GALA Newsletter GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
www.galagardner.org |
November, 2009
Welcome New Members!
John Bennard Donna Eaton Andrew Gallant Victor Gartner Gail Hansche Godin Tracey Howe Sherri Lombardi Janet Tibert Debi Vance Jessica Vance Kristen Vance
GALA Board of Directors
Ed Schneeflock, President Jeff Gallant, Treasurer Guy Biechele Nowell Francis Luis Gonzalez Chuck Heidorn Vicki Heidorn Sally Sargent Ellen Schneeflock
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It won't be long now! GALA Fall 2009 Art Show & SaleNovember 13, 14 & 15 at the Gardner PACC
Important Dates for Artists: Nov. 11 Art drop
off at PACC
4-6 pm Nov. 13 Opening Reception 6-9 pm Nov. 15 Art pick
up at PACC
4-5 pm
Petersham Holiday Shopping Extravaganza
 (Click on image for larger version.) Marion Knollwill have her Hand Painted Silk Scarves at the Petersham Holiday Shopping Extravaganza Sunday November 22, 200911 am to 4 pm For more info
"Contain Yourself" Exhibit at Rollstone
 Rollstone Studios presents "Contain
Yourself!" a unique
exhibition of boxes, bowls, handbags and more opening on First
Thursday, November 5 from 5 to 8 pm
(Click on the image for a larger version. See this and other work by Joan Sinatra Hathaway at the show.)
Artists include: Reverend Blamo, Sally Cragin, Lolita Demers, Anne
Giancola, Joan Sinatra Hathaway, Ema
Kilroy, Therese Martin, Jana
Morgan, Camilo Neves, Amy Newberg, Helen
Obermeyer Simmons, Jeffu
Rollstone Studios, 633 Main Street, Fitchburg
Hours: Thursdays-Sundays, 11 am - 4 pm.
Free Professional Development Program for Artists
Creative Massachusetts: The Artists Congress 2009 Welcoming
Artists of All Disciplines to a Discussion of Our Creative Future
It is a Free Professional Development Program For MA Artists
of All Disciplines.
This event is Sat. Nov. 7th & Sun. Nov. 8th 2009 at the Boston
Public Library (Boston, MA) More info on this free event
Info on the Massachusetts Artists Leaders Coalition (MALC)
Lori MacDonald Solo Exhibit & Award
Lori MacDonald Solo Exhibit"Eclectic - 2009 Works"Featuring landscapes of Central Massachusetts. November 3 through December 28, 2009Thayer Memorial Library Reference Room 717 Main St. in Lancaster. The show is presented by the Art on Rotation Galleryof Collins Artworks Art Center in Clinton.
(Click on image for a larger version.)
 Congratulations to Lori
Her painting, "6:31pm -
Clinton" won a 2nd
place ribbon
in the acrylics category. The juried show took place recently at the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton as
part of their annual Olde Home Days Week.
(Click on image for a larger version.)
"Understanding Your
DSLR Camera" Workshop with Guy Biechele
Understanding Your
DSLR Camera November
7, 2009 from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm at the Sharon Arts Center Guy's website: www.guybiechele.comFor more information, see the Sharon Arts Center Fall Catalog or call 603-924-7256.
(Click on image for a larger version.)
DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera is a powerful photographic tool.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the choices they offer - metering and
exposure modes, lens choices, flash options, JPEG vs. RAW, etc. Learn how
to take advantage of the flexibility of your DSLR camera to become a better
photographer. This workshop will help you to make the most of you DSLR
camera whether you use your camera for family portraits, landscapes, or
other subjects. Participants should bring their DSLR camera, camera
manual, and any accessories such as lenses, flash attachments, filters, etc for
Jan Queijo at Rollstone Studios & NH Quilt Show
Congratulations to Jan Queijo (The Crazy Dog Lady)
Jan is now one of nine " Resident Artists" at Rollstone Studios, 633 Main Street, Fitchburg. They are open every First Thursday of the month from 4 to 8 pm, when you can visit artists at work in their studio spaces.
Also see three of Jan's quilts in "A Quilter's Gathering", a juried quilt
show at the Radisson Hotel in Nashua, NH Fri. Nov. 6 & Sat. Nov. 7,
10 am-6 pm & Sun. Nov. 8, 10 am-3 pm
Jan's website: www.crazydoglady.com (Click on this image of one of Jan's quilts in the NH quilt show for a larger version.)
Colored Pencil Workshop with Gary Ruuska |
Colored Pencil Explorations
Saturday, December 12, 10 am - 3 pm
Discover how the deceptively simple and convenient medium of colored pencil can be used to create wonderfully complex and detailed works of art on a marble-dust coated board. Working from a photograph and line drawing provided by the instructor, we will focus on layering techniques for building color, texture and form. We will also discuss the best ways to seal and protect your new creation so that it can be displayed like a painting, without glass.
For more information, see the Sharon Arts Center Fall Catalog or call 603-924-7256.
Joanna Draugsvold Wins Mayoral Prize
Congratulations to Joanna Draugsvold
Joanna, artistic advisor of The Studio in
Winchendon, won the Fitchburg Cultural Alliance's Mayoral Prize for her
portrait "Gone Fishing" of her golden retriever, Chewy, in the
Rollstone Studio Fall Art Show, Feline, Canine, All Mine. (Chewy
passed away on October 5th, 2009 after more than twelve years of fishing and
hiking with her family.) Ms. Draugsvold assists local artists in preparation of
their work for local art shows, Fridays 3-5 pm and Saturdays 2-4 pm, at The
Studio, 62 Ash Street, Winchendon. (Click on image for a larger version.) Call 978-855-6278 for more details.
Holiday Shopping Night Sales Opportunity
Holiday Shopping Night
Sacred Heart School in Gardner, MA
Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009 4-8 p.m.
Register for a table singly or with others
Cost: one table for $30, two tables for $50 OR 10% of gross sales, whichever is greater. Vendor contract submission deadline: Nov. 20 For more info and the vendor contract
More Shows, Classes, Etc.
Jaffrey Civic Center"Point of Realism" Two-Person Colored Pencil Exhibit with Gary Ruuska & Nicole Caulfield until November 7, 2009 in the 1st Floor-Auditorium Gallery
Eddy Troxler & Jazz Depot
See their website thejazzdepot.com for information on upcoming shows. Go to top |
Art Exhibit Opportunities |
Gardner Ale House: contact Janet Reed at jmracountrygirl@yahoo.com or 978-249-6812 Greater Gardner CDC: contact Sally
Sargent at heysal48@comcast.net or 978-939-5454 Heywood Hospital Wound Care Center: contact Sally
Sargent (see above) Jumpin' Juice & Java in Gardner: contact Andy Erickson at JJJGardner@hotmail.com or 978-895-1993 Jumpin' Juice & Java in Worcester: contact Joshua Van Dyke at JJJWorcester@hotmail.com or 401-474-0380
Show About GALA
can still see the Gardner Educational TV show about GALA featuring the 2008
Spring and Fall Art Shows! We've been given permission to provide a DVD for
private showing (not to be sold or altered, of course). Contact Vicki at 978-630-2340
or email info@galagardner.org to
arrange to borrow the DVD.
Newsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, classes, or new gallery representation? Have an article you would like to submit? Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing. Send submissions including your contact info to Anna Ruuska at webawr@comcast.net or the GALA mailing address. Submission deadline is the
21st of each month.Go to top