CASD Masthead
eCASD Employee Newsletter
This Week's Articles
2010-11 Budget Includes Tax Increase
Students Collecting for WIN "Wish List"
Tournament Enjoys Best Year Ever
Local Discount Cards Available
More Students Taking AP Tests
Spelling Bee Winner: 'Neighborhood'
Four-Day Work Week
Students Perform on National Exam
3rd Graders Attend "Math Madness"
Important Message from BlueCross
Worklife Services Newsletter
A Lesson in Government
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Seven-Figure Savings
Nearly three years after launching an energy conservation program, CASD has hit the $1 million savings mark! The district has saved $1,018,318 on oil, gas and electricity since September 2007.
May 14, 2010
Word from the Superintendent

This past Wednesday the school board voted to adopt the 2010-2011 budget. I want to thank the board for their hard work throughout this process as we faced challenging economic conditions and a sharp decline in revenue.
calculatorEven with a 5% increase in real estate taxes, it was necessary to eliminate 39 positions through attrition, transfers, and one furlough to balance next year's budget. This required complex analysis of a number of factors, including staff expertise, certifications, departmental needs assessments led by principals and supervisors, future secondary realignment, and the closing of Coldbrook.
The positions eliminated were: five administration, two counseling, one driver's education, one English, four family consumer science, seven K-5, two library, one music, one-half nursing (contracted), two reading, three special education, nine support staff, one technology education, and one-half world language. No departments were eliminated and core content areas and all unified arts programs remain in place.
We've already begun meeting individually with staff to discuss how they may be affected by these changes. In the coming days and weeks, you'll be hearing from your departmental supervisors as to what programs will look like as we head into next year. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make these adjustments.
- Joe
2010-11 Budget Includes Tax Increase

The 2010-2011 budget was approved by the school board on Wednesday evening. The $107 million spending plan calls for a real estate tax increase of 4.67 mills, or 5.5%. (Read the complete budget resolution.) The budget assumes the closure of Coldbrook Elementary School and the elimination of 39 positions, largely from retirements and resignations.
Students Collecting for WIN "Wish List"

shopping cartNinth graders from the Franklin County Career and Technology Center will be hosting a community service project from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, May 15 at the Food Lion on Radio Hill in Chambersburg. The students will be handing out wish lists from the local Women in Need domestic violence shelter and asking Food Lion patrons to purchase one item from the list. The students' goal is to fill a truck with supplies for the shelter, and they would appreciate your support!
Tournament Enjoys Best Year Ever

The 16th Annual CASD Foundation Golf Tournament held May 3 at the Chambersburg Country Club raised more than $15,000 for CASD scholarship and grant programs: more than any previous Foundation tournament. 120 golfers participated in this year's event. (A list of winners is available here.)
golf carts"The Foundation realized its largest net profit in the 16-year history of this tournament, made possible by our generous sponsors and donors," says Foundation Executive Director Beth Luka. "The success of such a major endeavor lies with the dedication of our volunteers and our many golfers, CASD vendors, and community supporters."
Next year's tournament has been scheduled for May 9, 2011. Since the tournament was "sold out" this year, early registration is encouraged.
Local Discount Cards Available

cashFaust band members are selling discount cards that feature 21 area restaurants, stores, and businesses. (Find out which businesses here.) Each card costs $5 and is good for one year. The band has already sold more than 1,800 cards on its way to a goal of 2,500. To purchase your copy, contact Faust band director Rich Bricker at or see a Faust band member. Checks should be made payable to CABPA (Chambersburg Area Band Promotion Association).
More Students Taking AP Tests

AP logoThe number of CASD students taking an Advanced Placement test has tripled since 2007, with 185 students taking 300 AP exams this year. AP courses are challenging classes at CASHS that provide students with the opportunity to take an exam and receive college credit depending on their score and the AP policy of the college or university they're planning to attend.
The AP subjects taught at CASHS are biology, calculus, chemistry, English literature, European history, German language, Latin (Vergil), macroeconomics, physics, psychology, Spanish language, statistics, studio art, U.S. government and politics, and U.S. history.
Next year, students who take AP courses will be required to take at least one AP exam. In 2011-2012, students enrolled in AP courses will be required to take all corresponding exams. The district will reimburse students for the cost of the exam if the student scores a 4 or 5.
AP Testing in Recent Years:
2010: 185 students took 300 tests
2009: 163 students took 261 tests
2008: 117 students took 196 tests
2007: 60 students took 80 tests
Spelling Bee Winner: 'Neighborhood'

bee winner and runner-upCongratulations to Ben Chambers 5th grader Emma Guare, who made her school, teachers, parents, and friends proud by correctly spelling the word 'neighborhood' to win the annual district spelling bee. Emma was the first 5th grader to represent the new Benjamin Chambers Elementary School.
This year's runner-up was Quinn Mangan from Fayetteville Elementary School. A total of 14 5th graders competed in the bee, which lasted longer than any bee in recent memory: a record 15 rounds! (See the complete list of competitors and their alternates.)
Four-Day Work Week

In order to reduce costs this summer, the district will be implementing a four-day work week beginning Monday, June 14 and continuing through Friday, August 13. All employees will work their regular number of hours per week in four days rather than five. If you are a 40-hour-a-week employee who works more than 192 days per year, please see this memo for information about work schedules, the Independence Day holiday, and using leave.
Students Perform on National Exam

exam and eraserKudos to those who participated in this year's National French Exam, "Le Grand Concours." Josée Gallant placed in the top 20th percentile nationally and will receive a Certificat d'Honneur. Tori Gilbert, Josellynn Harrison, Angela Lehtimaki, and Hannah Morrissette placed in the top 50th percentile nationally and will receive a Certificat de Réussite.

Josée Gallant and Josellynn Harrison placed in the top 10 regionally. Tori Gilbert, Lindsay Hile, Angela Lehtimaki, and Hannah Morrisette placed in the top 20 regionally. Additional participants were Ronald Baker, Tyler Cover, Jordan Evans, Andrea Gettig, Elisa Hepfer, Rose Hessler, Natalie Jimenez, Yesenia Lopez, and Rebecca McCarty.

Le Grand Concours is a national competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. More than 100,000 students in all 50 states competed in the 2010 event.
3rd Graders Attend "Math Madness"

studentsA special thanks and congratulations to 3rd grade students Alexis Estep, Haylee Morter, Lauren Ocker, and Steven Swain for representing Scotland Elementary School at the Math Madness Regional Tournament in York on April 30. Third graders from 17 different school districts in the south-central Pennsylvania region competed in the tournament.
The students used problem-solving strategies to solve six different rounds of open-ended math problems. Three rounds were completed as a team while the other three rounds were completed individually. At the end of the competition, all the students celebrated the slogan "For Every Problem There Is a Solution" with the York College basketball team. The students received a Math Madness T-shirt and certificate.
Important Message from BlueCross

Blue CrossBeginning July 1, 2010, monthly on-site meetings with a Capital BlueCross representative will be replaced by pre-arranged telephone calls with a customer service representative. The goal is to provide you with convenient, confidential, personnel attention with a faster turnaround time for your inquiry.
Appointments can be arranged through CASD Benefits Coordinator Sonnie Bender for the first Thursday of every month between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. All appointments should be made at least one day in advance of the call.
The following information should be provided to Sonnie: (1) member name, (2) member ID, (3) phone number at which to be reached, and (4) time at which to be reached. Please contact Sonnie at 261-3314 or
Worklife Services Newsletter

Quest Behavioral HealthQuest has provided its Worklife Services Newsletter for May with the theme "The Sandwich Generation." It can be very challenging to meet the needs of our children and elderly loved ones while trying to hold down a job, and this newsletter offers some valuable tips. 
Quest EAP also offers assistance for these concerns. Call 1-800-364-6352 to speak to one of Quest's member services representatives to find out more about your EAP benefits. The services are free and confidential.
A Lesson in Government

Members of the Faust Junior High Student Council visited the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg on May 11. Pictured below are the students on the floor of the Senate chamber.


Board DocsFor more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website.
If you have news about a student achievement, upcoming school event, or other information of interest to the CASD community, visit
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