eCASD Employee Newsletter
Word from the Assistant Superintendent
The school board conducted a public hearing on March 10, 90 days prior to official action on the closure of Coldbrook Elementary. Below are remarks delivered at the hearing by Cathy Dusman, assistant superintendent for K-12 services.
Coldbrook Elementary School is nestled in the heart of our community and has served our children and our children's children well since it first opened in 1955. Each year, 120 students enter the building for an exciting and worthwhile educational experience. Over the past 55 years, nearly 7,000 students have had the opportunity to create some remarkable moments there.
The faculty and staff have been exemplary in their success with the education of the thousands of children they have had the pleasure of working with over the years. In fact, and it is no secret, Coldbrook is the highest performing small school in the district for their academic achievements in reading, writing, and math. Coldbrook students, parents, and staff are to be commended for their hard work and efforts.
The CASD administration has closely monitored the small "one-deep" schools over the past several years and has planned for the consolidation of these schools as new elementary schools have been built. The shift of philosophy has gone from several small schools to more efficient and practical larger state-of-the-art community schools with resources available for all children. During the past five years, we have successfully closed King Street, Gordy, Duffield, and Sharpe and have transitioned the students and families into newer schools.
However, with each school closing comes much trepidation and emotion. It is bittersweet to say the least. It is an emotional rollercoaster ride for many, and we want to make the transition for everyone meaningful and successful. As in other schools, Coldbrook has so many memories stored in its classrooms and on its playground: memories of learning, of being with friends, of field days, of walking across the street to have phys ed class, and even great memories of eating lunch in the hallway. These memories hold special meaning to the children and parents who have been such an extraordinary part of the Coldbrook family.
With the uncertainty of the heating system and the need to provide more for the students, the administration is recommending the closure of Coldbrook. Students in grades K-4 will be moving to Andrew Buchanan and Falling Spring. Currently 30% of the students who attend Coldbrook do not live in the attendance area, so they will be returning to their home schools. Some 20% of the students are 5th graders who will be moving to the middle school next year.
The 60 students who live in the area will be transitioned to Buchanan and Falling Spring. The dividing line for the split will be Coldbrook Avenue. Children who live in homes on the east side of Coldbrook Avenue will attend Falling Spring; children who live in homes on the west side of Coldbrook Avenue will attend Buchanan. Please be aware that we do monitor the class sizes every summer, and at times we do shift the attendance lines if class sizes go above the district guidelines. |
Kindergarten Registration Planned
Families with a child who will be five years old by September 1, 2010 are invited to make an appointment for kindergarten registration by calling your nearest elementary school or Elementary Services at 261-3417.
Registration will take place at the district administration building, 435 Stanley Avenue, from 8:15 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 16 to Friday, March 19. Principals, teachers, counselors, translators, and school nurses will be on hand to guide each family through this exciting process. Each child should be present at registration to meet school personnel and receive special materials to help them prepare for their first day.
Parents are asked to provide the following information for each child entering school: - Birth certificate
- Proof of residency
- Immunization record (hepatitis B, diphtheria/tetanus, oral polio, Varicella/chicken pox, and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines are required for school attendance)
If you have any questions about kindergarten registration, please contact Elementary Services at 261-3417. |
Baseball Players Invited to Game
Trojan Youth Day will be held at the Greene Township Park on Saturday, April 24 in conjunction with the Chambersburg Trojans vs. State College baseball game at 12:30 p.m. All little league and suburban league players are welcome to attend. Admission to the game is free.
Players are asked to wear their uniforms to represent their local teams, and youth players will be invited to join the Trojans on the field during the National Anthem. If you have any questions, contact Terry Clark at 552-0592 or Debi Shauf at 658-8940. |
Deadline Set for Grants
The next round of teacher/staff grants from the CASD Foundation is fast approaching. Deadline for applications is 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 9. The brochure outlining the grant guidelines and the application can be found on the Foundation web page, Grant awards will be for projects/equipment for the 2010-2011 academic year. |
Pre-Retirement Workshop to Be Held
A free pre-retirement workshop sponsored by the Franklin and Fulton County chapters of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 24 in the St. Thomas Elementary School gymnasium, 70 School House Road, St. Thomas. This workshop is for professional and support staff who anticipate retiring in the next five years. |
Guest Rotarians Visit Schools
Every kindergarten classroom in the district received a special visit on March 2 from Rotary Club members serving as guest readers to celebrate Read across America Day. Club members visited 70 classrooms in CASD and neighboring districts to share a Dr. Seuss story and donate the book to the classroom. All books were provided by IESI and Salzmann Hughes. (Pictured above are Ben Chambers kindergarten teacher Bethany Bunting with her students and Chambersburg Rotary Club President Eileen Finucane sporting a Dr. Seuss hat.) |
Revised School Calendar Dates
Per the adopted district calendar, the following changes will be implemented due to school cancellations:
February 10 snow day will be made up on Monday, March 15 (Day 3)
February 11 snow day will be made up on Monday, April 5 (Day 4)
February 12 snow day will be made up on Thursday, June 10 (Day 5)
February 26 snow day will be made up on Friday, June 11 (Day 4 - tentative last day of school)
Last day of the third marking period will be Wednesday, April 7 |
FBLA to Accept Old Electronics
Students in the Faust Future Business Leaders of America club will be conducting an electronics collection and recycling event from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 27 in the Faust Junior High parking lot. The event will be held rain or shine and is open to the public.
FBLA will be accepting all computers and computer-related devices, televisions, rechargeable batteries, and other electronic items (no appliances). All items collected will be re-used or recycled. For further information, please contact Leon Weyant at |
Grant Applications, Nominations Sought
The Greater Chambersburg Chamber Foundation is now accepting applications for Technology Innovation Challenge Grants and nominations for Educator of the Year. The technology grants offer educators the opportunity to integrate innovative technology into their teaching, while the educator of the year award recognizes a K-12 educator (public or private) within the Chambersburg Area School District who has demonstrated above and beyond commitment and service in education. For more information, see the foundation announcement and the grant application. Deadlines are April 14 for the applications and April 16 for the nominations. |
Bus Policy Reminders
Below are a few reminders for parents and guardians about the district's transportation policy. These guidelines contribute to our goal of transporting all students to and from school safely every day:
- Students may have different morning and afternoon pick-up and drop-off locations, but these arrangements must remain the same each day of the week, rather than students being picked up and dropped off at various places throughout the week. - Students aren't allowed to ride home on a different bus (for example, with a friend), even with a parent note. If an extreme emergency makes this necessary, a parent must get prior approval from the district's transportation department. If you have any questions about the above policies, please contact our supervisor of transportation, LaDonna Naugle, at or 709-4030. |
Shoppers Raise Money for Students
Throughout the school year, community members have helped Chambersburg Area schools raise money by purchasing groceries at Giant Food Stores. Each time shoppers who are enrolled in the A+ School Rewards program have used their bonus card, 1% of the amount of their purchase has been donated to a school of their choice. The program ran through March 13; see below for school totals as of March 1.
Benjamin Chambers: $877.29 Buchanan: $812.56  CAMS: $4,721.46 CASHS: $1,420.20 Coldbrook: $403.22 Falling Spring: $545.29 Faust: $969.21 Fayetteville: $668.38 Grandview: $819.84 Guilford Hills: $497.57 Hamilton Heights: $539.43 Lurgan: $377.70 Marion: $587.61 New Franklin: $273.05 Scotland: $782.31 South Hamilton: $175.53 Stevens: $222.86 |
Curriculum Connections
The results are in ... now what?
Here are some quick tips on assessment and how it ties into instruction. A variety of suggestions and questions are offered to better understand this area of education.
Teachers: There are some simple steps that need to occur once assessment results are provided. First, establish individual student strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine overall class strong and weak points. Also, be sure to discuss these results with students both individually and as a group. There are some questions that can be immediately asked based upon the data findings as well, including:
1. What types of learning experiences are going to be applied based on this information?
2. How can instruction be modified immediately to meet student needs?
Still more reflection can be made relating to long-range planning:
1. Are any curricular changes or adjustments warranted?
2. Do our formative assessments provide the information needed to improve student learning?
3. Are higher order thinking skills being incorporated into instruction and assessment to provide our students with the necessary 21st century skills?
Parents: There are reports available that indicate your son's or daughter's strengths or weaknesses that the school will provide. Feel free to ask your child's teacher or principal for help reading the results. There are certain questions that parents may ask related to these results as well, including:
Working together, both parents and educators can best meet the needs of students. By using the data from various assessments to improve or modify instruction, students should find greater success in their educational experiences. |
Watt's Up by Connie Kelley
 In this month's Watt's Up, you'll find information about a pair of ongoing district energy contests, February energy coupon winners, and of course the most recent statistics on our energy savings. See Watt's Up to find out which buildings have achieved a 25% electric savings since our conservation program began in 2007. |
Featured Teacher Web Page
 This week we highlight the CASD Social Studies Department website maintained by Social Studies Supervisor Kelly Musser. Kelly has posted photos and articles in her spotlight of the many exciting things happening in social studies classrooms across the district. There are also links for social studies resources, the social studies curriculum, and a district social studies blog. |
Borders Offering Educator Discounts
For more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website. | |