
October 15, 2010 

Elements of Ageless Style



EAS Mannequins

Workshops designed especially for women with at least 50 years' experience!


The clothes that make one generation cool become the next generation's Halloween outfits.


As Coco Chanel put it," fashion is meant to become unfashionable." But having lived for over 40 years, we're tuned into the idea that while fashion fades, our style endures.



The Elements of Ageless Style:

Appropriateness: Know what works best for your body type, age, and lifestyle. Knowing what to reach for is what allows you to build a core wardrobe, and then boost it by adding a few outstanding pieces each season.


Simplicity: Identify your signature style. It's the foundation of a wardrobe. By the time a woman is 40, she has a style of her own. You don't get to that age without streamlining things like getting dressed. Repetition isn't boring-it is the mark of a confident woman who knows what she likes and what works best for her.


Relevance: An 80/20 mix of basics and trend keeps things modern. A trend slave is cute when she's 21: when she's over 40, she's a fashion victim. We should use trends to modernize our wardrobe not to keep changing our clothes.


Confidence: Feeling good about the way you look shows.
Confidence is Sexier Than a Push-up Bra! Clothes, jewels, cars, and cash are lovely, but self-confidence is the ultimate accessory. It can't be bought, but it can be had. Everything we are is because of what we think of ourselves.


Please join us at Saks Fifth Avenue at the Short Hills Mall in Short Hills NJ for The Elements of Ageless Style Wrokshop.

Workshop Details: Date: October 26. Time 6 to 9 PM. Cost $50. The workshop will be an intimate evening of talk about current fashion trends and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe. The evening will include a style mastermind session with stylist Lauren Solomon. Refreshments, discounts, and goody bags included. We'll be giving away a $500 gift card to one lucky attendee.Sign up! 


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