GALA LogoTopGALA Newsletter

GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.

GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
April, 2012
In This Issue
Call for Entries - FAM 77th Regional Exhibition
Sharon Jordan Bahosh Solo Exhibit in Gloucester
Jan Queijo Quilts on Display at FAM "Art in Bloom"
Sons of Blarney to Perform at Monty Tech in Fitchburg
Manser, MacDonald, & Biechele Win Awards at JCC
Chuck Heidorn to Perform in "Baroque Brilliance"
Bluegrass Gospel Music at St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Mark Frederick Fisher CD Release Concert at Bull Run
GALA Named Email Marketing All Star-3rd Year
Guy Biechele iPhoneography Workshop at Sharon Arts
Guy Biechele Infrared Photography Exhibit
GGAA Spring Art Exhibit
LAA Annual Art Exhibit
Janet Reed juried into Mormor Gallery
Alicia Drakiotes Pastel Class
Pastel Society of NH Members' Exhibition at JCC
Ginger Hughes Intermediate Drawing Class
Animal Show Call for Entries
More Shows, Classes, Etc
Join Our Mailing List!
Karol Berzins at WCC
Heywood Hospital
Wound Care Center

Karol Berzins
watercolor exhibit has been extended until April 30.

Confirm Dates & Times
For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.

GALA  Board of  Directors

Ed Schneeflock, President
Jeff Gallant, Treasurer
Guy Biechele
Kevin Bird
Mark Fisher
Nowell Francis
Luis Gonzalez
Chuck Heidorn
Vicki Heidorn
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GALA Spring Art Show An Unparalleled Success!


Our Friday evening opening reception is one that people won't soon forget. The power outage that hit just a few minutes before our opening time did not deter the large crowd. With admirable good humor, hundreds of visitors enjoyed the art by the light of flashlights, cell phones, iPods and headlamps!

To overcome our lack of microphone power for the award announcements, the audience enthusiastically chanted the categories and names. The "Art in the Dark" portion of our show ended when the lights came back on at 8 pm. With over 400 visitors during the course of the weekend, the attendance for this show was among our highest.


We are thrilled with the success of our first Silent Auction Event with winning bidders taking home 18 works of art! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Silent Auction and Art Raffle, the proceeds of which are so important to achieving our fund-raising goals.


The success of this show and of the GALA organization itself would not be possible without our incredible volunteers and we offer them our sincere gratitude. 


A very special thanks goes to the members of the Art Show Committee who did so much of the work before, during and after the show: Ashley Bird, Kevin Bird, Chuck Heidorn, Vicki Heidorn, Anna Ruuska, Gary Ruuska, and Jean Stabell.  


We also want to express our appreciation to the following volunteers who coordinated specific aspects of the show. Nate Smith & Joe Bourgeois-Music; Deb Brennan-Raffle; Jeff Gallant-Financials; Ed Schneeflock-Raffle & Art Location Data; Ellen Schneeflock-Food.


Please thank and patronize our generous donors. 


And of course, we want to express our gratitude to the wonderful artists and musicians who shared their marvelous artwork and talent with the community!  


Thank you to our distinguished judges: Jerry Beck, Eileen Byrne. and Catherine Wilcox-Titus. Read about our judges.


Congratulations to the judges' award recipients
and the People's Choice Award winners:

1st: Jan Queijo, "Baby-It's a Jungle Out There", Quilt 

2nd: Joe Smith, "Sunrise on a Snowy Wood", Ink on

3rd: Len Haug, "Bridge Over the Concord River", Collage
GALA was pleased to award scholarships to the winners
in the High School Invitational. First place received $200, second place received $100 and third place received $50.


Download the GALA Spring Art Show Program.


We value your feedback about the show. Please send your comments and suggestions to


2009 Constant Contact All-Star Email Marketing Logo This program is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council,

a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
Call for Entries - FAM 77th Regional Exhibition
Fitchburg Art Museum
77th Regional Exhibition of Art and Craft

Exhibit Dates:  June 27-September 5, 2012

Entries should be postmarked by Saturday, May 12, 2012
Opening Reception: June 24, 1-3 pm. Awards at 1:30 pm.

For more info & entry form
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Sharon Jordan Bahosh Solo Exhibit in Gloucester

Image Sharon Jordan Bahosh-Phyllis A  

Sharon Jordan Bahosh New England Inland and By the Sea     

A collection of nearly 100 of Sharon's paintings on view May 5 - 24, 2012.
Opening reception: Sunday, May 6 in the Gordon Grant Room at the
North Shore Arts Association in Gloucester, which is celebrating its
90th Anniversary this year. Sharon was fortunate to get one of the latest paintings done at E. Gloucester Marina of the Gloucester Port's oldest floating fishing vessel, the 87 year old Phyllis A. (see image at right). 

For more info, see Sharon's website.   Visit her blog.

Jan Queijo Quilts on Display at FAM "Art in Bloom"

Image Jan Queijo-Wild Flowers Quilt   

Congratulations to Jan Queijo!


Jan (Crazy Dog Lady Quilts) will have two of her quilts
at the Fitchburg Art Museum exhibit
"Art in Bloom 2012".
For more info

 Image: "WILD Flower" one of Jan's quilts to be displayed at Art in Bloom


Sons of Blarney to Perform at Monty Tech
The Sons of Blarney will be performing at the Stratos G. Dukakis Performing Arts Center
at Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School on April 28, from 2 - 4:30 pm.
Also performing will be the Scots Highland Pipers and the International Veterans Chorus.
Tickets are $35 - $45. For further information  call 978-202-5939.
All profits go to the Bresnahan Center Building Project.
MacDonald, Manser & Biechele Receive Awards at Jaffrey Spring Exhibit

Congratulations to GALA Members Guy Biechele, Bill Manser & Lori MacDonald!


These GALA artists received public voting awards at the Jaffrey Civic Center Spring Art Exhibit.

Lori MacDonald won First Place in the Multi-Media portion of the show (which is all work except photography) for her acrylic "Early Morning on King Street" 

Bill Manser won First Place in Photography for "First Light".

Guy Biechele won Honorable Mention in Photography for "Old Maples and November Light".

   Image Lori MacDonald-Early Morning on King Street         Image Bill Manser-First Light      Image Guy Biechele-Old Maples and November Light  
 "Early Morning on King Street"                "First Light"           "Old Maples and November Light"
        by Lori MacDonald                        by Bill Manser                       by Guy Biechele
Chuck Heidorn & Salisbury Singers to Perform "Baroque Brilliance"
Chuck Heidorn will be performing as a chorus member with the Salisbury Singers in "Baroque Brilliance" Saturday, April 21, 2012, 7:30 pm at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 73 Lancaster St., Worcester, MA. For tickets at a 20% discount , contact Chuck directly at or 978-630-2340  Please spread the word about this opportunity to hear concert-quality, live classical music. For more info about the concert.
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Bluegrass Gospel Music at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Gardner

A bluegrass/gospel jam will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sat. April 21 at 7 pm.
All musicians and singers welcome. Bring your instruments. Bystanders also welcome.

Bluegrass gospel music
will be played at the same location at the Sunday service, April 22.  Music starts at 10:20 am and service at 10:30 am.

Mark Frederick Fisher CD Release Concert at Bull Run
Image Mark Fisher-Bull Run Concert
Mark Frederick Fisher
Release concert
for his 6th CD "At Home Alone"
at The Bull Run Restaurant

Thursday, April 19, 2012, 7:00 pm

Buy Tickets

GALA Receives 2011 Constant Contact Email Marketing All Star Award!
Image GALA Email Marketing All Star Award Logo
For the third year in a row, GALA has been named an All Star by Constant Contact for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.


iPhoneography Workshop with Guy Biechele     

Image for Guy Biechele iPhoneography Workshop Creative iPhoneography
Using Your iPhone to Expand Your Artistic Vision

Saturday, April 7, 2012, 10:00 am to 2:30 pm
at the Sharon Arts Center, School of Art and Craft, Sharon, NH.

The iPhone can be a powerful tool to spark creativity and new ways of seeing the world around us. It can help us and stretch our creative boundaries. We always have it with us and can use it to capture moments in our lives in a very spontaneous and unobtrusive way. This allows us to capture images that express how we feel at a given moment and enhance our artistic vision. In this workshop we will discuss creative ways of using the iPhone. We will use downloadable applications (apps) to enhance our photos and make them more expressive. We will use our iPhones to capture images, develop them in camera, and then share our experience. This workshop is for users of the iPhone 3, iPhone 4 and newer.
More info   Guy's website:
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Guy Biechele Infrared Photography Exhibit in Petersham
Image Guy Biechele-Beacon on the Rock "New England in a Different Light -
Infrared New England Landscapes"

An exhibition of infrared photography by Guy Biechele at the
Petersham Craft Center from April 15 until May 16, 2012.
 Opening Reception: Sunday April 15, 4 - 6 pm.
These photographs show New England landscapes in a way you've never seen them before. Using digital cameras with special infrared filters Biechele captures photographs using near-infrared light rather than visible light. The world looks different when seen with infrared light. Foliage reflects large amounts of infrared light and looks bright, sometimes even white. Blue sky and water absorb large amount of infrared light and become very dark. The look of infrared photographs has been described as "serene" and "other worldly".  Examples of Biechele's infrared photography can be viewed on his website.
GGAA Annual Spring Art Exhibit 2012

Greater Gardner Artists Association Annual Spring Art Exhibit 2012
in the Boland Room at 65 Lake St. in Gardner, MA.
Opening Reception: Friday, April 13, 7-9 pm with refreshments and awards announced.
Show runs on Saturday, April 14, 12-5 pm and Sunday, April 15, 12-4 pm.

Leominster Art Association 47th Annual Exhibit

Leominster Art Association 47th Annual Arts, Crafts, & Photography Exhibit 

April 27, 28, & 29, 2012 at St. Leo's Auditorium, Main St. Rt. 12, Leominster, MA 
Janet Reed Juried into Mormor Gallery  
Janet M. Reed is a local artist who uses oil as a medium to produce art in a variety of subject matter, including flowers, birds, animals, landscapes, seascapes and portraits.
Janet has been juried into the Mormor Gallery, located in Shelburne Falls, near the Bridge of Flowers. Mormor is a new gallery exhibiting a unique variety of arts and crafts.
Janet has a selection of her work on display at All About You Spa, located in Westminster, MA.
Pastel Class with Alicia Drakiotes 
Alicia Drakiotes will be teaching pastel classes
for a series of 6 weeks on Tuesdays from 10:30 am-12:30 pm
on April 3, 10, 17, 24, skip 1 week, and start again on May 8, 15
at the Jaffrey Civic Center in Jaffrey, NHMore info
Pastel Society of NH Members' Exhibition
Image Chris Reid-Jaffrey Center Winter Pastel Society of New Hampshire
7th Annual Members' Exhibition
at the Jaffrey Civic Center now through April 21.
Paintings by pastel artists throughout the state
of New Hampshire are included in the exhibition, as well
as the works of other pastelists from New England.
                                                   Image: "Jaffrey Center - Winter" by Chris Reid of Jaffrey, NH
Intermediate Drawing Class with Ginger Hughes   

Ginger Hughes, experienced artist and teacher, is offering an Intermediate Drawing Class at the Fitchburg Art Museum. Choose your preferred drawing medium (charcoal, oil pastels, watercolor pencils, etc.) and strengthen your drawing skills with fun exercises and individual attention from the instructor. Six Saturdays April 7-May 19 (No class April 14), 9:30-11:30 am. $78 Museum Members, $98 Non-members. To register, call 978-345-4207 x305 or visit the FAM website 

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Post Road Art Center "Animal Show" Call for Entries
Post Road Art Center "Animal Show" Call for Entries
Drop-off: April 19 - 26.    Opening Reception Thursday, May 3, 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Flyer & Entry Form  (Note: The date of March 30 stated on the form for checking online for acceptance appears to be incorrect and there is a discrepancy in the listed show end date. Please contact Post Road Art Center for the correct dates.)
More Shows, Classes, Etc.
Fitchburg Art Museum
  Every First Thursday of the month, museum admission is free from 4 to 8 pm
and tours and other activities are offered. Call 978-345-4207 for more information.
Guy Biechele's photography is featured in the Winter 2012 issue
of the magazine "Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors".
The feature, "The Maine I Love" is in both the print version & and on their website at

Gary Ruuska's colored pencil painting "1886 A. D." is featured
in the March 2012 Issue of Colored Pencil Magazine.

Monadnock Area Artists Association 2012 workshops     


Charlotte Wharton Studio 2012 workshops


GALA Musicians
The Jazz Depot: see for upcoming shows.
Patty Keough: see for upcoming shows
Websites of Interest to Artists
 Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake.
 The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Princeton Arts Society Blog
Art Exhibit Opportunities
Greater Gardner CDC: contact Vicki Heidorn at or 978-630-2340
Heywood Hospital Wound Care Center: contact Vicki Heidorn (see above)
The Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery: contact Alice Struthers at or
Workers' Credit Union offers members of the credit union the opportunity to display work at the bank at 171 Main St., Gardner, MA. For more info: 978-345-1021.
SubmissionsNewsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation?
Have an article you would like to submit?
Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing.
Send submissions including your contact info
to Anna Ruuska at or the GALA mailing address.
Submission deadline is the 21st of each month.
Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,
but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited to
information deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.
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