Jack H. Marston Melanoma Research Fund
"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones"  ~Confucious February, 2009
In This Issue
2009 Jack's Marathon Teams
St. Jude
Run A Little / Run A Lot
Welcome New Sponsors
Be Sun Safe
Volunteers Needed
Quick Links
Run a Marathon with Jack's Team 
Chicago Marathon Registration Opened February 01, 2009 
Simple steps can make a big difference when it comes to increasing your success training for a marathon.
1.  Have a plan with small steps - small enough to say ... "I can do this."
2.  Write your goals and list the steps. 
3.  Build on something you're already trying to improve, whether it's getting healthier or doing a bit more exercise.
4.  Post your goals in a visible area.  By keeping your goals in sight, you'll stay focused.
5.  Make room for your new goals.  There are only 24 hours in a day and you can't add new projects without rearranging or eliminating others.
6.  Never say NEVER and allow yourself to occasionally fail.  Acknowledge your weaknesses and celebrate every success.  We will celebrate with you! 
7.  Sign up now and earn your wings! 
Strength . Passion . Focus . 
SPF 26.2
Jack's Team provides the tools you need to run a successful marathon:  structure, coaching, support, a worthy goal and accountability.  All experience levels invited.
Sign up here.
steve lutz 08 
 2008 Jack's Marathon Team captain
St. Jude Logo St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
A $7,500 donation was made in December 2008  to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital  in memory of Jack H. Marston II, "the best coach ever-still helping kids win" and Ben Cote, "our inspiration."
We are pleased to support the fine research efforts of St. Jude with the hope that this donation will aid in the progress for a cure to melanoma.  
Choose your team and distance
CDC pictureWisconsin 1/2 and Full Marathon
date:  May 02, 2009
Boston  Marathon
date:  April 20, 2008
(charity entries available)
Rock n' Roll 1/2 marathon
date:  August 2, 2009
(formerly the Chicago Distance Classic)
Chicago Marathon
date:  October 11, 2009
New York Marathon
date:  November 2009
(charity entries available) 
"This Run's For Jack" 5K
date:  October 18, 2009
registration opens in August


Jack's Fund is dedicated to helping survivors cope with the loss of a loved one and is actively seeking meaningful ways to commemorate the wonderful lives cut short by melanoma.
We will miss you Tim.
Through the generosity of our  sponsors,
100% of your donation goes to research and awareness.
Please click here if you are interested in sponsoring Jack's Run or Jack's Marathon Teams. 

Wear sunblock containing zinc and titanium everyday.
Wear a hat and protective clothing.
Avoid being outside during peak sun hours.
Seek shade if possible.
Get an annual skin check by a dermatologist.
Jack's Fund is always in need of volunteers to help at awareness programs and support our runners before, after and during the marathons.
Currently, we are looking for volunteers to help at our charity tent at the  Wisconsin Marathon  on May 2, 2009. 
Please click here if you would like to add your name to our volunteer list.