GALA LogoGALA Newsletter

 GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component
 of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a
 community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase
 awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits,
 instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of
 scholarships to students in local schools.

GALA, PO Box 1158, 377 Main St., Gardner, MA 01440
October, 2008
In This Issue
Fall Art Show Nov. 7, 8 & 9
Circle of Artists Show
Art Exhibit Opportunities
MVOC Artwork Request
Quick Links
Fall Show Call for Artists
Join Our Mailing List!
Welcome New Members!
Leonard Haug

Bill Manser
GALA  Board of  Directors
Chuck Heidorn, President
Guy Biechele
Nowell Francis
Jeff Gallant, Treasurer
Luis Gonzalez
Vicki Heidorn
Janet Reed
Sally Sargent
Ed Schneeflock
Help Wanted
Help us write a grant proprosal for art administration and an art center.
Contact Nowell Francis at
or Vicki Heidorn at 978-630-2340.
Need Studio Space?
Are you interested in renting studio space?
Contact John LaRoche at (978) 632-8638 x21.

We hope that you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather. The time for the fall art show is fast approaching and with it, the opportunity to enjoy wonderful art work and music, see old friends, and meet new ones. See you there!

Fall Art Show  Nov. 7, 8 & 9

Come join us at the opening reception on Friday Nov. 7 from 6 to 9 pm when prizes for best of show will be awarded.

Important dates to remember:
Deadline for entries                                 Wed., October 15
Art drop-off                          Wed., November 5,  4 to 6 pm
Reception                               Fri., November 7,  6 to 9 pm
Art pick-up                            Sun., November 9,  4 to 5 pm
Deadline for ad & donation copy       Fri., October 24, 5 pm

Get the Call for Artists on the GALA web site

Show coordinator: Vicki Heidorn or 978-630-2340

Music coordinator: Luis Gonzalez or 978-895-6162

Circle of Artists 3rd Annual Art Exhibit & Sale

Artwork by "The Circle of Artists",
Westminster artists, and
Oakmont Regional High School art students

Saturday Nov. 1, 2008    12 - 6 pm
Sunday   Nov. 2, 2008    12 - 4 pm

Westminster Senior Center
127 Main Street
Westminster, MA

Artists Reception
Saturday 2 - 4 pm
Live Music & Refreshments

For more information, call Virginia Krul at 978-874-0375
Art Exhibit Opportunities

Jumpin' Juice & Java serves coffee and fruit smoothies as well as food items and is located at 486 Chestnut St. in Gardner, MA. The basic exhibit information is as follows:
  • Art will be displayed for 2 months
  • Display is subject to approval by Jumpin' Juice & Java owner
  • Approximately 12 framed works
  • Sales commission of 15% to be paid to Jumpin' Juice & Java
  • Artist is responsible for:
    • hanging the art work
    • opening reception
    • advertising
    • price list
    • business cards
    • journal for visitor comments
For further information or to apply, contact Maria Curcio at or 978-939-2695. Jumpin Juice & Java web page

Other venues for showing your work include:
Gardner Ale House: contact Janet Reed at or 978-249-6812
Greater Gardner CDC: contact Sally Sargent at or 978-939-5454
Heywood Hospital Wound Care Center: contact Sally Sargent (see above)

Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center Artwork Request

The Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center (MVOC) is dedicated to providing services to veterans and their families. MVOC will be having an Open House and Art Auction in March 2009 at a date to be determined and are asking local artists to donate pieces of art of their choosing. They are looking for paintings, prints, photos or other items that may be auctioned to raise funds for the Center and the veterans they support. Pieces that may have military or veteran themes that can be sold at auction are welcome, but the military/veteran theme is definitely not a stipulation.
MVOC will have an informal evening event in their Center during which bids can be made. The highest bid for each piece will be announced before the evening ends. The winning bidder will not need to be present and will be contacted within days of the closed auction. All donations are tax deductible and the MVOC tax identification number will be available to those who provide any donated pieces.
If you decide to contribute a piece for auction, your name and/or art gallery will be acknowledged in the event program as well as MVOC community posters and newspaper ads regarding the event. The announcements will also be placed on the MVOC Web site for the general public. To show their gratitude, MVOC would like to provide you with the opportunity for additional publicity by displaying other artwork and information of yours on the day of the open house. This will be limited to three pieces per artist. You or your representative will be invited to the MVOC evening celebration.
For more information, call the MVOC Outreach Coordinator, Charles Bollinger, at 978-632-9601 or email

SubmissionsNewsletter Submissions
Have news about awards, shows, events, or workshops?
Send us the basic "what", "when" and "where".
Have an article you would like to submit?
Please send it "publication ready", as we need to minimize the need for editing.
Send submissions including your contact info
to Anna Ruuska at or the GALA mailing address.