February 18, 2010
Volume Three, Number Two
A View from the Bridge

Rose Petal Hands Greetings!,

"Love is, above all, the gift of oneself."  ~Jean Anouilh

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction. " ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Once the roses have faded and the chocolates have been eaten, many of us wonder how we can continue to practice and enhance our ability to love.  Can we succeed in achieving and maintaining that perfect state of bliss which lures us?  Do we, in fact, know how to love?

We are in the habit of thinking of love as personal; something that is shared between lovers and friends.  And, it often is.  The limitations of this love are the boundaries of the human condition - the distinction between self and other.  Does she show her love in the way I expect?  Does he understand how I feel?  These are valid questions - but they often embroil us in an endless cycle of agony and ecstasy, disappointment and satisfaction.

Munay is another way to experience love. It is the word for unconditional love in Quechua, the language of the Andes.  Munay is the love for all things and all beings.  It is the love we feel for a beautiful sunset, a flock of butterflies, and a field of wildflowers.  It is the love an indigenous hunter feels for the deer that will feed and clothe his family.  It is also the love that  pours out to heal the suffering in Haiti, Peru and wherever and whenever people are in need.  In this love, the distinction between self and other blurs and, even, disappears.  We give freely and experience joy in the act of giving.

The most basic love, however, is love of self.  This is because the self is our most intimate point of contact with the other.  When we love and respect our own selves, we are more likely to love and respect other people and, even, our mother earth.  True love is generated by the love of self which is then projected onto and recognized as the "other."  This projection enables us to see ourselves in others and in the fabric of the natural world of which we are an integral part.  Without developing this awareness, we cannot possibly "love our neighbor as ourselves" or - if we do - the "love" will reflect our own self-doubt and judgment.

If we are generous with ourselves, we will find it much easier to be generous with others.  If we respect ourselves, respecting others will also come naturally.  Our intimate contact with our own body, mind, and spirit is the best place to start practicing our love.  If we treat ourselves the way we would like others to treat us and treat others the same way, we will be practicing Munay that will heal all our relationships.

So, let's enhance our ability to love, starting with ourselves. 

Blessings and Light,
Sylvia Golbin
Sylvia Golbin
Consult North Star

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Saturday,March 27
12pm and 5pm
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