GALA Newsletter
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
www.galagardner.org | July, 2011
Click on newsletter images to see larger versions.
GALA Board of Directors
Ed Schneeflock, President Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Guy Biechele Nowell Francis Luis Gonzalez Chuck Heidorn Vicki Heidorn Ellen Schneeflock
Confirm Dates & Times
| For shows/events, please contact the facility to confirm dates and times.
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Greetings! | GALA Ceramic, 3D, 2D and Craft Exhibit & Sale Before, after, and during the Gardner Museum's annual Christmas Tree Extravaganza, artisans and artists are invited to display their art for sale in glass cases. Ceramic, sculpture, clay and other 3D art or craft, as well as fabric and small 2D pieces are sought. Registration Deadline: September 15. Contact Chuck or Vicki Heidorn at 978-630-2340 for more information or a registration form. Show runs from Oct. 5 through Dec. 31, 2011 |
Daniel J. Mortell Encaustic Work Showing in Barre, MA
Daniel J. Mortell's Encaustic paintings will be on display at the Pine Ridge Restaurant 25 Exchange Street, Barre Common. July 1-30, 2011.
Hours: 7 am to 2 pm
Image: Tulips
Donna Eaton Artwork at New Salem Old Home Day
Donna Eaton will be exhibiting at the New Salem Old Home Day on the New Salem Common on Saturday July 16, 2011. Donna's booth will display her watercolors, watercolor cards, and original pins.
Call for Artists-Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery Show
Artists: fire up your imagination!Create with new methods and/or materials for the "New Directions" exhibit to be held from Aug. 1 through Sept. 30, 2011. Info and application available online at the Townsend Meeting Hall Gallery website. Entry forms are due July 22. Art drop-off on July 28. 6-7 pm at 16 Dudley Road, Rt13N in Townsend, MA. Contact: astruthers1@comcast.net
Jan Queijo Showing in Lowell Quilt Festival |
Jan Queijo will have 2 quilts in the
Lowell Quilt Festival
Lowell Memorial Auditorium 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell, MA
August 11-13, 2011
More info: www.lowellquiltfestival.org
Jan's website www.crazydoglady.com
Image: Baby, It's a Jungle Out There
C. M. Judge Solo Exhibit at Belknap Mill in Laconia, NH
A photographic exhibition by Intermedia artist C. M. Judge explores the physical confluence of the spirit. Read more
Opening reception is Thursday, July 14 from 6 - 8 pm. Show runs until July 28, 2011.
Belknap Mill website C. M Judge website
Beware of Art Scams! |
GALA members have recently received emails from a person who purported interest in purchasing their artwork. An internet search revealed the requests by this individual to be a scam. This underscores the need for all artists to do their research whenever they are contacted by anyone inquiring about purchasing or representing their work. A little detective work can prevent a lot of disappointment and loss.
Fitchburg Downtown First Thursday July 7 |
Events planned on Main Street in Fitchburg include: * Free vintage Fitchburg postcard at the Boulder Art Gallery * Create and color mandalas at Rollstone Studios * Drumming circle at the Upper Common gazebo * Live music on the steps of City Hall
* Artists and craftspeople at Theater Block Marquis * Campfire program at the Fitchburg Library * Annual Soapbox Oratory at the Fitchburg Historical Society
* Farmers Market - Riverfront Park
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Sharon Jordan Bahosh Solo Exhibit at Gardner Ale House
Sharon Jordan Bahosh presents "Sunsets in New England"
The largest assembled collection of Fine Art Sunsets (as seen on www.everydaysunset.com) under one roof.
Show runs July 8 - Aug. 15, 2011 at The Gardner Ale House.
Please view at your leisure during regular business hours.
Also visit Sharon's website at www.sjordanbahosh.com
Image: Silent Marsh
Linq Named OUTstanding OUTmusician |
Congratulations to Linq (GALA member Diane Lincoln)!
The Royalston-based singer/songwriter was named OUTstanding OUTmusician at the 7th Annual OutMusic Awards Show held at Irving Plaza in New York City on May 23rd. One of five nominees in the category, which combines music and activism as criteria, Linq's work on bullying prevention through her song "Oh Bully" and related outreach in her own community resulted in the award. This was Linq's second nomination for an OutMusic Award; the first nomination was in 2009 for "Change the Picture", which deals with racism and homophobia. More info & photos of the event are available at Linq's website.
Lori MacDonald Solo Exhibit at Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery |
Lori MacDonald invites you to view her solo exhibit "In Compelling Light", a collection of her original acrylic paintings and fine art prints at the Townsend Meeting Hall Art Gallery 12 Dudley Rd, Townsend, MA
Exhibit runs until July 26, 2011.
See Lori's website for library/show hours and more info. Image: A Spring Afternoon in Townsend
Paula Murphy & Lisa Regopoulos Become PPOM Signature Members |
Congratulations to Lisa Regopoulos & Paula Murphy!
Paula and Lisa now hold the title of Signature Members of the Pastel Painters of Maine. Signature Membership is an honor conferred when an artist has been juried into and has exhibited at three PPOM International Juried Exhibitions. Lisa's website
Len Haug Solo Exhibit at Mountainside Market in Princeton |
 A collection of 30 collage paintings by Princeton resident, Len Haug, are on exhibit now until July 31 at the Mountainside Market at 23 Hubbardston Road in Princeton, MA. All works are for sale and include a variety of subjects including various seasonal scenes of Princeton and surrounding towns. While Len works in all media, his passion lies in creating "paintings" out of cut and shredded papers and discarded photographs. Len has won numerous local, area, and regional awards for his unique artwork. Len's website
Go to top Image: Tuscan Sunset Study
Call for Entries - Jaffrey Civic Center 2011 Photography Exhibit
Jaffrey Civic Center 2011 Annual Photography Exhibit Show dates: July 20 - August 27, 2011
Art drop-off: July 12 through July 16 Entry form
Opening reception: Wednesday, July 20, 5-7pm. The next evening after the opening is the center's annual "Night of 1,000 Cupcakes" which draws over 1,000 attendees!
Colored Pencil Classes & Workshops with Gary Ruuska
Gary Ruuska is offering Summer courses at the Sharon Arts Center School in Sharon, NH. Workshops: "Colored Pencil for Absolute Beginners"Saturday, July 23, 10 am - 3 pm Saturday, August 13, 10 am - 3 pm 8-Week Classes: "Creating with Colored Pencils"Thursdays, July 28 to Sept. 22, 10 am - 1 pm (No class Aug. 11)Thursdays, July 28 to Sept. 22, 6 - 9 pm (No class Aug. 11)
For more info or to register, call 603-924-7256 or see the Sharon Arts Center Course Catalog. Gary's website Image: Persimmons in Sunlight
Len Haug Work Selected for Concord Art Association 2012 Calendar
Congratulations to Len Haug! His collage titled "All Dressed Up-The Colonial Inn, Concord, MA" has been selected by jury for inclusion in the 2012 Concord Art Association Calendar. 13 works of art were selected, one for the cover and one for each month. Len's collage was selected for the month of July.
Call to Artists for 53rd Annual Art In The Park in Keene, NH
Beginner Acrylic Landscape Class with Lori MacDonald
Lori MacDonald is taking registrations for her Beginner Acrylic Landscape Class to be held at the Boulder Art Gallery, 960 Main St., Fitchburg. The class begins July 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm and continues July 25, August 1, August 8, August 15, concluding on August 22.
This class provides an easy-to-follow demonstration so the student can learn techniques used to create a landscape painting with acrylics. Three paintings will be completed with the step-by-step instruction: one on a stretched canvas, one on acrylic watercolor paper, and one on a canvas panel. The last two weeks of the class will be set aside for each student to work on a simple landscape from their own photo references. Lori will give guidance as needed.
The cost is $60 for the 6 lessons, plus $10 for the canvases and other painting surfaces. If you have the brushes and paints from Lori's previous classes, bring them. If you are new to Lori's classes she will provide paints and brushes for use during this course for an additional $10 fee.
To register, contact Lori at macdonaldartist@yahoo.com or call 978-407-9333
Visit Lori's website: www.macdonaldartist.com
Upcoming Call for Artists - Wachusett Meadow "Hey Day"
The Mass Audubon, the Princeton Arts Society and the Princeton Agricultural Commission will be sponsoring its annual "Hey Day" at the Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary in Princeton MA on Saturday, October 1, 2011. Last year over 1,000 visitors attended this special event. The Princeton Arts Society has an entire beautiful old barn to display and sell artwork with the theme of farm, rural landscape, and wildlife. A formal Call for Artists will be released to members and non-members in early July and will be included with more details on www.princetonarts.org. In the meantime, please put this date on your calendar. Those who attended last year know how special this event is!
1794 Meetinghouse Summer Music Program
Diane Lincoln (Linq) is actively involved with the 1794 Meetinghouse, a wonderful performing arts venue in New Salem. The Summer Program is in full swing, and there are several terrific shows in July that might be of interest to music-loving GALA members and their friends. The diverse shows provide something for everyone, including Celtic, jazz, blues, folk, classical, opera(!), a string-rock quintet, and the rare opportunity to see the blue-eyed queen of rock and soul, Christine Ohlman, with her band Rebel Montez and special guest Mitch Chakour. Christine is the vocalist on Saturday Night Live, so don't miss this one!
See the schedule and performers, get tickets and directions at www.1794meetinghouse.org
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Exhibit by Colony & Robert Santangelo at Jaffrey Civic Center

Stories on Wood and In Photographs an exhibit by Robert and Colony Santangelo in the Jaffrey Civic Center second floor Cunningham Gallery Now through July 16, 2011. For more info |
More Shows, Classes, Etc. |
Jaffrey Civic Center
Oil paintings by Mary Iselin, now to July 9. More info
Fitchburg Art MuseumFitchburg Art Museum 76th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft now to Sept. 4. Every First Thursday of the month, museum admission is free from 4 to 8 pm and tours and other activities are offered. Call 978-345-4207 for more information. Museum of Science, BostonGuy Biechele's solo exhibition New England in a Different Light - Infrared Landscape Photography (Show end date is unknown at this time.) See Guy's infrared photographs at his website Eddy Troxler & The Jazz Depot See their website thejazzdepot.com for information on upcoming shows. Websites of Interest to Artists Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake. The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Art Exhibit Opportunities |
GALA Receives 2010 Constant Contact Email Marketing All Star Award! | 
GALA has once again been named an All Star by Constant Contact for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing. Award winners were selected from over 400,000 small businesses and organizations. All Stars are recognized for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer. Go to top
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation? Have an article you would like to submit? Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing. Send submissions including your contact info to Anna Ruuska at webawr@comcast.net or the GALA mailing address. Submission deadline is the 21st of each month.Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA,but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited toinformation deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.