GALA Newsletter
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
www.galagardner.org | January, 2012
GALA Board of Directors
Ed Schneeflock, President Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Guy Biechele Nowell Francis Luis Gonzalez Chuck Heidorn Vicki Heidorn Ellen Schneeflock
Confirm Dates & Times
| For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
Greetings! |
We hope that you had a wonderful holiday!
But there's more fun and excitement to come! It's time to gear-up for the 2012 GALA Spring Art Show & Sale!
So mark your calendars for March 23-25, 2012
at the PACC, 171 Kendall Pond Rd. W., Gardner, MA
Vicki Heidorn has asked to step down from her role as show coordinator. We thank Vicki for her years of dedication and hard work as coordinator and welcome her continued participation in putting the show together. We have formed a Show Committee to coordinate the spring show with the following members: Kevin Bird, Ashley Bird, Chuck Heidorn, Vicki Heidorn, Anna Ruuska, Gary Ruuska, and Jean Stabell.
For this upcoming show, GALA has an exciting new fund-raising event! We will hold a Silent Art Auction, with 50% of the proceeds going to the artist and 50% to benefit GALA and its mission. We will also have an Art Raffle, full of amazing artworks from our generous artists. The Silent Auction will replace the Art Shop in this show.
Volunteers and coordinators are needed to help in the following areas. Coordinators will become members of the Show Committee. Please email info@galagardner.org or call 978-630-2340 if you are interested.
Silent Art Auction Raffle High School Art
Publicity Ad Sales
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council,
a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
Daniel J. Mortell GALA Featured Artist
Daniel J. Mortell is the current GALA Featured Artist Images: Ice Water 1 (left), Ice Water 2 (right) When I began working in Encaustic (hot wax) my work was representational. As I explored this medium, my work became more spontaneous due to the fluid nature of the hot wax. This quality of the medium gives me more latitude in expressing my ideas.
See more of his marvelous work on the GALA website!
Patty Keough Will Perform in Groton, MA
Carla Charter Seeking Interviews with Creative People
As a result of work on her current novel in progress, One Mind, Carla has become interested in creative children and the way they differ from non-creative children. She is available for talks on the subject and is interested in hearing from artists and other creative people about their childhood experiences regarding being creative. Carla is also considering writing a non-fiction book on the topic. Carla can be reached at cjfreelancewriter@earthlink.net.
Lisa Regopoulos Nocturne Pastels Juried into Maynard Exhibit |
Two nocturne pastels by Lisa Regopoulos were juried into
Gallery Seven's "Into the Night" exhibit in Maynard, MA Show runs February 28 through April 7, 2012. Reception: March 3, 7-9 pm, snow date March 10, 7-9 pm. Lisa's website: www.lisaregopoulos.com
Image: Down by the Dock, Portsmouth
Sketching & Drawing the Head Class with Carolyn Carter
Sketching & drawing the head, six art classes with Carolyn Carter for beginner and intermediate levels at the Jaffrey Civic CenterSaturdays, January 7-February 11, 1 - 4 pm. For registration/materials list, call 603-532-6527 or 978-630-3657. Fee $95, limit 12 adults.
Jan Queijo is January Guest Artist of the Month at Charlton Sewing Center
Jan Queijo (Crazy Dog Lady Quilts) is the January 2012 guest artist of the month at the Charlton Sewing Center. A reception will be held Sunday, January 15, 1 - 5 pm. This will be Jan's second stint as guest artist of the month.
Image: Anna's Portrait Quilt
Drawing Workshop with Joanne Holtje
| Joanne Holtje is offering a one day workshop
"Drawing on the Imagination: Experiments in Expressive Drawing"
on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at the Post Road Art Center, Marlborough, MA. Details. Space is limited, so register early! Go to top
Image Editing Workshop with Guy Biechele
Basic Image Editing Improving and Enhancing Your Digital Photographs
Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm at the Sharon Arts Center, School of Art and Craft, Sharon, NH.
In this class you will learn how to use image editing programs to make the most of your digital photographs. Topics will include resizing, cropping, correcting color and sharpening your images. We will also discuss techniques that will help you get the very best looking prints from your digital photographs. Preparing digital photographs for the internet, as well as, the best ways to store and archive your photographs will be covered. More info Guy's website: www.guybiechele.com
Jaffrey Civic Center Offers Workspace to Artists
The 2nd floor classroom at the Jaffrey Civic Center is open and free to artists of all media on Wednesday mornings from 9-12 noon. Bring your still life set-up, your reference photos, a friend to model, your paints, pastels, easels, #2 Ticonderogas, camera, crayons, and your ideas to share with fellow artists. If you need a boost to get back into finishing or starting a canvas, if you're not motivated because you paint alone and would like to be with others, if you don't have the right light or enough space to feel creative, come and join us. You don't have to commit to anything. Come when you can. We follow the Conant school system calendar, so if they are closed, we are as well. You don't have to sign up or register, but if you'd like to find out more about this, please call (603) 532-6527 or email jaffreycntr@aol.com.
Bahosh, Haug & Holtje in Juried Worcester Exhibit |
See the work of Joanne Holtje, Sharon Jordan Bahosh and Len Haug that was juried into the
Shows runs now through January 14, 201238 Harlow St., off Lincoln St. Worcester, MA Image: Morning Sunlight Knocking on My Cottage Door by Len Haug
See more of these artists' work at:
Joanne's Blog
Len's Website Sharon's Website Sharon's Blog
Image: Person Ality by Sharon Jordan Bahosh
Bluegrass Music at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Gardner
Bluegrass music instead of hymns at the church service at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday, Jan 15, 2012, 10:20 am-11:45 amBluegrass Gospel Jam Sessions, go to play or listen, 3rd Sat. of every month at 7 pm. For questions, please e-mail Pam at pambanjo@comcast.net79 Cross Street, Gardner, MA
Winter Art Exhibition at the Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery
PAS Showing of Richard McKinley Pastel Painting Movie | All are welcome on Wednesday, January 11 at 7:00 pm to the Princeton Arts Society's showing of the movie "A Studio Session with Richard McKinley" in the PAS Room of the Princeton Center Building, 18 Boylston Avenue, Princeton. This pastel landscape DVD shows how Richard McKinley paints his award-winning pastels. Important topics that he discusses include simultaneous contrast, aerial perspective and refraction. This show is appropriate for both beginning and advanced artists. Even if you are not a pastel painter you will enjoy it. The PAS wishes to thank the Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod for lending us this DVD. Admission is free. Refreshments will be available. |
More Shows, Classes, Etc. |
Art Exhibit Opportunities |
GALA Receives 2010 Constant Contact Email Marketing All Star Award! | 
GALA has once again been named an All Star by Constant Contact for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing. Award winners were selected from over 400,000 small businesses and organizations. All Stars are recognized for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer. Go to top
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation? Have an article you would like to submit? Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing. Send submissions including your contact info to Anna Ruuska at webawr@comcast.net or the GALA mailing address. Submission deadline is the 21st of each month.Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited toinformation deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.