
May 28, 2010

Bertrand D.
Close your eyes and inhale. Can you smell Parisian streets, a monk's robe, and fairies dancing in the snow?

Probably not, but Bertrand Duchaufour can.  

Monsieur Duchaufour is the "nose" for L'Artisan Perfumeur. He's one of only about a dozen great perfumers in the world and has a cult following in his industry that rivals a rock star.

His "nose" is an instrument of precise sensitivity with the ability to capture any scent within range. Duchaufour can identify some 2000 smells from memory. He is like a composer who can hear a tune in his head before he has committed it to paper. His nose can smell a scent when he hears its name. When he composes a fragrance, he writes down the formula, blends it, and doesn't smell it until it's finished.  


L'Artisan Perfumeur is celebrating the launch of Nuit De Tubereuse.

Duchaufour created the scent of a secret summer night in Paris. It's built around the narcotic tuberose which he describes as a 'darling of the night.' The scent is the essence of the sexy, sultry, vibrating night life of Paris. The ingredients include sensual cardamom, crisp citrus, and glimpses of unexpected spices and essential oils.
Available after May 24, 2010.

Nirvana is intoxicating.

Flashionista's favorite, Dzongkha, is named after the language of Bhutan. Duchaufour spent months living in Bhutan, sketching, writing poetry and absorbing the heady, musky, gritty, exotic essence of the Buddhist world.
An enviable job. To everything a smell and to every smell a story.
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