eCASD Employee Newsletter
Word from the Superintendent
The tentative 2010-2011 budget passed by the school board on Wednesday is a major milestone for our district. In the midst of this difficult economy, I believe this budget will put us in fairly sound financial shape for the next two years. We will continue to economize, analyze, and evaluate all expenditures, but I am confident the worst is behind us.
 The budget includes a 5.5% real estate tax increase and $3 million reduction in staffing, which is 39 positions. Considering the economy, it's difficult to raise taxes, and considering the needs of our children, it's equally difficult to cut staff. I believe the board has served the community well in striking a good balance in this budget.
In early 2010, we projected the possible furlough of more than 20 district employees to address the deficit. Thanks in large part to the retirement incentive passed by the board and the subsequent willingness of our veteran teachers to take advantage of the incentive, we were able to make staff reductions through attrition and transfers with only one furlough.
The next critical step will be to establish a fair and equitable teacher contract. Nothing is more disruptive to the educational process and the well-being our employees than a contentious and lengthy contract negotiation. I am committed to doing all we can to achieve a contract settlement for the benefit of our students, employees, parents, and community members.
- Joe |
CASHS Art Exhibit Planned
 The annual CASHS Art Exhibit will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, April 17 to Sunday, April 25 in the administration building. Paintings, drawings, pottery, sculptures, prints, and digital and mixed media by 75 high school students will be on display, and the exhibit will feature and serve as a retrospective for senior art students. There will also be a large sampling of work from CASHS alumni. Admission to the exhibit is free. |
Faust Staff Receive Grants
 Faust librarian Katie Miller has received a $25,000 Library Services and Technology Act federal grant to purchase laptops for Faust students to use in the library. With hundreds of students visiting the library every day, Katie saw the need for increased technology tools. This competitive grant will give Faust students and staff increased access to technology resources for information access and development. Congratulations to Katie for her efforts on behalf of her students and colleagues!
Faust science teacher Jennifer Allison has also received grants: one for $500 from Kids in Need to purchase laboratory equipment for potential and kinetic energy experiments in her advanced 8th grade class and another for $500 from the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh for lab equipment to continue to incorporate more hands-on activities with all classes. Congratulations, Jen! |
Mementos Sought for New Cafeteria
 Trojan Court is the name that CASHS students have selected for the new food court scheduled to open at the high school for the 2010-2011 school year, and the chosen décor is "Vintage Trojan." For this theme, we would like to have representation of various aspects of Trojan life and history displayed on the walls of the food court/cafeteria.
We are looking for donations of memorabilia such as old or current sports uniforms and equipment, posters, programs and decorations from plays and concerts that have been performed at CASHS, Color Day banners, shirts and hats, and old photos of events held at the school or travels that different groups have taken that could be enlarged and framed.
Number of Student Scholarships Doubled
The CASD Foundation has increased the number of $1,500 student scholarships it will award this year from 10 to 20, representing a total investment in members of the Class of 2010 of $30,000 from the Foundation's general fund. The scholarships will be presented at the annual Night of the Stars award ceremony on Monday, May 17 at Faust.
"The Board felt that with the current economic climate and with the extraordinary number of very qualified applicants, it was an opportune time to award an additional 10 scholarships," says Foundation president Jim Probst. "The cost of post-secondary education can be overwhelming for families, particularly with the job losses and cuts in many sectors of our workforce."
In addition to the $30,000 to be awarded from the general fund, the Foundation will award $38,000 through 27 named scholarships that it holds. |
Mother's Day Bouquets Available
 Mother's Day flower bouquets are available for $25 through CASHS SWEBS. The bouquets include 14 roses in various colors and eight stems of other flowers. Delivery will be to your school's office for pickup on Friday, May 7. Orders are due through school mail to Vidhya Hartung by Tuesday, April 20. Checks may be made payable to CASHS SWEBS. |
Watt's Up by Connie Kelley
 This month's Watt's Up includes web links for electricity tips, energy saving tips, gasoline tips, and interactive sites for kids. You'll also find information about our district's Energy Star rating. And check out these websites for some great Earth Day ideas! |
Featured Web Page
 This week we're highlighting Falling Spring as an example of an elementary school website with a tremendous number of resources. On the site you'll find everything from school policies, coming events, newsletters, "most requested" forms, and useful links to information about the PTO, yearbook opportunities, library, nurse's office, PSSAs, and student scholarships. Visit the link below to see what a great elementary school website looks like!
Learning in Full Bloom
Elizabeth Francisco's 3rd graders at Benjamin Chambers continue work in their garden now that spring has arrived. Ben Chambers teachers use the garden as a learning tool across all subjects, including science, writing, and math.
For more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website.