February/March 2011 Newsletter

Feb March cover


Cover image by Jeffrey Hummel  

from our current Gallery at Grace exhibit  


In This Issue:  


Bill Harper on Epiphanies.

A Farewell Note from Warden John Waldo.

Annual Giving Update: a truly heart warming response.

Lenten Soul School: programs for the entire family.

Holy Week & Easter preview. 

"Grace Does," celebrating the sound gifts of a long time Grace member.

Kids Happen- 3 programs you'll want to hear about.

Earth & Spirit - taking steps towards an energy efficient island.   

A Grace 3rd grader's Environmental Service Project.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper info.

A warm welcome at the Grace Welcome Table.

Mom's Morning Retreat, thriving on Thursdays.

And a new idea for Lent- Reading the same book all at the same time.  



>> Download Our February/March Newsletter Here