Carrie Saba
In This Issue
Cooking Together
Upcoming Events
Fall Fruit - Apples
Cinnamon Apples
Meditation Minute
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"While talking with Carrie my vision and direction became abundantly clear.  I began the conversation by explaining that I had lost my focus and was uncertain who my target market really was.  My body was slumped and my head was in my hands.  As we dug into my heart, I felt myself open first with a twinkle in the eye.  The more Carrie engaged me, the more obvious it all became.  By the end of our time together, I was standing in the sun-filled window knowing in my deepest being what I needed, no, strongly desired, to do.  The momentum has continued as I am now following a distinct path that brings joy and success to myself and those I touch."
Leha - Boulder, Colorado

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Quote of the Month
"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon
 or not at all."
 Harriet Van Horne
Cooking Together
Back to basics
Cooking party
Woodhaven Farm Party
When was the last time you cooked with someone? Do you remember, maybe as a kid, when you cooked with your mom or grandma? If so, they are probably fond memories.

While cooking together might have been a normal activity to do years ago, at some point between fast food restaurants and busy schedules it seemed to fall to the waisteside. However, with the onslaught of new cooking and food shows popping up, it seems cooking is getting some positive exposure of something fun to do with friends and family. There are even cooking parties that both men and woman can attend and enjoy preparing and eating a meal together and guess what . . . it is fun!

As the seasons are changing and we are spending a little more time indoors, gathering friends and family to cook together can create wonderful memories and new connections with each other. Kids can even get into it with a little guidance from an adult.
Kids cooking
Kids creating a great meal!

Cooking can bring people and food together in a unique way. A great place that has dinner parties that cook and even corporate team building through cooking is Woodhaven Farm located in Johnstown, Ohio. Check your local area to see if you have a place that is similar. If not, then invite friends over and cook in your kitchen. When everyone is helping out it is not so overwhelming and quite enjoyable.

Tips to get cooking with friends or family:
  1. Let each person pick a part of the meal to be responsible for preparing or cooking.
  2. If you have a lot of people then partner them up.
  3. Each person is responsible for contributing the ingredients for the recipe they want to make.
  4. You don't need a gourmet kitchen - go with what you have.
  5. Turn on some music and get cooking together.
  6. Enjoy sitting down to a home cooked meal with friends and/or family.
  7. Make it a memorable time!
Upcoming Events! 
Come and Shop For the Cause
Fundraiser to Benefit
Fundraiser to benefit - Young Survival Coalition 
Gratitude for Food
Fall Fruit - Apples
Apple tree 
Many people have a tradition of going apple picking in the fall and enjoying the many recipes that can be made with apples. Although apples are one of the most consumed fruits in the United States, often we aren't reminded of the healthy benefits of eating an apple. So check out the benefits and some snack ideas with this great fall fruit. 
Some Benefits of eating apples:
  • Strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Contains vitamins & minerals to strengthen blood
  • Helps lower cholesterol
  • Great for digestion and preventing constipation
  • Excellent for healthy teeth and gums
 Snacking on apples:
  • Cut an apple and dip in peanut or almond butter
  • Bake an apple with cinnamon sprinkled on the top
  • Make an apple crisp or apple pie
  • Eat an apple on the go - quick and easy
Cinnamon Apples
Apples galore!! So many choices on what to make . . . apple dumplings to apple crisp. How about a simple and delicious recipe that I find to be a great comfort food for the cooler days and it's good for you!
Cinnamon Apples
Meditation Minute
A moment for YOU 
sunsetBeing in nature  nourishes your soul. 

Experiencing the mountains, ocean, flowers or trees can relax a person in a matter of minutes.  A picture of nature can also bring a sense of peace to you and your body.