Jack H. Marston Melanoma Research Fund
"This Run's For Jack"
October 8, 2010


Good Luck
Jack's Chicago Marathon Team! 

Each year,  Jack's Marathon Team overflows with stories of strength, passion and focus (SPF), brave individuals taking on the challenge for a number of inspiring reasons.

Too often we hear about another cancer diagnosis affecting family, friends or neighbors and don't know what to do or how to fight back.

Our marathoners connect closely with those who battle cancer and often they are battling the disease themselves.  Running for a cause is their way of making a difference.  Please take a moment to read their personal stories and support their fundraising efforts.   

We are so proud of each and every one of them and wish them great success as they take to the streets of Chicago on 10-10-10.

~Sharon Marston
 Marathon Goal set for 10.10.10
Team Captain - Steve Lutz

Steve Lutz running
2008 chicago marathon
The Bank of America Chicago Marathon has proclaimed 10.10.10 as the "Date to Motivate" and Glen Ellyn marathon runner, Steve Lutz, is meeting that challenge with a special memory and an ambitious goal


Steve will be running his 10th Chicago Marathon on 10.10.10, and he hopes to raise $10,000 by the time he steps up to the starting line on Sunday.  Steve will run to remember his friend, Jack Marston and in support of two friends currently battling cancer (one, also of melanoma).


Donations and pledges to date are approaching $8,000.00.  Steve credits this success to the number of amazing people he counts as friends. "I really feel they are the true heroes for getting me this close to accomplishing my fundraising goal.  Now running the 26.2 miles is up to me."


To support Steve on 10.10.10 go to www.jacksfund.org and click "Make a Donation" (be sure to write Steve Lutz in the comment section).

2010 Chicago Team
"Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it."
~Winston Churchill
In memory of Paul Lamar Odum

Each year we ask our runners to share with us and each other what drew them to Jack's Team and what motivates them to run the marathon this year.  Here are a few of their stories. 

Phil Keys,  La Crosse, WI

I'm running the marathon for many reasons, one of the main one's being my dad. My dad was always into athletics, including running. He'd go on the occasional long run and he'd also run a 5k every so often. I remember when I was 10 years old asking him if I could go on a run with him and he told me that I wouldn't be able to keep up but I could ride my bike along side. A year later, when I was 11, he found out he had melanoma ...

Christine Polz, Chicago, IL

I got my diagnosis of melanoma two days before I gave birth to our son.  It wasn't exactly the vision of motherhood I had in mind ... 


Jennifer Marston, Glen Ellyn, IL

I run for my and Dad.  And hope to make a difference for others fighting this horrible cancer ...


Click here to read the full versions.

Strength. Passion. Focus.

Click here to support a team member's fundraising goal. 
Jack's Fund Rally Station at Old St. Patrick's
Join us again at the corner of Adams and Des Plaines to cheer for Jack's  Marathon Team - Look for the Angel Shoe balloons!

 This is the halfway point (13.2 miles) of the marathon, so the team will be looking for our support as they tackle the next 13 miles.  Thank you to Old St Patrick's Church for their continued support and partnership with Jack's Fund.
Jack's Fund Booth at Chicago Marathon Expo

Endurance athletes are at high risk for melanoma.  While melanoma isn't the most common type of skin cancer, it is the deadliest and it is the fastest-growing cancer among people 18-29, according to the Women's Dermatological Society.  Stop by our booth at the Health and Fitness Expo to pick up some sunscreen or just to say hi.
The Bank of America Health & Fitness Expo annually hosts more than 175 exhibitors featuring the newest designs in running gear and shoes, as well as the latest developments in sports fitness and nutrition.

Jeff first place 2008Jack's Team Booth #229

Expo Location, Dates and Times:

McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building, Hall B1
*2301 S. Martin Luther King Dr.
Chicago, IL 60616

Friday, October 8, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, October 9, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Jack's New York Team

new york marathon logo

Our 2010 New York Team is comprised of 20 athletes who have each set ambitious
 fundraising and finishing goals.  We so have spots for runners who already
have an entry, so if you do, please consider joining us! 

November Newsletter will highlight Jack's ING NYC Marathon Team.

Click here to support the team's fundraising goal.
Contact [email protected] for additional information.

5k run / walk 
October 17, 8AM
Ackerman Park, Glen Ellyn

Runner's Awards, Challenging 5k Course,  Free Skin Screenings, Melanoma Family Tent, Food, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Music, Kids Zone, Team Challenge Prizes and much more! 

RegisterSignmeup.com online now. Avoid long lines on race morning.

Click here to Volunteer.  Or email Sue Ann (volunteer coordinator)