Brush Stroke
July 2012       

There are so many things to look forward to in the summer - picnics in the grass, outdoor concerts, lazy days at the beach and barbecues. What do you want to make sure you do this summer? The staff of the NAMC will be sharing some of their activities, so keep an eye on our FaceBook page.

We hope you enjoy this issue of the NAMC eNews.
Best wishes,
Linda Lisi Juergens
Executive Director
516 939-MOMS X101

The National Association of Mothers' Centers (NAMC) provides programs that empower mothers, fathers and caregivers to find solutions that work for their families, their work lives and their personal lives.
 NAMC's Staff Summer!
The NAMC will be highlighting the diverse summer activities of its staffers over the next few weeks on FaceBook.  First up, NAMC staffer from OH, Kate Fineske, celebrates the 4th with her family.  Visit the NAMC Facebook page and check it out. 
ScreenFreeTwo Great Articles for Summer
from Common Sense Media

10 Simple Steps to Internet Safety
Mom and daugher with laptop

Wondering how to keep the Internet safe and fun? This article from Common Sense Media discusses how to: 
  • Find the good stuff (and avoid the not-so-good)
  • Explain how to recognize ads
  • Teach responsible online behavior
  • Encourage digital citizenship 

Click here to read the article.    


4 Ways to Manage Summer Media with Your Ex  


If two households doubles your kids' TV, game, and movie time, this article provides tips on how to agree on limits so everyone can keep their cool.

Click here to read this article.
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood
Book Review Playborhood:
Turn Your Neighborhood into a Place for Play

We all know how important it is for children to play outdoors. And we also know that huge numbers of children are deprived of that experience. That's why Mike Lanza's new book Playborhood: Turn Your Neighborhood into a Place for Play is so important. It provides blueprints for neighborhoods working together to encourage children's outdoor play and to create safe spaces to enable it.  


This book highlights inspirational stories and step-by-step solutions to transform neighborhoods into the kind many of us remember from our childhoods.  


Click here to read the whole review.

article4Government Resources for Difficult Times

The Department of Labor along with and have put together helpful information on how to get help for difficult financial times. If you know someone going through difficult financial times, share the links below that allow those who need help to sign up for e-mail updates:
  • Sign up in one-click for information for getting through difficult financial times and to receive featured updates from
  • En Espanol - Suscri�base con un clic para obtener informaci�n que lo puede ayudar a superar dificultades econ�micas y recibir actualizaciones de and highlight government resources that assist with unemployment, jobs, training, housing, debt and credit, family issues, health care and insurance.
article5Working for Working Women

There are still a disproportionate number of women holding low-wage jobs and facing tough financial times. These women are often unaware of their rights when it comes to issues such as equal pay and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

The Department of Labor has renewed its commitment to the economic advancement of women, especially those most vulnerable, and has launched new initiatives to improve working conditions for women.

To get answers to your questions, click the link to view the new FMLA Employee Guide. Visit the Department of Labor's Women's Bureau or call 1-866-487-2365 to find out more about how the Department is working for women. 

Read more about this critical issue in the Women's Bureau's most recent blog.
Mothers with baby


Your Gift Makes a Difference for Families


Mothers' Centers have helped thousands of families:

  • Make friends
  • Learn from each other
  • Find needed support  
  • Advocating for our children's needs
  • Discover valuable resources
  • Find creative ways to manage work and family responsibilities
  • And so much more!

Please consider making a tax-deductable donation  to the National Association of Mothers' Centers today.


Thank you for making a difference!

Please consider joining the NAMC as an individual member.  Read about the benefits by clicking hereJoin today! 
Linda Lisi Juergens
Executive Director
NAMC eBook


on Behalf of the

Mothers' Center

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National Association of Mothers' Centers

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