NSA Capitol Watch Newsletter September 2011
On Capitol Hill

The House will consider a continuing resolution to fund the federal government for the beginning of fiscal year 2012, until full FY12 appropriations can be completed. The House will also consider a series of non-controversial resolutions.


The Senate will consider a bill regarding trade preferences.


In This Issue

aINTRODUCED: Hatch Act Reform Bill in Senate

On September 15, Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced S. 1562 - the State and Local Law Enforcement Hatch Act Reform Act of 2011 in the U.S. Senate. S. 1562 is the companion legislation to Rep. Latta (R-OH) and Rep. Holden's (D-PA) bill in the House, H.R. 498.


As you are aware, S. 1562/H.R. 498:

  1. allows state and local law enforcement officers to be a candidate for the Office of Sheriff-an elected Office-without being forced to quit their jobs;
  2. clarifies current law to allow sheriffs to endorse political candidates without fear of potentially violating the Hatch Act; and
  3. establishes a statute of limitations of 6 months to file a claim against a state or local law enforcement officer for alleged violation of the Act.


We continue to work with Rep. Latta's office and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee in the House; and work with Sens. Lugar and Collins offices' and the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in the Senate to pass the two bills in the 112th Congress.


SHERIFFS: please continue to reach out to both your U.S. House of Representatives Members, and now U.S. Senators, and encourage them to cosponsor H.R. 498 & S. 1562.  


Fact sheet on the Hatch Act Reform bill 

Sample letter for H.R. 498 

Sample letter for S. 1562 

NSA applauds Reps. Latta and Holden and Sens. Lugar and Collins for their strong support for the nation's sheriffs!


bSenate Unveils Their FY12 CJS & HS Funding Numbers

The Senate waited until September to craft their FY12 CJS Appropriations bill. The Senate bill included significantly more funding for critical state and local law enforcement programs than the House. Current, Senate CJS funding levels are:

  1. Byrne JAG - $395M
  2. COPS - $232M (including $200M for COPS Hiring)
  3. SCAAP - $273M
  4. COPS Meth - $10M


The Senate CJS Appropriations bill was approved by both the Senate CJS Subcommittee and Full Appropriations Committee the week of September 12th. The Senate bill can now be brought to the Floor for a vote (by the full Senate) at any time.


Additionally, the Senate unveiled its FY12 Homeland Security bill during the week of Sept. 5th. While the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee has marked-up the legislation, the full Appropriations Committee has yet to take up the measure.


The HS Subcommittee recommends approximately:

  1. SHSGP - $430M
  2. USAI - $400M for UASI
  3. Public Transportation Security Assistance - $200M
  4. Bus Security, Port Security Grants - $200M
  5. Interoperable Emergency Communications Grants - $15M
  6. Operation Stonegarden - $50M
  7. Secure Communities - $184M

NSA continues work with our law enforcement and state and local intergovernmental partners to advocate for the importance of these critical law enforcement programs within the CJS and HS Appropriations bills - particularly in the House.


We will continue to keep you abreast of any further developments regarding FY12 funding.
cPresident Obama Outlines American Jobs Act of 2011

On September 8th, President Obama - in a joint session of Congress - outlined the American Jobs Act, a series of initiatives aimed at creating and preserving jobs throughout the United States.


This proposal would provide $4B in funding for the COPS Hiring Program to enable the new hiring and rehiring of thousands of law enforcement officers across the nation, as well as the prevention of officer lay-offs.


Additionally, the American Jobs Act also includes funding for the D Block and the creation of a nationwide public safety interoperable mobile broadband network. The American Jobs Act proposes the sale of alternative spectrums to provide the $10B necessary for the public safety network.


NSA would encourage sheriffs to reach out to their Members of Congress and express support for the $4B for COPS Hiring and inclusion of the D Block within the Jobs Act.
dLEGISLATIVE PUSH: Cosponsors Still Needed for D Block Legislation
NSA continues to strongly encourage sheriffs to reach out to their Members of Congress, both in the House and Senate, and urge them to become cosponsors to S. 911-the SPECTRUM Act of 2011 (introduced by Sen. Rockefeller, D-WV and Rep. Hutchison, R-TX) and H.R. 607 - the Broadband for First Responders Act of 2011 (introduced by Rep. King, R-NY and Rep. Thompson, D-MS). These bills not only allocate the D Block to public safety, but provide the funding necessary to create and implement the nationwide public safety interoperable mobile broadband network.

The fight is far from over. Until Congress passes legislation to allocate the D Block to public safety, the D Block still has the potential to be auctioned off. We need your help to secure Congress' support for the allocation of the D Block to public safety.

To obtain sample letters of support on both bills or for talking points on the D Block issue, please contact Stephanie Garlock at
sgarlock@sheriffs.org or (703) 838-5316.
eREQUESTED: Data Needed on Contract Services

SHERIFFS: The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) has received a COPS grant regarding law enforcement contract services. In order to fulfill this grant, the NSA needs to collect data about the contracting of law enforcement services from your Office.


The NSA would very much appreciate your help in collecting data to support this grant. Would you please respond to these questions below regarding contracting services and consolidation.

  1. Does your Office provide contract services to incorporated municipalities? If so, how many areas do you provide contract services?
  2. If not, is your Office currently looking at providing contract services for incorporated municipalities?
  3. Has your Office consolidated with any other law enforcement agency? If so, how many and which agencies?

We are looking to collect the data as quickly as possible, so your prompt response would be much appreciated! Please respond with the information to: intern@sheriffs.org.


Thank you again for your assistance and please do not hesitate to contact either Stephanie Garlock (703)-838-5316 or Fred Wilson (703) 838-5322 with NSA if you have any questions.


fNSA Launches New Website
On September 8, 2011 NSA launched the new site. With its crisp new color scheme, user-friendly functionality, and polished new layout, the new site accurately delivers an abundance of information. This site is an all-inclusive resource center on everything from online training from Homeland Security, to the latest news in law enforcement. With a mission to better serve the people and criminal service professionals, navigation through this website is clear and straightforward.

The site captures the visitor's attention with a custom slideshow of images on its dynamic homepage. NSA conference information, announcements, and publications are arranged in a clear manner. As a highlight of the new site, NSA incorporates programs and training for sheriffs, their deputies, chiefs of police, and others in the field of criminal justice to perform their jobs in the best possible manner and to better serve the people of their jurisdiction.

The award-winning Drupal content management system will allow the NSA to easily update the site on a continual basis independently of the developer, Blue Water Media. Members can subscribe to NSA publications such as Sheriff Magazine and Deputy & Court Officer Magazine. NSA will continue to strengthen its online presence with pertinent reports, advertisement promotion, and Facebook and social media links.

Please check out the new site at: www.sheriffs.org .

gSAVE THE DATE: NSA 2012 Winter Conference 

NSA's 2012 Winter Conference will be held from January 18-21, 2012 at the J.W. Marriott in Washington, D.C.


The conference is the perfect opportunity for the nation's sheriffs, deputies, and other law enforcement professionals to convene and discuss critical criminal justice and homeland security issues.


For more information regarding the conference (including a schedule of events and conference speakers), please visit http://www.sheriffs.org/content/conferences.


See you in January!

News & Updates
Save the Date!
2012 Winter Conference
January 18-22, 2012
JW Marriott
Washington, DC

If you have any questions, please contact:
Stephanie Garlock


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