Silicon Valley Fundraising
Tipsheet & Update
The Other Side of the Valley

The 7 Elements of A Successful Special Event
Winter, 2009

Salon Series For Nonprofits

I had the great pleasure to watch the broadcast of the Inauguration of Barack Obama in the theatre at Mexican Heritage Plaza with a few hundred others. [American Leadership Forum co-sponsored with Hispanic Foundation Silicon Valley]

It was a very moving day from the speech and ceremony to the small groups we formed afterward to discuss how we will be the change we want to see. I was especially pleased to see so many students participating. their voices are so important.

Obama takes Oath of office B&W Image
You may actually already be working for change. If so I salute you.I celebrate the entire nonprofit sector of Silicon Valley, from those who support education and youth to those who support the Arts, social causes, the environment, and in general make this a better place to live.

Whether you are a donor a volunteer or a on staff at an agency, your work is vital to everyone who lives here.

James P. Reber

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Today's Fundraising Tips:SOTC.09.LongWide View
The 7 Elements of A
Successful Special Event
by James P. Reber

"Recently, after completing one of my presentations to a nonprofit board at its annual retreat, a surprised board member approached me, smiling. The subject had been How to Create A Signature Event(see below)and the room was buzzing as we broke for lunch. This board member was truly excited and she said to me, 'I never knew there was so much involved in putting on an event.'

"I smiled and thanked her for what I think was a compliment. It got me to thinking, though, that one of the problems with fundraising events is that people do not think too much about them. Many people think they sort of .... just happen.

"I have personally witnessed major events by large nonprofit organizations where thousands of dollars more could have been raised and where the audience truly was neglected because the people presenting the event just sort of watched passively and expected the event to run itself.

"Thus, they often fail to get the most out of their events. Having produced literally hundreds of events of all kinds, I have learned the secrets to making them work. Here is a very brief compendium of what I believe are the seven most important elements of an event, regardless of size or type of event."  - James Reber

(continue reading at the url below; also available for donwloading)

Salon Series for Nonprofits Planned for Spring

Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County is planning a series of "brown bag" salons available to nonprofit professionals, starting this Spring. The sessions will be held in the conference room at the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County offices [2425 Porter Street in Soquel, California].

James Reber will be a facilitator of the series helping to guide discussions and conversations among the attendees. Designed to be interactive and conversational, as opposed to a teaching or lecture format, the salons will address key contemporary issues that face the nonprofit community.

People everywhere in the United States are being affected by the current economic struggles, but nonprofit organizations are in a particularly delicate condition.

Dates and times have yet to be set. For more information on the Salon Series, please check with the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County at or check with me at or 408.505.0438.
How to Create A Signature Event

James P. Reber is offering a 20 to 40 minute presentation of How to Create A Signature Event for boards and staff who may be seeking to create a Signature Event. There is no charge for the presentation and no obligation to engage services.

Mr. Reber has been teaching the class for a few years now and it is really quite popular. The regular class is 2 to 4 hours in length and is scheduled periodically.

This special 30 to 40 presentation is designed to help your organization understand what goes into planning a major event. The workbook outline is included with the presentation.

Contact James P. Reber to schedule a presentation.

Signature Event
San Jose State Band at Poepning of New City Hall
20 to 40 minute Presentation - FREE

Prices for Signature Event Workshops:
  2 hour workshop - $275
  4 hour workshop - $500