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UPDATE!                          April 2010
Danny eyes the finish after 32 miles. 
Jimmy Austin congratulates the new champ.
Danny Ching from Redondo Beach, California became the first non-Hawaiian
 to win the Steinlager Kaiwi Channel Solo OC1 World Championship on Sunday,
April 18! The 32 mile race from the Island of Molokai to Oahu was the second-fastest time in the18 year history of the race, 3 hours, 38 minutes, 51 seconds!
Just 48 seconds off the course record! Danny beat out some of the best paddlers in the world including Jimmy Austin(2nd) and Manny Kulukulualani
(3rd place) both from Hawaii. Last years winner Kai Bartlett from Maui
finished fourth. Lauren Bartlett won her record seventh Women's title
with Andrea Moller finishing in second ten minutes behind the champion.

Hawaii Rep. Mark Brekke and Danny
Click to read full story  
Molo Finish click here
Photos by: Sandi Brekke
Kanoa Igarashi and Courtney Conlogue 
 new WSA PRIME West Coast series Champions!
Kanoa @ Huntington
After finishing the 2008-2009 NSSA Southwest season by setting a new record with an incredible 30 wins, Kanoa  is now the overall points Champion in the WSA's Boys Under 14 division! What a year he's having once again, becoming a member of the Quicksilver Team and now the Boys Title. He now has his eye on the NSSA Open and Explorer Boys division titles for 2010. Kanoa is now leading in both with two events coming up in Open and one for Explorer; all at his home break in Huntington Beach!
  Courtney, a member of the USA Pac Sun Team has consistently worked her way into the finals to take the WSA's overall Women's Under 18 title.  A second place finish in Malibu behind Lakey Peterson in the final event of the year along with a win a DMJ's and Trestles, sealed the deal. Expect to be seeing a lot more on
Courtney; She's one amazing surfer!
Photos by: Erik Nordskog