Jack H. Marston Melanoma Research Fund
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
~ Winston Churchill
June 17, 2009
In This Issue
Free Skin Cancer Screenings
2009 "Game On" Scholarship
Spring Awareness Programs
Congrats Boston Team
ING New York City Marathon
"This Run's For Jack" October 18
Quick Links
Dear Friends:
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends yearly skin cancer screenings.  Have you scheduled yours?
Health Track Sports Wellness  in Glen Ellyn and Jack's Fund have joined forces in the fight against melanoma. 
Free skin cancer screenings will be available at Health Track this coming Friday, June 19, from 1-5 pm.  
Local high school and park district sports teams and their coaches are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.   Young athletes are at high risk for skin cancer. 
Melanoma is the second most common cancer in teens, but if caught early is very curable. 
In our next newsletter, we will highlight our 2009 marathon and half marathon teams.  Many of our runners have incredible stories to share about why they have chosen to run with Jack's Team.
With hope,  
JMT 07 Check
Sharon A. Marston

Health Track Logo

(No appointment necessary) 
875 Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL 
Friday, June 19, 2009
1-5 pm 
Athletes are one of the most at risk groups for skin cancer.  A simple skin screening should be part of your yearly prep for your sport.  Don't put off what could save your life.  Melanoma is on the rise, especially among teens.  Dr. Arthur Gray has once again graciously agreed to volunteer his time to perform the screenings and provide an information session on the dangers of skin cancer starting at 1:00 pm.
Some areas of concern Dr. Gray will address at the information session: 
1.  Melanoma Risk:  If you have a a "first degree relative" who was diagnosed with melanoma, you are at an increased risk for getting melanoma.

2.  Historical Context on Tanning:  Prior to the 1940's/50's, tanning was seen mostly with working classes.  Wealthy classes shunned it, preferring to stay pale.  In the 1940's/50's, Coco Chanel appeared in a fashion magazine with tanned skin, and it became all the rage for the wealthier class and has been popular since.

3.  Another Danger of UV Tanning Salons:  It is an addictive behavior having to do with your serotonin levels, and is a behavior akin to addictive drugs. Many tanning businesses offer free tanning to get people hooked.
The 2009 Glenbard West "Game On" Scholarship Winner
David McCaffrey

David 2009 'game on'

Jack Marston III and David McCaffrey at Senior Honors Convocation
May 27, 2009
A four year $1,000 renewable memorial scholarship is awarded each year to a Glenbard West graduating senior varsity athlete who demonstrates a "game on" attitude for life, sports and community service.  To read more about the scholarship click here.
Spring High School Health Fairs and Awareness Programs
awareness teens
Through the spring months, Jack's Fund participated in a number of the High School Health Fairs.  High school teens signed a pledge promising to be sun safe.
  The pledge read:
"By signing this document, I pledge to my family and friends that I will not go to tanning booths.  I also pledge to wear sunscreen or sun protective clothing (hats, sunglasses, etc) when I am out in the sun and to encourage my friends and family to do the same."
Total Student Signatures:
Lake Forest High School Health Fair:  160
Glenbard West Live Life Well:  29
Glenbard East Health Fair:  315 
Congratulation Jack's Team/Boston
Boston 2009
Our five member Jack's Team/Boston conquered the famed Boston Marathon on April 22, 2009.
Together, they also raised over $14,000 for melanoma research and awareness programs.  Our deepest gratitude to these fine athletes and congratulations on your success.
new york marathon logo

Missed the Lottery?  We have charity entries ... sign up here.
Jeff first place 2008 SAVE THE DATE 
"This Run's For Jack" 5K run/walk 
October 18, 2009
Ackerman Park, Glen Ellyn
Registration opens in