Saint Anne School
A Century of Quality Catholic Education

Issue No. 1

September 8, 2009

Michael Browning, Principal 

Join me in this first step in launching Saint Anne School into a new digital age with this electronic newsletter. As we transition to this new and exciting form of communication, we will continue to make the traditional paper newsletter available to families without ready access to email.  We hope that this electronic newsletter will serves as a tool that builds and develops our school community by facilitating connections and sharing information. In it, we will share a wealth of information designed to keep us connected as a community and to help us grow. The newsletter will include school calendar information, reminders, PTA information, fund-raising opportunities, church community information, community events and links, faculty and student profiles, photographs, press about Saint Anne School and more. 
For those new to Saint Anne School or alumni who have been away for a while, we invite you to visit our campus, experience our classrooms, hear our students reading, making music, gathering for prayer or joyfully playing at recess. We encourage you to meet our dynamic and fully-credentialed faculty and learn more about our nurturing learning environment. Saint Anne School is committed to educating the whole child-mind, body, and spirit.
May God Bless You,
Michael Browning, Principal


School Website
School E-Newsletter
Find current and past issues of the new Saint Anne School E-newsletter at
SMART Boards
New SMART Boards were installed in First and Eighth Grade classrooms.  These interactive whiteboards allow easy access to and control of classroom technology, and create a better integrated learning experience. Visit the SMART Board home site to learn more about this new technology. .
Internet Filtering
Saint  Anne School has implemented a new Internet filtering system school-wide. This system blocks all sites with inappropriate content from reaching all of our school computers. For more information about the Safelinks system, visit

Profile of The Month

Ms.Tracey Willson
Tracey Willson
        Join us in welcoming new Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Tracey Willson. Ms. Willson holds a B.A. from the University of California, Irvine, where she double-majored in Cognitive Psychology and Studio Arts, and minored in Digital Arts. She received her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential in 2004 from UCI and completed her fifth year credential clearance in 2007 through Loyola Marymount University.
Ms. Willson previously taught First Grade at St. Joan of Arc School, second grade at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Elementary School, and also was the 4th grade Teaching Assistant at Calvary Christian School, and Marymount High School.
She participated in track in high school and college, served as the assistant track coach at Marymount Hight School, and enjoys fine and digital arts and web design.  
Former Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Vivian Fiori, will teach fifth grade at Saint Anne School this year.  
Carol O'Day

Tuesday, September 8                                   
School Year Begins.  Welcome back!

Tuesday, September 15 at 7pm
Back to School Night     

Friday-Sunday, September 18-20
St. Anne Church Fiesta, Friday 4:00pm-9:00pm; Saturday: 1:00p.m.-9:00p.m. and Sunday, 10:00 am-8:00p.m. 
Tuesday, September 29, 6pm
First PTA Meeting of the Year 


  • Ms. Fiori moves to Fifth Grade and Ms. Wilson joins us as our new Kindergarten Teacher (see profile box below left).
  • New Physical Education Teacher and Coach Joins Saint Anne School. Join us in welcoming Coach Doreen Munson who will teach P.E. and coach the girls' basketball and volleyball teams.
  • New After School Programs. Come to Back to School Night and hear about the exciting new after school activities offered at SAS this year, including SAS as a satellite site for the Santa Monica Boys and Girls Club, Strengthen a Generation (an afterschool fitness program), a  Hip Hop dance classe, and an expanded selection of after school music lessons to complement our expanded instrumental music program.
  • SMART Boards arrive at SAS. This summer Saint Anne School was awarded a grant for matching funds to purchase two SMART Boards, computer-connected, interactive white boards which are the latest in teaching technology. Please stop by Grades 1 and 8 to see the new SMART Boards. Our goal is to obtain grant and other funding to purchase SMART Boards for every classroom at our school.  


Back to School Night, Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 7pm
Learn about all the exciting new programs and developments at our school. Sign up to become involved with your PTA. Hear how you can earn tuition credits of up to $300 per month.  

Saint Anne School Logo Items for Sale Now.  Purchase lunch boxes, water bottles and sweatshirts with the Saint Anne School logo from the PTA and all profits will benefit the school and fund fun PTA family activities, programs and school improvements. Find the order form on the new Community/PTA page of the school website, Questions or to see samples, contact Mary Contreras,
Register Your Ralphs Reward Card and Ralphs Donates to Our School Every Time You Shop. Find step by step instructions for registering on our school website's Community/PTA page, by clicking here.  Questions, contact Celila Gonzalez, 
Register Your Target Card in Target's Take Charge of Education and Target Donates to Our School Every Time You Use Your Target Card. Find step by step instructions on enrolling in this program on our school's website by clicking on the Community/PTA page, by clicking here. Questions, contact Denise Jones,
Calling For Volunteer Room Parents. Your PTA is looking for two to three parent volunteers per grade level to serve as Room Parents. Duties include coordinating classroom volunteers, grade level fund-raising, service events, performances, and field trips, and sharing rotating duty for attending monthly PTA meetings. Contact your child's teacher if you are interested serving as a Room Parent.  Room parents selected based on past service to the school, reliability and enthusiasm. Questions, email Carol O'Day,
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Saint Anne School Named 2009 Best Religious School in Santa Monica by U.S. Chambers of Commerce Association

Saint Anne School recently received recognition as the 2009 Best of Santa Monica in the Religious Schools category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). The award, given annually to small businesses throughout the country, recognizes companies that have achieved exceptional success, while maintaining a high quality of service to their customers and communities. The Santa Monica Daily Press learned of the award and published an article entitled "Saint Anne Best of the Best" in its August 1, 2009 issue. Click here to read the article. (scroll to p. 12.)
Additionally, The Santa Monica Star recognized Saint Anne School's achievement and its committment to auxiliary educational programming in the article "Enrichment Programs at Saint Anne School Bring the Arts to Lucky Students."  The September 2009 article can be accessed here
You can see our Best of Santa Monica 2009 plaque at the School Office entrance.

We hope you enjoyed the inaugural edition of Saint Anne School's electronic newsletter.  To ensure that our newsletter reaches as many people as possible, please help us with the following:

  • Verify that your e-mail is correct.  If it changes, or you would prefer to receive the newsletter at a different e-mail please reply to Carol O'Day,, and specify the correct e-mail account.
  • If you know of a friend who is not receiving the e-letter, but would like to, click here to Forward to a Friend.
  • To be removed from this mailing list, please click on the SafeUnsubscribe link at the bottom of this page.


SAS Logo bw 
$300 Saint Anne School Tuition Credit Coupon

If you refer a new family to Saint Anne School, and that family enrolls, you could receive a $300 tuition credit!
Valid only for tuition credit for students from new families who enroll.

Saint Anne School   2015 Colorado Avenue  Santa Monica, CA 90404  310-829-2775 

Family referred must identify referring family for credit to apply. There is no limit to the number of new families a current family may refer. Each new family referred earns a new $300 tuition credit.