Everything about Love, Relationships and Sex
 Creating connections for couples, individuals, their therapists and anyone seeking a more fulfilling relationship. 
Newsletter May 2010
vday headshot 
Welcome to Dr. Tammy Nelson's Newsletter

This month, the focus is on recovery from infidelity.  Is it possible?  Moving beyond betrayal and hurt and even beyond forgiveness takes a conscious relationship that includes sex and intimacy and a deeper level of communication.  Find out how to move beyond and into a better place, regardless of the "type" of affair you and your partner have experienced.


Or contact me, Dr. Tammy Nelson, for an appointment or an Intensive today. 
And can now be found on Skype - I am "drtammynelson" on Skype if you want to add me!
Sex and Intimacy in DENMARK!
with Dr Tammy Nelson, author of Getting the Sex You Want
this Monday, 3 May 2010 to May 5th
   email  [email protected] for more info


Sex and Connection in Israeledo cover

Dr. Tammy Nelson will be in Israel May 10 and 11th to talk about sex and intimacy
And presenting Eating Disorders and Body Image in Israel May 12th.
For more info contact [email protected]

CoupleMonogamy?  Is it possible?

 by Tammy Nelson, PhD


How many people cheat? In 2002, studies revealed that 50-60% of married men and 45-55% of married women engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship.  That means about half of all men and women will have an affair at some point.


Why do so many people cheat?  For several reasons - and I can talk about why they do on a cultural level, on a developmental level, and why it doesn't have to mean the end of the marriage.

Why do people stay?  Sometimes an affair is a wake up call in the marriage.  It can shake the very foundations of a relationship, and many times that may be what it takes for a couple to pay attention and start working on their marriage or partnership.

Why would a woman stay with a husband who has cheated, particularly if he is in the public eye?  Just because someone betrays you doesn't mean you stop loving them.  Couples can move past forgiveness to a "new monogamy" and that can mean a new future to a relationship.


How does Hollywood mirror our everyday relationships, or does it?  Hollywood couples are under a microscope, and the pressure of constant scrutiny makes their behavior seem different than the rest of us.  But is it?  Or are they just acting out in the same ways the rest of us do?  If you had paparazzi following you around,  what would you get caught doing?


For a couples Intensive, email me at [email protected] to see how you can survive an affair too.



Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
May 18, 25, June 1, 15, 2010
3pm to 4pm

$195 for four part series

To REGISTER: Go to http:www/tammynelson.org/events/ or

 Learn about:

Sex Addiction - is it real?
Sexual Anorexia and Hypo-Sexuality
Erotic Recovery 
he Language of Fantasies, Desires and Compulsions
For more info, email us at [email protected]


The New Monogamy -
Negotiating Love, Sex & Fidelity
Four Week Teleclass with
Esther Perel and Tammy Nelson
Part 3-all new material - you do NOT need to have attended part 1 to register!

June 1, 8, 15, 22, 12pm to 1pmEST

Join LIVE on the phone or
listen to taped recording of class

  $200 total

Learn how to help couples negotiate the social and sexual boundaries of their relationship, and the strategies they use to protect their intimate bonds.

The course includes didactic material, experiential exercises, clinical applications, and in depth conversations.

Esther Perel, MA, LMFT, is the author of Mating in Captivity, now available in 25 languages.
Tammy Nelson, PhD, is the author of Getting the Sex You Want and a licensed psychotherapist. www.tammynelson.org

To register, go to
the new monogamy


Getting Sex You Want book coverNEW!  SEX, INTIMACY & EROTIC RECOVERY


A three part teleclass

All New Material

with Tammy Nelson, PhD

This class is appropriate for therapists and health care professionals as well as couples and individuals looking to improve their erotic lives

 THREE HOURS- $150 - LIVE or Mp3 recordings, telephone or Skype

June 16, 23, 30 2010, 2pm EST - $149.95 MC/Visa

This teleclass will discuss ways that couples and individuals can use the newest research in love and desire to create a truly intimate  connection in relationship without desexualizing it or splitting off into outside affairs. Find out how erotic recovery can happen after sexual neglect, after infidelity, and how it has to be integrated into a long term passionate relationship to create trust and renewal.

 For registration, contact [email protected]

Celebrities and Infidelity - why do their partners stay?
Dr. Tammy Nelson was interviewed on Channel 8 WTNH Ct, Style on Celebrities and Cheating - watch the segment to see what she says on why men cheat and why their partners stay...
And for more on monogamy and infidelity, or for internet and porn addiction, go to my teleclass page, and find out from the experts what it means to cheat, the many ways it happens, and what you can do about it today.

Live far from Connecticut?
Want to come in for several hours of intensive work on your relationship? On your sex life? Work through years of conflicts?  Frustrations?  Don't have time for weekly therapy sessions?
Intensives are dynamic and focused on your issues as a couple - they are a private session with Tammy, for as many hours as you need.
Call or email for more info:
203 438 3007
Skype: drtammynelson
[email protected]  
Go to http://www.tammynelson.org/blog/
for an ongoing discussion on her blog...