Chicks are Here - And so is Your Guide!

You can impact our regional economy by choosing to spend your food dollars with a local farmer. Simply find one from over 200 regional farm and food businesses highlighted in this year's Pure Catskills Guide to Farm Fresh Products. Get to know the young Sullivan County-based farmers featured in the images of photographer Jennifer May. Along with the business listings, we added more editorial about food blogs, radio shows, overnight accommodations and agritourism locations. Find your copy at locations throughout the region or bookmark the Guide for handy online access.  |
Free Social Media Workshops for WoodNet Members
The Forestry Program teamed up with Delaware County eCenter to offer an 8-week series dedicated to connecting your business to consumers through social media and networking channels. Be it Facebook, LinkedIn, online stores or eBay, mix-and-match these one-hour Thursday learning sessions to fill the gaps in your online marketing strategy. Catskill WoodNet members are eligible for workshop reimbursement ($15 per workshop plus mileage). Here's a look at this month's classes which start promptly at 8:30am:
- June 16 - Introduction to Social Marketing
- June 23 - Creating a Facebook Page for Your Business
- June 30 - Are You LinkedIn?
Insights from the Hive
Latin American Lessons
The Council -- with watershed partners DEP, CWC, NRCS and Frost Valley YMCA -- helped 30 watershed professionals understand the mechanics and process of protecting water quality in the New York City watershed. Chairman Fred Huneke explained to the group the dynamics of this public-private partnership, the Council's history and the development of our programs in agriculture, forestry and conservation easements. The group, sponsored by The World Bank, also visited the DEP water quality lab in Kingston, the Croton Water Treatment Plant and the NYC Water Board.
