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 February 2, 2011


So far this year has been very unusual. The winter weather has been more like spring and our elected officials in Washington actually agreed that they had something in common - even if it was their respect and admiration for departing colleague Gabby Giffords!  That moving display occurred at the President's State of the Union address, given playful treatment here in the DC Dispatch.


Also in this issue:

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DispatchDC Dispatch - Fantasy State of the Union


Last week's State of the Union address had more than the usual drama with the farewell appearance of Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, still recovering from her gunshot wound of a year ago.  With lumps in throats and eyes tearing, it was not exactly business as usual.  The emotional moment softened the focus of Your (Wo)Man in Washington, who recasts the President's speech in terms that mothers wish they had heard in her latest post, "Fantasy State of the Union".

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SlipAwayBefore 2011 Slips Away

Our friends at the Institute for Women's Policy Research put a year's worth of study into these 5 most important findings of 2011.  Here is a brief one-pagerwith more details on these fast facts.


  1. During the recovery, men gained more jobs overall than women.
  2. Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and some cannot afford to put food on the table.
  3. Americans strongly support Social Security and have grown increasingly reliant on the program in the last decade. 
  4. The number of on-campus child care centers has declined and presently can only meet five percent of the child care needs of student parents.
  5. Paid sick days would reduce emergency department visits-saving $1 billion in health care costs.

Ready2RunThe Center for American Women and Politics invites you to...

 Ready 2 Run

Friday & Saturday, March 9-10, 2012

Ready to RunTM: Friday, 4:15 - 8:00 pm and Saturday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Pre-conference programs for women of color: Friday, Noon - 4:00 pm 

Douglass Campus Center, Rutgers-New Brunswick


Hurry! Early bird registration rate ends on Friday, February 10th!
 Register online here


Ready to Run is a bi-partisan program for women who want to run for office, work on a campaign, get appointed to office, become community leaders, or learn more about the political system. 


Questions about the program? Visit the program web site or contact Deanna-Marie Norcross at (732) 932-9384, x223 or


Please forward this message to your friends and colleagues!


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Center for American Women and Politics

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Eagleton Institute of Politics

 KnotMen, Women, Marriage & Work - Untangling the Knot

knotWomen entered the workforce in huge numbers over the past 50 years.  This one fact has fundamentally changed marriage, who does what at home, how we care for our children, and what motherhood means today.  It has changed men's lives too.  Parenting expectations put pressure on both moms and dads.  Is the stress we have now inevitable?  Can we have a range of options to combine work and family that will make things easier?  Historian Stephanie Coontz says yes in this 20 minute radio interview you can listen to on your computer.

YoungerYounger Adults Rank Parenthood More Important than Marriage 

How old you are reflects how you view the relationship between tying the knot and becoming a parent.  The millenial generation, those between 18 and 29, put a higher priority on having a child over getting married by a hefty 22% margin.  The over 30 crowd are more likely to believe that children need both a mother and a father in the home, and that single parents or cohabiting couples are "bad for society".  The change in priorities will impact public policies and be reflected, over time, in new social structures.  Is this a good thing, or further evidence of a national crisis?  Here are the results of the Pew Research study.

ReadMOTHERS Read and Review

Have you been to our MOTHERS Book Bag page over at  No?  What are you waiting for?  You'll find new and worthwhile titles, recommendations, reviews, and a place to share your own thoughts and suggestions.  MOTHERS member Kelly DiNorcia considers The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Motherhood about maternal ambivalence, as in "I love my kids, I just hate what they've done to my life!"  Check out her review.


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A portion of each purchase of a
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