Association for Information Systems
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Coming Soon, CAIS will soon launch the opportunity for SIGs to publish in CAIS in special sections. CAIS can provide a valuable service to SIGs who want to enhance their visibility. A committed and regular participation from a SIG would have potential to become a department of the journal.

Look for an official proposal from Ilze Zigurs, CAIS EIC shortly.
A Membership Services Publication of Association for Information Systems 
Association for Information Systems 
SIG & Chapter Leadership News 
May 21, 2012 
Julie Kendall

Enthusiasm, Energy, and Will: A Mantra for SIG and Chapter Leaders  

 by Julie E. Kendall, Ph.D. Rutgers University
AIS Vice President of SIGs and Chapters


It takes a lot to start a SIG or Chapter and then keep it alive. AIS appreciates those SIG and Chapter officers who work diligently to keep their SIG and Chapter members active.

As SIG and Chapter leaders you earn my admiration all of the time, but I was especially impressed with your leadership this last quarter when AIS was asking you to take time from your already full lives to respond to an AIS audit of your SIG and Chapter activities. Many of you responded positively and in a timely way on all measures.

A few of you were delayed in your reporting by pressing events in your country, school, department, or even personal lives, but you have faithfully corresponded and assured us that you will file reports with AIS soon. We are all appreciative that you want to keep your SIG or Chapter vital and prevent it from being placed on a probationary status or deactivated because of inactivity or lack of communication with AIS.

Looking to the future, we have an important meeting at AMCIS 2012 in Seattle this year. There will be a breakfast meeting for SIG and Chapter leaders that AIS and I will host. It's a great time to reconnect with all of you, and also to hear your ideas for AIS and how to strengthen our relationship with SIGs and Chapters. During the meeting, an introduction to the new online platform will be given along with access to a Webex training session.

We will update you with the details of date, time, and place as soon as they become available. I hope many of you will be able to attend. I am looking forward to seeing you in Seattle.

As you continue to strive for effective engagement in all you do, think of this mantra a dear friend and co-author shared with me recently. He said, "You already have everything you need to cope with challenging situations: energy, enthusiasm, and will." So, hope for energy to do your research and to nurture your relationships with colleagues, friends, and family; harbor enthusiasm to lead your SIG or Chapter and inspire your members; and exert your will to create our highest quality conferences, journals, SIGS or Chapters even under difficult circumstances.

Please feel free to contact me at with ideas or suggestions for strengthening the bond among AIS, the SIGs, and Chapters.



The VP SIGs and Chapters, the SIG and Chapter Committee, and the AIS Office has completed the annual review process to ensure all current SIGs and Chapters are in compliance with the AIS bylaws.  This review covered an online presence audit and the review of annual report submission.  Status updates will be distributed in June to the individual SIG & Chapter leaders. 

Hosting an Event at AMCIS or ICIS

There is still time to reserve space for an event at AMCIS 2012 Seattle, WA.  Simply complete the Official Ancillary Meeting (OAM) Form to start the process.


If you interested in hosting a pre- or post-ICIS event at ICIS 2012 Orlando, FL, the Official Ancillary Meeting Form is now available. Completing the OAM form allows the hosting SIG or Chapter to provide event contact information, select dates and times, indicate expected number of attendees, and designate room setup.  


Should you require assistance or have questions about the process, contact Lise Fitzpatrick, AIS Conference Director at or 941.343.9384 (office phone). 


If you have suggestions or are interested in submitting a best-practices article, email all submissions to the Managing Editor: Tmitri Owens