rest, relax, and reenergize.
- Joe |
Graduation Photo Gallery Available
Commencement exercises for the Class of 2010 were held Friday, June 11 in Trojan Stadium, as 663 Chambersburg Area Senior High School seniors received their diplomas. Enjoy this photo gallery capturing scenes from the graduation ceremony. |
New SubFinder Number
As of July 12, there will be a new SubFinder phone number for absence reporting. It will be 866-621-6350. For more information about using the updated SubFinder, see the documents below.
Foundation Board Welcomes New Member
Chambersburg attorney Todd Sponseller is the newest member of the CASD Foundation board of directors. Todd, a 1987 graduate of CASHS, received his bachelor's degree in history from Shippensburg University and his law degree from West Virginia University. He practiced law in Charleston, WV, for 10 years before returning to the area and now practices with DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bollinger.
"Todd comes from a long line of educators, including his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents," says Foundation board president Christine Henn. "His energy and expertise will be of great value."
Todd replaces outgoing board member Greg Meyers. |
Class of '65 Plans Reunion
Student Medication Policy Changing
Beginning with the 2010-2011 school year, no over-the-counter or prescription medications will be administered to students by district nursing staff without an individual medication order from a physician. This means our school nurses' offices will no longer be stocking Tylenol, cough drops, or other medications.
In the past, a local physician would sign a blanket standing order permitting our nursing staff to administer over-the-counter medication to students. Due to liability concerns and the increasingly complex health needs of some students, these standing orders will no longer be in place.
For more information about this change, see this letter to parents and this medication form. |
Leave Balances on Paychecks
For all 12-month employees: Questioning your leave balances on the 7/2/10 pay? This is not an error, but rather a result of the timing of the payroll processing. Please be assured that your leave balances will reflect properly on the 7/16/10 pay. Should you have any questions regarding the balances on your 7/16/10 pay, please contact the Payroll Department. |
Important Note from BlueCross
Beginning July 1, monthly on-site meetings with a Capital BlueCross representative will be replaced by pre-arranged telephone calls with a customer service representative. The goal is to provide you with convenient, confidential, personnel attention with a faster turnaround time for your inquiry.
Appointments can be arranged through CASD Benefits Coordinator Sonnie Bender for the first Thursday of every month between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. All appointments should be made at least one day in advance of the call.
The following information should be provided to Sonnie: (1) member name, (2) member ID, (3) phone number at which to be reached, and (4) time at which to be reached. Please contact Sonnie at 261-3314 or |
Watt's Up by Connie Kelley
Read the June Watt's Up for our most recent energy conservation figures and to find out which students won the 2nd CASHS Photography & Graphics Energy Poster Contest. Take a look, too, at these tips for saving energy and money during the dog days of summer. (Find out why it's a myth that leaving the A/C on while you're at work costs less than turning it on when you get home.) |
Quest Flyer and Frontline Newsletters
Did you know that fewer than half of the people who suffer from depression seek treatment? Untreated depression can be costly, both professionally and personally. Fortunately, effective treatment can help people with clinical depression lead productive, normal lives.
Read this flier, and if you can relate to the symptoms listed, please seek help. The first step toward wellness for yourself or a dependent family member is to use your Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) for a cost-free and confidential evaluation by a qualified professional counselor.
Frontline Supervisor Newsletter for July
Frontline Employee Newsletter for July |
For more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website.