SCHOHARIE WATERSHED WEEK:In celebration of Clean Drinking Water Month, the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District is hosting Schoharie Watershed Week. From May 15 through 29, various activities will be held in honor of our region's water, the Schoharie Watershed, Basin and Reservoir. Find a complete schedule of events online or check out the highlighted WAC activities below:
Wednesday, 5/19, 6pm at the Watershed Assistance Office, 6049 Main Street, Tannersville: Water and Land Stewardship by Farm and Forest Landowners, Free and sponsored by the Watershed Agricultural Council
Mountaintop Watershed Film Series at the Doctorow Center for the Arts, Main Street, Hunter
Fresh the Movie May 22, 2010 at Doctorow Center for the Arts, Hunter |
2. Saturday, 5/22, 7pm: Film screening of Big River and Fresh plus farmer discussion panel, Free and sponsored by the Watershed Agricultural Council
For more information on Schoharie Watershed Week, contact Josh Gorman at the Greene County Watershed Assistance Office, (518) 589-6871. |
 REMINDER: Pure Catskills is accepting members through May 26th. To "Get in the Guide" and its 30,000-copy print distribution, the Pure Catskills website and other perks, download the membership letter, application and instructions. Find more information on the Pure Catskills blog.
$50,000 FOR 15: The Farm to Market Program awarded $50,000 to area farm and food businesses through its Sustainable Agriculture Development Program. The grant was expanded this year to include proposals for product development and marketing assistance in addition to the program's original focus, outreach and education. For more on the recipients and project proposals, read the WAC press release.
THE YEAR IN REVIEW: Many of you will receive the print version of the 2009 Annual Report this week in the mail. For those of you who just can't wait (or have opted for the greener electronic version), the print Report, the 2009 Online Annual Report Supplement, the Council's Form 990, and the Agricultural Program's 2009 Annual Report are all available online. Here's a quick look at the Council's
Agriculture: Over 500 farmers on 65,000 acres used Whole Farm Plans to improve their businesses and protect water quality.
Forestry: Over 1,000 landowners supervised over 120,000 acres through Forest Management Plans.
Easements: Over 17,160 watershed acres were safeguarded on 108 parcels through 95 easements. Another two easements were donated totaling over 1,000 acres.
Farm to Market: Over 200 farm and food businesses in six counties enrolled as members of our buy local branding campaign, Pure Catskills.
Farmer Education: Over 500 people participated in our workshops and seminars last year. Look for the upcoming schedule of 2010 summer educational offerings! |
MORE SCHOHARIE WATERSHED WEEK EVENTS: All events and seminars meet at the Watershed Assistance Office, 6049 Main Street, Tannersville unless otherwise indicated.
Saturday, 5/15, 10am-Noon: TOUR THE GILBOA DAM: pre-registration is required; call (518) 589-6871. Free and sponsored by NYC DEP
Monday, 5/17, 3-5pm: Your Septic System-What Every Homeowner Should Know, Free and sponsored by Catskill Watershed Corp.
Tuesday, 5/18, 7pm: Ecologist Bud Sechler lecture riparian (streamside) topics, Free and sponsored by the Catskill Institute for the Environment, CSBI, NY Natural Heritage Program, NYC DEP and GCSWCD
Thursday, 5/20, 6pm: Watershed Assistance Program Open House, Free and sponsored by GCSWCD
Friday, 5/21, 10am: Schoharie River Clean-up Day, Groups/individuals interested in participating should call (518) 589-6871
Saturday, 5/22, TBD: C.D. Lane Park Family Day and Watershed Scavenger Hunt, Maplecrest
Saturday, 5/22, 9:30am: Rain Barrel Workshop at the Sugar Maples |
Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. And, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every WAC eNews. | |
5/2-8: National Clean Drinking Water Week
5/14-15: Forest Landowner 2-Day Series Agroforestry Resource Center, 6055 Route 23, Acra Cost: $10 per session 5/14, 1-5pm: Harvesting Trees on Your Woodlot with an ATV 5/15, 10am-noon: Controlling Unwanted Vegetation in Your Forest 5/15, 1-4pm: Forest Stewardship: A Primer for Forest Landowners Call CCE-Greene County (518) 622-9820
5/15-23: Schoharie Watershed Week, Various locations, Greene County SWCD
5/18, 8am-4pm: NY Children's Water Festival, Columbia-Greene College
5/19, 7-9pm: Water & Land Stewardship Seminar, Hunter, FREE (607) 865-7090, ext. 226
5/23, 7pm: Film screening of "Fresh" and "Big River" with panel discussion about farms and water quality
Doctorow Center for the Arts, Hunter, FREE
(607) 865-7090, ext. 226 |
Tell us about your farm business, forest operation, clean water practices and how you've benefited from the WAC programs! |
The Watershed Agricultural Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the economic viability of agriculture and forestry through the protection of water quality and the promotion of land conservation in the New York City Watershed region. The WAC is funded by The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service and other federal, foundation and private sources. The WAC is an equal opportunity provider and employer. | |