GALA Newsletter GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
www.galagardner.org | July, 2010
GALA 2009 Email All Star!
|  We have been recognized as a 2009 Constant Contact All Star . Read more
GALA Board of Directors
Ed Schneeflock, President Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Guy Biechele Nowell Francis Luis Gonzalez Chuck Heidorn Vicki Heidorn Sally Sargent Ellen Schneeflock
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from our email list.
| The Gardner Heritage State Park Visitors Center & GALA have partnered to present an art exhibition in celebration of Gardner's 225th anniversary!
"Pride of Place, Gardner through the Arts" exhibit will be on display at the Visitors Center at 26 Lake Street, Gardner, MA until July 16, 2010.
Julie Tremblay Exhibit in Provincetown, MA
| (Click image for larger version)  | Julie will be showing her fine art work in an Artist Trap Shed on MacMillan Pier in Provincetown,
MA July 26 - August 8, 2010Her work will include photography and copper sculpture. Hours: 7 am-8 pm daily Cape Light Fine Art Gallery &
Luchima Gallery, both on Commercial Street in Provincetown, now feature Julie's work.
Jan Queijo Juried into Lowell Quilt Show
| Jan Queijo's "WILD Flowers" quilt has been juried into the Lowell Quilt Festival's annual "Images Quilt Show 2011"in the Lowell Memorial
Auditorium August 12 through August 14, 2010
For Information and hours go to www.lowellquiltfestival.org (Click on image for larger version)
Jan's website: www.crazydoglady.com
Art Alonzo Performs at Exit 9 in New York
Art Alonzo will play jazz piano at Exit 9 Wine and Liquor 54 Crossing Blvd, Clifton Park, NY 518-688-0153 July 3, 2010 from
3 - 5 pm
GALA Volunteer Position Available
Coordinator, Public Location Art Displays Time commitment: about 2 hours per month to:
Invite artists to
show for 2 months at either the Greater Gardner CDC or Heywood Hospital
Wound Care Center.
Coordinate change of show with artists & venues.
Provide show info to GALA e-newsletter editor and other publicity as desired.
The program has been ongoing for almost 3 years and the Coordinator is a
welcome addition to our growing list of regular volunteers doing specific
tasks. For more information, contact Vicki Heidorn at info@galagardner.org or 978-630-2340. |
Ann & Tracey Howe Exhibit at Gardner CDC
St. Paul's
Gospel Bluegrass Band Perform at Church Service
The St. Paul's
Gospel Bluegrass Band will be playing at the church service on July 18, 2010. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 79 Cross St., Gardner, MA 978-632-0925 The service
starts at 10:20 am. All welcome.
Len Haug First Place Awards
(Click on image for larger version)
Congratulations to Len Haug Len was awarded first place for
his collage painting "Morning Light Knocking on My Cottage Door" at the opening
reception of the NatureWorks Exhibit hosted by the
Rollstone Studios on June 26. The exhibit runs through August 22. The
same painting also took first place at this Spring's 45th Annual Leominster Art
Association Show in the Advance Division.
FAM Exhibit Awards to GALA Members Paula Murphy & Gary Ruuska
| Congratulations to GALA Membersfor their Honorable Mention awards at the
Fitchburg Art Museum 75th Regional Exhibition of Art and CraftBe sure to see the wonderful work of a
number of GALA members juried into the exhibit on display through September 5, 2010
Paula Murphywon for her pastel painting titled "Tipsy"Gary Ruuskawon for his colored pencil painting titled "The Shadow"(Click images for larger versions)
Jaffrey Civic Center Photography Exhibit Call for Entries
| Jaffrey Civic Center Annual Photography Exhibit
Bring your work to the Center beginning Tuesday, July 13 through Saturday,
July 17. Exhibit: July 21- August 21, 2010 Opening Reception: Wednesday, July 21, 5 - 7 pmClick here for the entry form For more info, call 603-532-6527 or e-mail jaffreycntr@aol.com The opening is followed the
next evening by the legendary "Night of 1,000 Cupcakes", which will
draw many viewers to the Photography Exhibit. Go to top
Paula Murphy NatureWorks Exhibit Award
| Congratulations to Paula Murphy
Paula won second place for her pastel titled "Have You Any Wool?" at the opening
reception of the Rollstone Studios NatureWorks Exhibit on June 26. The exhibit runs through August 22.(Click on image for larger version)
Intro to Acrylics Classes with Lori MacDonald
| Lori MacDonald is still accepting
registrations for her Introduction
to Acrylics painting classes on Monday
evenings in July. The
class runs from 6:30 - 9 pm beginning July 5 and continuing July 12,
19, and 26. To learn more, please
call 978-407-9333 or contact Lori through her website: www.macdonaldartist.comclick on
"Classes in Fitchburg". The Boulder Art Gallery is
located at 960 Main St., Fitchburg, MA
More Shows, Classes, Etc.
| Mark Fisher Trio (Mark Fisher, Kris Lucander, & Donna Fisher-Russo)
at: Destaré 320
Main St., Fitchburg, MA Thursday July 15 at 8 pm info@destare.com or
call 978-345-5734
Vieux Soulier and The Jazz Depot will perform in the gazebo on the Upper
Common in Fitchburg, MA July 3, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Ragged Heroes will appear in the free Family Concert Series
the PineCroft Restaurant, 539 Prospect Street, West Boylston, MA Sat., July 10, 5-7 pm See more info &
entire series .
Eddy Troxler & The Jazz Depot
their website thejazzdepot.com for
information on upcoming shows .
Lisa Regopoulos Solo Exhibit Paved
Paradise..."Protected Places"
High Street Cafe, 310 High St., Clinton, MA Show dates: July 1 - August 1, 2010 Opening: July 10, 11 am-1
Heywood Hospital Wound Care CenterJean Stabell
(Photography) now to July 9
Jaffrey Civic Center The Painting Challenge - a unique show of artwork done by nine painters
and photographers... all pushed outside their comfort zones! First Floor Display Cases now to July 29. Read more Rollstone StudiosNatureWorks Exhibit through Aug. 22 Open every First Thursday of the month from 4 to 8 pm when you can visit artists at work in their studio spaces. Go to top |
Rollstone Studios Resident Artist Opportunity
| Rollstone Studios, 633 Main Street, Fitchburg, has one or
two openings for Resident Artists. If you are interested, please contact the Studio Director, Anne Giancola, at the studio 978-348-2781,
or at 978-582-9741, or email her at a.giancola@net1plus.com for more details about the opportunity. This is not a paid position, but an opportunity to have work space in the studio and be part of a community
of fellow artists. |
GALA Receives 2009 Constant Contact Email Marketing All Star Award |

GALA has been named an Email Marketing All Star by Constant Contact for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing throughout 2009. Award winners were selected for meeting the standards of
a responsible, professional, and successful email marketer.
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) |
Check out the MCC blog ArtSake, a place to explore & celebrate the creative work of MA artists.
Art Exhibit Opportunities |
Gardner Ale House: contact Janet Reed at jmracountrygirl@yahoo.com or 978-249-6812 Greater Gardner CDC: contact Vicki Heidorn at info@galagardner.org or 978-630-2340 Heywood Hospital Wound Care Center: contact Vicki Heidorn (see above) Jumpin' Juice & Java in Gardner: contact Andy Erickson at JJJGardner@hotmail.com or 978-895-1993 Jumpin' Juice & Java in Worcester: contact Joshua Van Dyke at JJJWorcester@hotmail.com or 401-474-0380
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation? Have an article you would like to submit? Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing. Send submissions including your contact info to Anna Ruuska at webawr@comcast.net or the GALA mailing address. Submission deadline is the
21st of each month.Go to top