Boundless Results Newsletter, Number 1
September/October 2007

Boundless Boosters for your ministry
In This Issue
Where is Jan Dwyer
Book Jan
New Products
Goals and Accountability
Boundless Boosters for your Business

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Where is Jan Dwyer

These workshops and speaking engagements are all private client engagements.  At this time, Jan Dwyer doesn't offer public seminars to the public, but if you are interested in inviting Jan to your team and organization on the day prior or the day after one of these engagements below, please contact Jo Simmons is my assistant and she can talk with you about special pricing packages.



14th-15th - Portland, OR

20th - Lacy, WA

24th - Seattle, WA



3 - Olympia, WA

8-9th - Olympia, WA

12th-13th - Portland, OR

16th - Olympia, WA

22nd-25th - Las Vegas, NV

30th - Seattle, WA



1-2 - Olympia, WA

5 - 7th - Columbus, MS

8th - Seattle, WA

12th - Seattle, WA

15th - 17th - Tempe, AZ

26-30th - Long Beach, CA

27th - 29th - Federal Way, WA



3 - Federal Way, WA

5-7th - Federal Way, WA

17 - 19th - Longview, WA

Book Jan

Invite Jan to your company, agency, conference or organization.  To find out more information about Jan Dwyer and what services she provides,

click here.
New Products


Buy Jan's latest book, Real World Career Development Strategies that Work where she has written a chapter on finding and living your passion. If you are wondering how to know for sure if the life that you are living is the right one for you, based on your passion, be sure to read her chapter. The book is also chock-full of practical career strategies from 11 other experts. Buy by clicking here.


Jan Dwyer, MBA, CSP, founder of Boundless Results, specializes in customer service, communication skills, and leadership. 


She helps clients make great leaps in the areas of customer service, communication skills, and career development and her speeches and training sessions help employees achieve breakthroughs in service culture and personal leadership.   


Jan has a University of Chicago MBA and hands-on experience in Fortune 500, small business, and non-profit organizations. 


Her clients include Boeing, Starbucks, Weyerhaeuser, Getty Images, Medtronic Physio-Control, Seattle's Union Gospel Mission, and Los Angeles County. 


She has been an active member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) since 1995 and served as the President of the Northwest chapter of NSA from 2005-2006. 


You can reach Jan at: 253-891-1609, at or visit her website at


Message from Jan Dwyer



A happy Fall to you!  I trust you are leaping forward in your goals!  This is a great time for you to celebrate your wins and assess where you are at compared to your dreams, and make corrections as necessary.  And perhaps more importantly, carving out time for your family and friends.


This 1st  edition of my ezine I'll be sharing some professional tools that are applicable no matter where you are in your career.  My 2nd edition (that will be coming out in the Winter), I will share some service principles to help you and your ministry create God- Glorifying service cultures.


A number of people in ministries have asked about career resources and help. As a Career Coach, I have had the privilege of helping a number of people as they spend time thinking about their career and professional lives.   I recommend a number of career books.  "What Color is your Parachute" by Richard Bolles is an outstanding resource that helps you with practical steps on the mechanics of finding your job and job searching skills.  I am a featured author in the book Real World Career Development Strategies that Workwhere I have written a chapter on passion. This resource is chock-full of other career-related strategies by 11 other career experts that are designed to make your work life personally fulfilling and productive.  


I also am a featured author in the book Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul II where I wrote a story about a miracle of a lost, but then found car.   Click here to get more information about this book. Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul II



nsa logo

EXCITING NEWS!  On July 10th, I was honored with the highest designation in the speaking industry - the coveted CSP - the Certified Speaking Professional. The Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, established in 1980, is the speaking industry's international measure of professional platform skill.  CSP is conferred throughout the International Federation for Professional Speakers only on those who have earned it by meeting strict criteria.  The letters CSP following a speaker's name indicate a competent speaking professional with proven experience who understands what is required and knows how to deliver client satisfaction. Fewer than ten percent of the 4,700 speakers who belong to the International Federation for Professional Speakers hold this professional designation.



Here I am with my mom and friends along with Deanna Turner, another CSP honoree, at the NSA convention in San Diego.

Here are some professional tools that will make your work life leap forward:


Join and get involved in a professional association - I can't say enough about the value of getting involved in the professional association aligned with your own profession.  Even for those who are seeking their passion and contemplating several different career choices, attending various professional associations will help you get clear on what profession makes sense for you. What do you gain from your involvement?

  • Knowledge of trends in your profession.  Many       professional associations have local chapters where you hear speakers share on topics related to your field, including ways that will help you take advantage of the trends.

  • Networking.  You will be exposed to people outside your company or even industry.  You will learn ways to shorten your learning curve, a myriad of other resources, and connect with those who have the same interests as you.
  • Job Searching. Many professional associations have a job searching component - you can learn about career opportunities and job openings from people you can trust.
  • Certifications.  Many professional associations have designations and certifications that will enhance your professional credibility in the marketplace. My CSP award was awarded by the National Speakers Association and meeting planners look for this designation when they are searching for speakers.  Earning a certification also shows to clients that you have met the requirements of your profession that enhances marketability.





Boundless Boosters for your Business


What do kangaroos and successful people have in common?  Both cannot go backwards.  Sure we all have our moments, hours, even days when things seem to be going backwards - whether it is a rejection from one of our best customers, a communication misunderstanding that is causing havoc in our work groups, a leadership challenge that keeps us up at night. But the difference is that successful people are able to "break through" and learn from what happens to them.  After all, why not get as much out of a "bad situation" as you can?  Yes, it is a fact that kangaroos don't go backwards.  But you don't have to. 


summer 2007 kangarooHere is ONE Boundless Booster for your Business

Take some time offAre you carving out time for yourself?  I used to think this was important but had trouble making time on a consistent basis.  Due to a series of life-events, I now am making this time "non-negotiable."  One of the ways I took some time off this summer was to visit the Orange County Fair and I got up close and personal with a real kangaroo, as you can see in the above photo.  Indeed, taking off is getting tougher for all of us.  In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, "Vacation Deflation: Breaks get Shorter" by Anjali Athavaley (Wednesday August 15th, 2007), the writer cites that a full 35% of employed US adults aren't taking all the vacation days they get for the year, this is a 33% increase from last year ('s annual Vacation Deprivation survey).  This trend has been magnified due to the fact that many organizations are operating with less people. In addition, there has been a growth in the number of dual-income couples that makes it hard to coordinate vacation schedules.  What can you do?

  • Schedule long weekends.  If you can't take a full week-long vacation, take a long weekend but turn off your Blackberry and don't take your laptop.
  • Schedule mini retreats.  Get away from your daily routine and schedule a 1-3 day retreat with no agenda other than to read, sleep, and spend time alone or those in your family or with close friends. 
  •   Plan a "Sabbath" every week.  How many of you take the Sabbath day rest that God has commanded in the Bible?  An excellent book that speaks on this subject and just living life trusting God as our Shepherd is entitled "Traveling Light" by Max Lucado.  Set aside one day where you throw away the "schedule" for a day.  Plan a day where you don't schedule anything. Sleep in. Call a friend. 

Vacations don't need to be long or cost a lot of money. In fact, one can find enjoyment just walking on the beach or enjoying fellowship with friends. I recently attended a class at Western Seminary entitled "Theology of Money" by Randy Alcorn where one of my assignments was to write my personal reflections on what I learned. Here is an excerpt of my paper that may be beneficial for you as you strive to carve out time for God, yourself and others. 

Living Simply or Strategically

I'm sitting at a friend's beautiful ocean-view home in Manzanita, Oregon at the time of writing this and I am struck with how "rich" one can feel with only the elements of God, friends, and the beauty of His creation.  Money cannot buy love or contentment - but is my life congruent with this truth of living simply or even strategically? Being here at the ocean, listening to the waves roll against the shore and smelling the fresh sea air, has made me realize that it has been a long time since I simply "relaxed" with a "work-free" day.  We took a walk on the beach today and there was a family playing miniature golf - they created their fun enjoying God's creation without it costing anything.  In today's world of media and slick entertainment, it was refreshing to see a family spending time together engaging in a simple way while enjoying the ocean.  Fun doesn't necessarily have to cost a lot of money.


Jan Dwyer
Boundless Results