CASD Masthead
eCASD Employee Newsletter
This Week's Articles
CASHS Yearbook Receives Award
Scholarships Available for Students
Revised Calendar and Grade Due Dates
Preliminary Budget Approved
Parent Advisory Council Update
Pre-Retirement Workshop Planned
Family Thanks District for Support
New School Names Announced
February Students of the Month
Rotary Club Hands Out Dictionaries
Deadline Set for Grants
Instant Notification System
Retirement Incentive Expanded
Annual Golf Tournament Scheduled
Featured Teacher Web Page
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E-mail Etiquette Tips of the Week
@ Remove any "FW" in the subject line of an e-mail. You can rename the subject if you wish or even fix spelling.
@ The district's network shouldn't be used for commercial or proprietary work.
@ The addresses in "Bcc" are hidden from recipients in "To" and "Cc." The use of "Bcc" in the workplace is somewhat unethical and is discouraged.
February 22, 2010 
Word from the Superintendent
Dirty snow drifts are everywhere and it's tough to shake off the sluggishness of winter, but the good news is spring is less than one month away.
shovel and snowAs I shoveled snow last week, I thought of the hard work everyone is focused on right now. Our 3rd graders will take their first state assessments soon and they and their teachers are working hard to prepare. Our middle school students are headed toward spring as young adolescents facing the unique emotional work of that age. Our seniors have entered their final semester of high school and most are certainly torn between impatience for life after CASHS and anxiety about their next step. And I also thought of Michael Freeman's friends and family who endured the most difficult work of saying a final goodbye to their child who sacrificed his life for our freedom.
This week the snow will continue to melt and our varied, difficult, and meaningful work will continue into spring. Thanks for all your hard work in its many forms and for reminding yourselves and each other that spring is on its way.
                                                           - Joe
CASHS Yearbook Receives Award
yearbookThe CASHS yearbook staff has been recognized by Taylor Publishing with an Honorable Mention Certificate of Recognition for its 2009 CASHS Echo. The yearbook is included in the publishing company's 2010 "Yearbook Yearbook."
"This recognition is for the dedicated group of students who publish the annual yearbook," said Echo advisor Sandra Traynor. "Taylor Publishing represents over 7,000 secondary and postsecondary schools across the U.S. To receive even an honorable mention for CASHS is an accomplishment we are all proud of."
Yearbooks published by Taylor for the 2009 school year were evaluated on cover design, theme development, layout design, photo content, and secondary packages. Taylor Publishing names only the top 15% of yearbook staffs with honorable mention recognition.
Scholarships Available for Students
The CASD Foundation has announced the availability of various scholarships for CASHS seniors graduating in June who intend to pursue post-secondary education. A list has been posted at
graduation capsStudents interested in applying for any of the scholarships should contact the CASHS Guidance Department to obtain guidelines and applications. The application deadline is Wednesday, March 31, and scholarships will be announced at the annual "Night of the Stars" ceremony in May.
Since its inception in 1990, the Foundation has awarded more than $140,000 in scholarships to CASHS students.
For more information about any of this year's opportunities, please contact Foundation Executive Director Beth Luka at or 263-8825.
Revised Calendar and Grade Due Dates
calendarPer the adopted district calendar, the following changes will be implemented due to the recent school cancellations: February 10 snow day will be made up on Monday, March 15 (Day 3); February 11 snow day will be made up on Monday, April 5 (Day 4); and February 12 snow day will be made up on Thursday, June 10 (Day 5, also the tentative last day of school).
To clarify all grade due dates, please follow this schedule:
- Progress report grades are due on Monday, March 1.
- Grade verification will be on Tuesday, March 2.
- Progress reports will be mailed on Monday, March 8.
For report cards:
- Report card grades are due on Tuesday, April 6.
- Grade verification will be on Wednesday, April 7.
- Report cards will be mailed on Tuesday, April 13.
Preliminary Budget Approved
moneyThe school board has passed the 2010-2011 preliminary budget, which includes a 5.5% tax increase. This preliminary budget still includes a substantial deficit of more than $1 million. Over the next few months, the board will make decisions to achieve a balanced budget by June.
This preliminary budget assumes the closing of Coldbrook, the return of the FCCTC academic students to CASHS, and a $1 million reduction in supplies. The preliminary budget doesn't commit the district to a specific tax increase; however, the district has the ability with the approval of this preliminary budget to raise taxes a maximum of 5.5%.
Parent Advisory Council Update
The CASD Parent Advisory Council met February 8 to hear a presentation on the implications of student dropout and to discuss ways for the community to help keep students engaged in school. (See the minutes from the meeting.)
The PAC encourages interested adults to consider getting involved in the district's mentoring program offered through Healthy Community Partnership. The commitment involved only 30 to 40 minutes per week during the school year. For more information, contact Christy Unger at
Pre-Retirement Workshop Planned
eyeglasses and paperA free pre-retirement workshop sponsored by the Franklin and Fulton County chapters of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 24 in the St. Thomas Elementary School gymnasium. This workshop is for professional and support staff who anticipate retiring in the next five years.
Family Thanks District for Support
On December 12, 2009, my family experienced one of the worst things: a house fire. The days following the fire, we experienced some of the most inspiring things anyone can experience. My children are involved in sports and not only did the Fayetteville Browns Midget Football organization take a collection during their annual banquet that was held the following Sunday, but some of my son's teammates collected clothes for my son. The Chambersburg 6th grade basketball team also presented our family with gift cards to local businesses. Family and friends also assisted my family with monetary donations.
When my children returned to school on the Monday following the fire, Mr. Steve McNew, guidance counselor at Faust, sent out an e-mail to the teachers and staff of the Chambersburg School District, who quickly responded with donations of items that my family had lost. The donations from the teachers and staff included blankets, clothes, gift cards, pillows, and school supplies. There were so many people that helped my family during this time of need, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support and thoughts.
Our house is being rebuilt and we are hoping to be back in our house by early spring. Thank you again to everyone that helped; we sincerely appreciate it.
Shaffer/Gordon Family
New School Names Announced
The school board has approved the future names, colors, and mascots of the two middle schools for 2011 following a survey of more than 1,700 students and staff.
trojanFaust Junior High will become Chambersburg Area Middle School North (CAMS North), and Chambersburg Area Middle School will become Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS South). The colors of both schools will be blue and white, and the mascot will be the Trojans. Sharing the colors and mascot will build unity and a sense of pride for all secondary students.
Both middle schools will house 6th through 8th grades beginning in the 2011-2012 school year when 9th grade moves to CASHS.
February Students of the Month
Brock Piper, 1st grade, Ben Chambers
Zachary Smith, 5th grade, Ben Chambers
Alexis Farrington, 6th grade, CAMS
Kenneth Coppens, 7th grade, CAMS
Shannon Edwards, 8th grade, Faust
Laken Horst, 9th grade, Faust
Gregory Figueroa, 10th grade, CASHS
Tenisha Meredith, 10th grade, CASHS
Cole Pogue, 12th grade, FCCTC
Lilly Rodriguez, 12th grade, FCCTC
Rotary Club Hands Out Dictionaries
dictionaryEvery 3rd grader in the Chambersburg Area School District has received a dictionary from the Rotary Club of Chambersburg as part of a project meant to promote literacy, education, and service. Special thanks to the following individuals for taking the time to participate in this project and make it a success:
Eileen Finucane, Pete Lagiovane, Theresa Bachman-Myers, Pat Barbarowicz, Steve Overcash, Karen Shearer, Cindy Wolf, Tim Johnston, Ken Murdock, Clint Bolte, Joe Wolfinger, Demee Deardorff, Bob Harrison, Rick Heckman, Bob Snider, Bob Losee, Ted Rabold, Carl and Arlene Flohr, Connie Kelley, Cindy Richards, Kathie Berard, Holly DeKurske, Linda Boeckman, and Ken Ditzler.
Deadline Set for Grants
The next round of teacher/staff grants from the CASD Foundation is fast approaching. Deadline for applications is 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 9. The brochure outlining the grant guidelines and the application can be found on the Foundation web page, Grant awards will be for projects/equipment for the 2010-2011 academic year.
Instant Notification System
Keeping parents informed and involved helps ensure student safety and improve student success. This is why our district has implemented Global Connect, an essential tool for notification and communication.
telephoneWithin minutes of an emergency, we can use Global Connect to deliver a single, clear message to parents or guardians by telephone. Global Connect is also used to convey information about school delays and cancellations. However, this system will only work effectively if student contact information on file with a school is accurate.
To verify your child's information, please call your child's school. To change your contact information, you must visit the school office and request a student information update form. To opt out of the system, a parent must complete the opt-out form and return it to the school. (This form is available at
District information will continue to be communicated through our website, eNewsletters, and local TV and radio stations.
Retirement Incentive Expanded
calculator and binderOn Wednesday evening the school board voted to extend the recent teacher retirement incentive for teachers to head teachers, department heads, Act 93 administrators, and non-bargaining support personnel.
Those employees in the above categories who choose to retire at or before the conclusion of the 2009-2010 contract year will receive an additional payment in their 403(b) account determined by multiplying the employee's per diem rate by the number of years of service in PSERS. The additional contribution will be made within 30 days of the employee's last day of work.
If those personnel who plan to retire at or before the end of the current contract year provide notice of that intent by March 15, 2010, they will receive an additional employer contribution of $1,000 to their 403(b); or $2,000 if they provide notice by February 12, 2010.
Annual Golf Tournament Scheduled
golfer's feetThe CASD Foundation will host its 16th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, May 3 at the Chambersburg Country Club. The 1:00 p.m. shotgun features a four-person scramble with men's and women's flights. Golfers will be provided a box lunch and beverages, use of cart, driving range and putting green privileges, and snacks and beverages on the course. The event will conclude with a dinner buffet, announcement of raffle winners, and presentation of prizes. The number of golfers is limited, so early registration is encouraged!

All golfers are eligible for prizes for the longest drive, closest to the pin, and name the sponsor contests, as well as the opportunity to win the use of a car for two years in the Hole-in-One contest and to compete in the Beat-the-Pro contest. Sponsorships are available and will receive appropriate signage on the course and recognition in the program booklet.

Golfers may enter a foursome at a cost of $85/golfer. All proceeds from the tournament benefit the Foundation's scholarship and grant programs. To register as a sponsor or with a foursome, please contact Foundation Executive Director Beth Luka at or 263-8825.
Featured Teacher Web Page
computer mouseCheck out, an award-winning blog that reviews free technology resources for educators and offers ideas for technology integration in the classroom. The website has more than 15,000 subscribers and is written by a high school history teacher from Maine.
wintry weatherInformation about school delays and cancellations for inclement weather will be posted on the CASD website, relayed to students' families via the Instant Notification System, and announced on the district's information lines: 261-8000 (English) and 261-8400 (Spanish).
Board DocsFor more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website.
If you have news about a student achievement, upcoming school event, or other information of interest to the CASD community, visit
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