Jack H. Marston Melanoma Research Fund
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Bonnie Jean Wasmund
July 27, 2010
In This Issue
Rooftop Healing Garden
Jack's Rock 'n' Roll Team
Bank of America Chgo Marathon
ING NY Marathon
"This Run's For Jack" Registration opens in August
Know your risks
4th of July Parade
Quick Links
2009 Sponsors

Photo Gallery


Mission Statement

Tanning Salons
You might as well call them "cancer booths." A University of Minnesota study published in May found that people who logged 50 hours or more in tanning booths, had up to three times the odds of developing melanoma, the deadly form of skin cancer.

$100,000 to Melanoma Research in 2010

Dear Friends:

It is with much hope and excitement that I write July's newsletter.  On Wednesday, June 28, Board Members of The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund presented a check for $100,000 to the research efforts of Dr. Jon Richards, leading melanoma oncologist and researcher.

At the check presentation, Dr. Richards gave us a summary of the promising breakthrough therapies currently available to melanoma patients.  We all felt his excitement about future treatments and the long awaited hope for his patients and their families fighting this terrible cancer.  A list of the new therapies is available on our website and will be updated regularly.

Jack's Fund is proud to support the efforts of Dr. Richards at Lutheran General Hospital and the researchers at St. Jude Children's Hospital by disbursing close to $300,000 over the last six years to promising melanoma research.

In addition, Dr. Richards shared a story about the Jack H. Marston II Healing Garden located directly outside the chemo bay windows at Lutheran General Hospital ~ A mother duck accidentally found her way to the top of the hospital rooftop where she decided to make her nest in the tranquil setting of the garden.  Through the spring months, patients and staff watched from the chemo bay windows as the cycle of life unfolded and many wondered how the new family was going to survive.  To the rescue came a hospital worker, climbing the ladders onto the rooftop, carefully relocating the mother and babies to a safe home.  The rooftop healing garden symbolizes peace, love and hope to all who face an unexpected life challenge.

With gratitude,
Sharon A. Marston
Jack H. Marston II Rooftop Healing Garden
A place of peace, hope and healing.

09 race start

Jack's Team Rocks!
13.1 - Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon - Sunday - August 1st

09 race startThis Sunday, August 1, Jack's Team members will take to the streets of Chicago running 13.1 miles in the fight against melanoma.

We're highlighting this group of dedicated athletes, some of them attempting 13.1 for the first time and others running in memory of a loved one.

Matthew Marston is one of those first time runners.  Matthew will run with sister Jennifer (team captain and coordinator) to help fight the cancer that took their father. 

Chris May lost his wife Rebecca to melanoma on March 12, 2005 - he runs in Rebecca's memory, hoping to make a difference in the fight against this cruel disease.   Lauren Shields is taking on the personal challenge of a 1/2 marathon in honor of her mother diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma.  Mikie Rudyk joined the team in her grandfather's memory and to help raise awareness about the importance of early detection.  Donna Cooper will be running on behalf of a work colleague who passed away from melanoma.

Jack's Team welcomes:  Miguel Reves, Denise Hengels and Jamie PrescottMarc Woodcock and Laura Eskilson joined forces to help raise money for research and awareness programs.  Jessica and Katie McDonald (sisters) also running together.  Returning Jack's Team athletes include: Tom Johnsen competing this year instead of coordinating the group. Carmen Valentino, a member of Jack's Fund Board of Directors.  And, Tomi Taggart, sponsor and supporter of Jack's Team for many years.

Please take a minute to read their stories and contribute to their fundraising efforts by clicking here.

Bank of America Chicago Marathon
Jack's Team Stories
Steve Lutz running

Our next newsletter will highlight Jack's Chicago Marathon Team members.  The 2010 team boasts 40 + members, including returning team captain, Steve Lutz, running his 10th Chicago marathon on 10/10/10, pledging to raise $10,000 and run a personal best.  Also, a heartfelt story written by team member Phil Keys about his Dad's inspiration and fight against melanoma. 
new york marathon logo

Missed the Lottery?  We have charity entries ... sign up here.

Jack's Team ING NY Marathon stories will appear in the September newsletter

"This Run's For Jack"
October 17, 2010

5K run/walk 
 Ackerman Park, Glen Ellyn

Click here to become a SPONSOR
or call 708-205-5692.

Know your risks for Melanoma 
With the summer sun at its strongest, let's revisit skin cancer risk and prevention.

sunburn banner
  1. History.  If you've had a skin cancer diagnosed before (even if it was basal cell or squamous cell), you're at an increased risk for melanoma.  If your mother, father or a sibling had a melanoma, your risk is higher.
  2. Moles or freckles.  If you have lots of them (especially if they're large) you may be at increased risk.
  3. Cell type.  If you've ever had a "precancerous" mole removed and the pathology report showed a dysplastic nevus, you're at increased risk.
  4. Fair Complexion.  Fair skinned folks don't enjoy the same protection from the sun as do those with dark or olive skin.
  5. Sunburn.  Even a single high-intensity sunburn - one bad enough to cause blisters - will increase your risk.
  6. Weak immune system.  The body's immune system helps ward off cancers.  If it's compromised, so is its ability to protect from melanomas.
source:  Mitchell, T., Dr. USA Weekend, Health Smart, July 15-29, p 9.


R n Roll group

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who handed out 3,000 sunscreen samples to a crowd lining the streets of downtown Glen Ellyn estimated at over 10,000 people. 
A fun time was truly had by all!  To see more 4th of July pictures - click here.

09 race start