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Hey Everyone--

Don't Be Afraid: It's Thursday Again!
With Halloween on our heels it seems like a perfect opportunity to talk some about our fears.  Imagine peeling back the layers with our kids and finding out about their "most real" fears.  Not scary movie stuff, but real life stuff.  And imagine sharing some of yours with them . . . Could be quite a conversation.

So we'll try a bit of that this Thursday.  It'll fit nicely with our current theme of "real and fake."  Like "that movie isn't scary--it's too fake" and "oh yeah, that's really frightening."  Here's one scene we'll watch--likely not their version of a fright nite film, but certainly one of my favorites.  Check it here.

And the antidote to fear?  We'll talk about that too.  Ask em.

And Thank You. Really.

We asked for help with signing up for dinners, and you responded.  And your generosity with these meals is really something.  As I've said, food matters to kids.  They can "taste" the care.  Here's a reminder about that schedule, and how you can access it--just follow this link to a new sign up schedule. 

That's it.  See ya soon.
