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 January 12, 2012


Happy New Year! Last year we went out with a bang featuring A Mother's Wish List. To start off the new year we are bringing you a list of Powerful Mothers in Washington according to Working Mother magazine. 


Take a look at some of the other topics we have in this issue. 

Stay in touch with us on the NAMC's Facebook page, Like Your (Wo)Man in Washington and Friend Valerie Young on Facebook, and Follow @WomanInDC on Twitter.  There's original content also to be found on our blogs, Your (Wo)Man in Washington  and Mothers Central.  Post a comment or send us your thoughts - we are always thrilled to hear from you.



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DispatchDC Dispatch - Powerful Mothers

Working Mother magazine recently published its 2011 list of the most powerful mothers in Washington DC.  Editors put the spotlight on 10 women, including some members of Congress, the head of the Food & Drug Administration, and First Lady Michelle Obama.  It's important for mothers to influence policy at every level of government.  If you don't know Amy Klobucher, Mary Landrieu, and Dr. Margaret Hamburg, a quick flip through the slideshow pictures will introduce you to mothers with some serious mojo.  If you're multitasking, simply click on this link for a radio spot about the ladies on the list.


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NumbersWomen and the Numbers Game

Embracing and exercising power may no longer be a stumbling block for mothers on the WM 2011 list, but it's an issue women still struggle with.  In discussing a friend's reluctance to ask for a raise, I reflected on the number of studies that show women and men approach questions of worth and ability quite differently.  Women display a tendency to assume that if they prove they can work hard and perform well, they will be noticed and rewarded without having to make a request.  Men have a tendency to assume their capability is a given and ask for its validation up front.  Changing the way we see ourselves and value our assets is a critical step towards making motherhood a personal asset and high value characteristic.  A recent post on the Harvard Business Review blog says, "What a revolution we could unleash if women simply started using principles of mathematics to round correctly - and to prove to ourselves that our ideas are brilliant, our contributions worthwhile, our monetary value equal to that of our male counterparts! This small but cold, hard, rational tweak in our thinking could have a major impact on our outcomes: higher salaries, better jobs, and a real, true strength we've been afraid to admit is ours."

StressThe Effects of Toxic Stress

Worried Pregnant WomanNew York Times columnist Nick Kristof devoted this Sunday column to the effect of stress on a child both before and immediately following birth.  Early experiences, especially severely traumatic ones, can affect future health and achievement by changing the structure of the neurological system.  Responses to such "toxic stress", understood as exposure to "persistent stress but no protector" may influence the hard wiring of the brain as well as the metabolic process. The American Academy of Pediatricians will soon be issuing a warning based on 20 years of research.  Advocates for mothers and children can take this compelling science to policy makers, asserting that effective mothering is key to our health, welfare, and national security.  Its importance should be reflected in our policies and national values, such as... 

FamilyLeavePaid Family Leave and the 2012 Elections

Speaking of policies and values, paid family leave continues to be the elusive brass ring.  In spite of its success in a couple of states, not to mention the rest of the civilized world, it has never been an election issue in this country and won't be this year either.  It certainly should be, as explained in this article from Women's Enews.

KnewIf I Only Knew Then...

Motherhood is one humdinger of a life-changing event, alright.  Sometimes looking back reminds us of all we've learned, and how hard-won that knowledge is.  You will totally relate to this short video about revisiting your before baby self.  
Reflections of Motherhood
Reflections of Motherhood

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