leaders speak
Please Join Us on November 9th
Global Total Office Showroom
5 Document Drive
St. Louis, MO 63114

Wednesday November 9, 2011 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM CST
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We're pleased to announce our first "leaderspeak" topic will be marketing and branding.  Whether you are an individual, small business or large corporation, marketing in this economy is a challenge.  The rules have changed and it can be very overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to find the answers.  

Well, we've decided to pull together a panel of people in the design industry who seem to be getting it right and pick their brains for ideas.  Sound fun?  We thought so!  We'll do a mini-round table discussion followed by a short question and answer session and hopefully you'll walk away with lots of new insights.

We really want to make this beneficial for you so please post a comment on our facebook event page.

Note: Box lunches will be provided.  Please alert us to any special considerations.

Cost: Members $10/ Non-Members $15  
Constant Contact finally added a "pay at the door" button so you can either pay that day or via PayPal in advance. 

Sign up now, the RSVP deadline is November 7th!
Register Now!
I can't make it
Thank you for support and we look forward to seeing you next month!
Kimberly & the DesignSpeak Team