GALA Newsletter
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
www.galagardner.org | June, 2011
Click on newsletter images to see larger versions.
GALA Board of Directors
Ed Schneeflock, President Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Guy Biechele Nowell Francis Luis Gonzalez Chuck Heidorn Vicki Heidorn Ellen Schneeflock
Confirm Dates & Times
| For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
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Greetings! | GALA Art Show Dates & Venues The 2011 Fall Art Show will be held November 4-6 at the American Legion Hall at 22 Elm Street, Gardner, MA. The 2012 Spring Art Show will be held March 23-25 at the PACC, 171 Kendall Pond Rd. W., Gardner, MA. The PACC was unable to reserve time for GALA in the fall, but we are pleased to offer an event at the American Legion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GALA Gardner Museum Show & Sale This show will focus on smaller 3D pieces, but is also open to fabric, multimedia and original 2D works of the appropriate size. Show runs from Oct. 5 through Dec. 31, 2011 at the Gardner Museum. Deadline for Submissions: Sept. 15. Call for Artists & more info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations to all the GALA Members who won awards at the Princeton Arts Society 20th Anniversary Art Show! See the complete list of winners.
Lisa Regopoulos & Paula Murphy Juried into Exhibit | 
Congratulations to Paula Murphy & Lisa Regopoulos! Pastel paintings by Paula ("Tipsy" shown above left) and Lisa ("Passionate Performer" shown above right) were among only 50 works selected out of 265 submitted to the Pastel Painters of Maine 2011 International Juried Show "Pastels Only" to be held at the Heartwood College of Art at 123 York Street, Kennebunk, ME from June 17 to July 16. If you are in the area, please stop in to see the show! Lisa's website: www.lisaregopoulos.com |
Julie Tremblay Work Showing in Provincetown, MA
Julie Tremblay will be showing her work out of an Artist Trap Shed on MacMillan Pier, Provincetown, MA from Memorial Day through the end of September, 2011.
Julie's website: www.julietremblay.com
Jan Queijo in Material Girls Quilt Guild 2011 Show
Jan Queijo will have 7 quilts in the Material Girls Quilt Guild show. Dates: June 24, 10 am-5 pm; June 25, 9 am-3 pm
St. Leo's School Auditorium at 120 Main St., Leominster, MA
For more info go to www.materialgirlsquiltguild.org
Len Haug Wins People's Choice Award |
Congratulations to Len Haug!Len's "Water Lilies at Wachusett Meadow." won the People's Choice Award in the Post Road Art Center Mixed Media Show 2011. Len's website: www.LenHaug.com
Contra Dance at Unitarian Universalist Society | Contra Dance in Gardner, MA Music: The No Name Band June 25, 2011 7:30 to 10 pm More info |
Call to Artists for 53rd Annual Art In The Park in Keene, NH
Lori MacDonald Solo Exhibit at Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery |
Lori MacDonald invites you to view her
solo exhibit "In Compelling Light" at the
Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery 12 Dudley Rd, Townsend, MA.
Lori will display a collection of her original acrylic paintings
and fine art prints. Exhibit dates: June 4 - July 26, 2011.
Opening reception: Sat. June 4, 10 am - Noon.
See Lori's website for library/show hours and more info. Image: "Early Morning on King Street"
Intro to Songwriting Class with Mark Fisher
Mark Fisher will be teaching Intro to Songwriting at MWCC in Gardner, MA. A class for anyone who wants to write, or perform their own songs, or wants to be more inspired with their creative experience. Thursday nights 7-9 pm on June 9, 16, 23 & 30, $69 For more info
Lori MacDonald Wins Popular Vote at LAA Spring Show |

Congratulations to Lori MacDonald!
Her painting, "The Babson Farm Quarry"
received the Popular Vote in the Advanced category
at the recent Leominster Art Association Spring Show.
Lori's website: www.macdonaldartist.com
Landscape Photography Workshop with Guy Biechele |
Better Landscape Photography with your Digital Camera
Saturday, June 4, 2011, from 10 am to 4:30 pm
at the Sharon Arts Center, School of Art and Craft, Sharon, NH.
In this day long workshop you will learn how to make better landscape photographs. We will explore how to use the special features of your digital camera to make landscape photography techniques easier. After a discussion of the elements of good landscape photography, we will head into the field to practice at a couple of local sites. After a picnic lunch (please bring your own) and more photography, we will return to the classroom to review and discuss the photographs we made.
What to bring: Digital camera, camera manual, extra batteries, memory cards, and tripod.
Optional Equipment: different camera lenses, circular polarizing filter and remote shutter release if you have them. Also recommended, appropriate clothing for the weather, insect repellent, and comfortable sturdy shoes. Guy's website: www.guybiechele.com
For more info or to register, see the Sharon Arts Center course catalog or call 603-924-7256.
Plein Air Workshop with Peter Granucci |
Colored Pencil Workshop with Gary Ruuska
Guy Biechele Infrared Landscape Photography Exhibit Extended |
Guy's solo exhibition
New England in a Different Light
Infrared Landscape Photography
at the Museum of Science, Boston, has been extended. It reopened on May 4, 2011 in a new gallery space
and the end date is unknown at this time.
See more of Guy's infrared photographs at his website Image:"Sheepscot Village"
Introduction to Acrylics Class with Lori MacDonald
Lori MacDonald is taking registrations for her next
Introduction to Acrylics class at the Boulder Art Gallery
960 Main St., Fitchburg. The class will be held on four Monday evenings from 6:30 - 9 pm, June 13, 20, 27, (no class July 4th Monday) and July 11.
Discover the vast range of colors available in a split primary palette by making a color chart. Learn the effects of different acrylic mediums on a variety of surfaces. Paint with a palette/painting knife for a loose impasto painting. Also, paint a small landscape in one session with step-by-step demonstration (a photo reference is provided). The cost for the 4-session class is $60 plus materials. A materials list will be provided to purchase in advance.
To register, call Lori at 978-407-9333 or email: macdonaldartist@yahoo.com
Visit Lori's website: www.macdonaldartist.com
Fitchburg Art Museum Regional Exhibit
Photographic Masterworks Exhibit at Sharon Arts Center
"CLICK: Contemporary Responses to Photographic Masterworks" A juried exhibit on display until June 25, 2011 at the Sharon Arts Center in Peterborough, NH. Regional photographers created photographic responses to be shown in conjunction with a loaned collection of vintage masterworks by such renowned photographers as Robert Frank, Weegee, Edward Weston, Harry Callahan, Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and Ansel Adams. Thursday, June 2 at 5:30pm at Sharon Arts Center - Artist's Talk A lecture by Robert Sargent Fay, photographer and professor of English at Landmark College in Putney, VT. He will present a variety of photographs and discuss photography as theater, with an emphasis on perception, imagination, and reflection.
More Shows, Classes, Etc. |
Jaffrey Civic Center
Oil paintings by Mary Iselin, June 10-July 9, 2011. Opening Reception: June 10, 5-7 pm.
Hal Danser jewelry exhibit in the first floor Display Cases now through June 30, 2011.
More info on above exhibits
Fitchburg Art MuseumEvery First Thursday of the month, museum admission is free from 4 to 8 pm and tours and other activities are offered. Call 978-345-4207 for more information. Eddy Troxler & The Jazz Depot See their website thejazzdepot.com for information on upcoming shows. Websites of Interest to Artists Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake. The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Art Exhibit Opportunities |
GALA Receives 2010 Constant Contact Email Marketing All Star Award! | 
GALA has once again been named an All Star by Constant Contact for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing. Award winners were selected from over 400,000 small businesses and organizations. All Stars are recognized for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer. Go to top
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation? Have an article you would like to submit? Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing. Send submissions including your contact info to Anna Ruuska at webawr@comcast.net or the GALA mailing address. Submission deadline is the 21st of each month.Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited toinformation deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.