September 2012
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In This Issue
President Obama Visit
Washington Week at Palladium
SPC Student Participates in RNC
Election Poll
Fall Faculty
Student Engineering Society
Manufacturing Center Opens
MIRA Program at SPC
Create a Legacy
Class Notes
Quick Links

SPC Foundation
Board of Directors
Kenneth P. Cherven

Joseph G. Blanton
Stephen O. Cole
William A. Emerson
Edward L. Evans
Theresa Furnas*
Rod Gramer
Calvin D. Harris, Ed.D.
Beth A. Horner
William D. Law*
Willie H. "Bill" McCloud
Frances Neu*
Walter L. "Skip" Schafer Jr.
Steven Shepard
Shan Shikarpuri
Richard B. Winning
David Zillig

Directors Emeriti
Dan Carlisle
Leon R. Hammock
Helen K. Leslie
Alfred T. May
Thelma Rothman
Henry B. Sayler

Honorary Director
Wendell R. Ware

*Ex officio members

Our College shone in the spotlight this weekend as over 11,000 people gathered at Seminole campus to hear President Barack Obama speak on Saturday.  It was a big day for the College in many ways. Most importantly, for our students events like this, as well as those connected with the Republican National Convention last month, provide meaningful and memorable opportunities to engage in the political process. When that happens, we all win.


This month, we welcome guest columnist Dr. David Manson who chronicles the history of the College's Music Industry Recording Arts (MIRA) program.  Dr. Manson is a professor in our music department and is also one of this year's Innovation Grant recipients.


I also want to acknowledge the management and staff of the Blue & White, the College's news blog for employees. To keep our newsletter readers informed of College news, we regularly reprint stories that were first featured on the blog. We thank our colleagues at the Blue & White for their partnership and support.


And finally, as the presidential campaign enters the final stretch we wanted to hear from our students. In what is admittedly a limited and highly unscientific poll, students were asked about the candidates and the issues. The results are included in this edition. 


While SPC has been involved in some large-scale special events recently, we know that the most important work is done each and every day in our classrooms. Thank you for supporting our students and educators as we strive to improve student success through top-notch instruction and real world experiences. 


Frances Neu
VP Advancement, St. Petersburg College
Executive Director, St. Petersburg College Foundation
President Barack Obama Visits SPC
More than 11,000 jam Seminole Campus to hear President

The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity did not disappoint. President Barack Obama's visit to St. Petersburg College's Seminole Campus drew more

than 11,000 enthusiastic supporters who braved the heat and potential thunderstorms on Saturday to join the rally.


In a repeat performance of his acceptance speech at the Democratic

President Obama greets attendees

National Convention, Obama touted the value of education saying, "Education is the gateway of opportunity."


"It was a wonderful day for the college," said SPC President Bill Law. "All of us feel very proud when the eyes of America and the world are on us."


For Manuel Martinez, Seminole Campus Student Government President, the days leading up to the President's visit provided a unique opportunity to become involved in the events as they happened. "Getting an email from the provost of your college late at night can be a scary thing, but this was actually very

SPC student Manuel Martinez and Dr. Law welcome President Obama

exciting. Next thing I know, I'm being invited to an 8 a.m. meeting to talk about the possibility of having the President of the United States come to speak at our campus. I got the privilege to greet the Obama advance team and see it all unfold. Working in the Student Life and Leadership office gave me the opportunity to hear the hundreds of calls that came in about the Obama visit to our campus. I am so thankful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that Student Government, St. Petersburg College, Dr. Olliver, Dr. Law and Student Life and Leadership Advisor Dawn Waechter have given me."  Martinez was also invited to greet the President as he arrived on campus. "I got to shake his hand. It was an honor," he said.

Washington Week Comes to St. Petersburg College
Palladium hosts live taping of popular PBS program


The Republican National Convention took the Tampa Bay community by storm last month and provided several opportunities for college students to get involved in the political process.


On August 24, St. Petersburg College students, faculty and friends packed the College's historic Palladium Theater to participate in a live taping of the long-running PBS primetime news and public affairs

Gwen Ifill greets audience members

program Washington Week with Gwen Ifill.


President Bill Law greeted the audience and welcomed Ms. Ifill as the taping of the Special Election 2012 edition got underway. The energetic crowd watched as Ifill, her panel of guests and the film crew worked on the week's episode. Audience members also participated in a town hall question and answer session with panelists Dan Balz of The Washington Post, John Dickerson of Slate magazine and CBS News, Beth Reinhard of National Journal and Amy Walter of ABC News. 

SPC Student Joins RNC Activities
The Convention provides a first-hand perspective on the political process


Across the Bay, SPC student Jane Cerulli found herself in the heart of the Republican National Convention where she was able to discuss topics

Jane Cerulli outside the C-SPAN Campaign Bus

with media representatives and politicos like Josh Romney and Chelsea Clinton. Cerulli attended a seminar opened to area college students by The Washington Center, and also participated in a forum hosted by Microsoft that focused on young adults' involvement in politics.


Cerulli, who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Public Policy Administration, said she was excited to have the opportunity to witness the political process firsthand. "In the public policy program, one of the things we are taught is our experiences can be one of our greatest assets. We have to know them and understand them," she explained. Jeff Kronschnabl, the instructor-in-charge of the Public Policy Adminsitration program, recommended Cerulli for a daylong session of forums that were part of the RNC.  

With all eyes on the Tampa Bay area during these political events, the SPC Foundation wanted to give our students a chance to voice their opinions. To this end, the Foundation conducted a limited and purely unscientific poll during the last week of August to learn what students thought of the issues and the candidates. Here are the results from that poll: 
As a state college, St. Petersburg College does not support or oppose any particular candidate and maintains an open door policy to all candidates.


College Kicks Off New Academic Year
Annual Fall Faculty event recognizes college educators

The floor of the RNC wasn't the only focus of excitement last month. Enthusiasm and anticipation were palpable as the College kicked off the new academic year with its annual Fall Faculty event on August 16 at the St. Petersburg Coliseum. More than 700 faculty and administrators attended the gathering and listened intently as President Law reinforced that student success is the College's No. 1 goal.


Professors Emerti greet new faculty members

Building on the day's theme, "Achieving the Dream: Student success within reach," Law touched on the many new initiatives that are being implemented to help students succeed. "I do not want you to lower your academic standards," Law told the faculty. "I do want you to revisit all of the resources that students have available to them to help them succeed."


The event served as the official kickoff of the College's participation in Achieving the Dream, a national movement dedicated to helping more community college students, particularly students of color and low income students, stay in school and earn a college certificate or degree. Achieving the Dream is sponsored locally by the Rothman Family Foundation and includes a network of more than 160 community colleges and institutions, more than 100 coaches and advisors, and 15 state policy teams that work throughout 30 states and the District of Columbia.


The College also recognized 17 new Professors Emeriti, showcased the projects of its 5 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Excellence Award winners, and welcomed new faculty to the College community.

Student Engineering Society Wins Awards at State Conference
SPC student elected to Florida Engineering Society Board

The St. Petersburg College chapter of the Florida Engineering Society (FES) won fourth place at the student competition during the

Angelina Gou Fairchild, President of the Florida Engineering Society, presents the Delta Award to Cristian Rubiano and the SPC Chapter

Florida Engineering Society/Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers Summer Conference and Exposition held recently in Orlando.

The competition challenged SPC students in several engineering disciplines to solve complex calculations in a timely manner.


The SPC chapter also received a Delta Award for the Most Active Student Chapter among two-year engineering programs for its outstanding level of activity and promotion of the Engineering profession. The chapter's President, Cristian Rubiano, was elected as an officer of the FES Board of Directors and for the next year will serve as Student Representative of more than 1,500 engineering students across Florida.

Founded in 2007, the purpose of the FES student chapter is to foster students' understanding of the professional aspects of engineering, direct graduating sophomores toward good upper-level engineering programs, and encourage steps to obtain professional status through certification and registration. 

Collaborative Center for Emerging Technologies Opens
Manufacturing center helps fill community need


The college opened the new Collaborative Center for Emerging Technologies at the Clearwater Campus on August 17. The center is an open manufacturing factory and work environment where tomorrow's

Brad Jenkins explains some of the manufacturing technology to Randy Hanna, Florida Colleges Chancellor

engineering technology and manufacturing employees will be trained. Industry partners work closely with the college to secure funding and to provide technical expertise, materials and equipment.


Brad Jenkins, Associate Dean of Engineering technology, said the job market is very good for graduates of this program because there is a need in the community. By simulating skills needed in emerging technologies, the Center will prepare students for immediate and profitable employment in business and industry while giving them education credentials for advancement.


In 2010, manufacturing employed 30,000 people in Pinellas County, making it the fourth largest industry in the county. The county also ranks second in the state for manufacturing employment and third for the number of manufacturing firms.

Contemporary Music Education
The growth of the MIRA Program at SPC


Mark Matthews left Los Angeles after 25 years of audio production work and returned to Florida in 2007. Matthews, who wrote jingles for Toyota, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, and music for Whose Line Is It Anyway, Gilmore Girls, General Hospital, and America's Most Wanted, was ready for a new chapter in life: teaching in the Music Department at St. Petersburg College.


The college was also ready for change and the right chemistry was brewing between Mark and a core group of faculty members and key administrators, who all seemed to question the relevancy of traditional music education. They believed the traditional model of marching band, concert band and chorus excluded a large number of students who play in garage bands, build beats, DJ and generally enjoy popular genres of music.


By 2009, the former college print shop was converted into a working studio running an Avid Pro Tools HD2 system, and the MIRA (Music Industry/Recording Arts) program became an Associate of Science two-year degree, as well as a certification center for Pro Tools -- the industry leader in recording.


With a real-world mission, the team began developing courses in

Students record in the MIRA studio

recording, mixing, mastering, acoustics, sound reinforcement, music business law, film scoring and other commercial music areas. Twelve new faculty members were hired to teach specialized recording and performance courses. Three labs were built for training, production and post-production work. In four years, a program that started with 12 students has swelled to more than 300 in three MIRA sub-plans including Production, Composition and Performance.


MIRA graduates are already starting their careers in Pinellas County and elsewhere, building their own studios and performance spaces, touring internationally, working with live sound for Disney On Ice, team-building for the Bassnectar tour, finding film gigs as boom operators and doing sound tech work at SPC's Palladium Theater.


The latest MIRA expansions include a partnership with Aphex, producer of high-end audio equipment, and the launch of SPC Radio, a student-directed Internet radio station that will give students valuable training in creative, business and production areas. Developing initiatives include a student intern partnership with Ruth Eckerd Hall and PRG Productions, a production company operating from 36 locations in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.


SPC will begin offering a four-year degree in Music Industry/Recording Arts next year.


This article originally appeared on the Creative Pinellas website as a blog by Dr. David Manson. Dr. Manson teaches jazz studies, low brass and Pro Tools courses in the traditional music program and MIRA at St. Petersburg College. 

Create a Legacy


Bequests, charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, IRAs and gifts of property are some of the ways you can provide significant and lasting support to SPC. To learn how your planned gift can meet your financial objectives while supporting the work of the College and the aspirations of students, call us at 727-341-3302. Change a life today!

Class Notes


Class of 2011: Jessica Tuttle, B.A.S. in Veterinary Technology, is working as a Registered Veterinary Technician, Hospital Manager, and Regional Technical Supervisor, overseeing 20 animal hospitals. 


Class of 2007, 2009, 2012: Erika Beck, Certificate in Medical Coding,

continued her education at St. Petersburg College and also earned an AS degree in Health Information Management in 2009 and a BAS degree in Health Services Administration in 2012.  She is currently serving in the US Air Force Reserve and plans to pursue a master's degree from Saint Leo University once she becomes active in the Air Force. 


Class of 1998, 2010: Krista Fusari, A.A., went on to earn a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from St. Petersburg College in 2010 and a master's degree in reading education from the University of South Florida - St. Petersburg in 2012.  She now works at SPC's Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions with hopes of fostering her passion to teach developmental readers.


Class of 1995Thierry Saint Loup, A.S., began his education at St. Petersburg College as in international foreign exchange student from France. During his one year abroad, he took ESL courses and then started the aviation technology program. Thierry ended up enjoying his time at SPC so much that he decided to stay and earn his A.S. degree. He has since earned a bachelor's degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and is now employed as the Vice President for SMA, an aircraft engine design and manufacturing company.


Class of 1970Carol (Pierce) Huber, A.A., went on to earn a bachelor's and master's degree in Education from the University of South Florida.



To share your accomplishments with your fellow alumni, email Tiffany Stallard.

P.O. Box 13489 | St. Petersburg, FL 33733-3489 | 727-341-3302 
� St. Petersburg College Foundation 2011