QDNDEER MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP: On April 10, the Watershed Agricultural Council hosts an all-day workshop, Managing Deer: A Workshop for Hunters, Landowners & Natural Resource Professionals. Held at Frost Valley YMCA, 2000 Frost Valley Road, in Claryville, this workshop covers:
  • deer harvest and herd data collection,
  • wildlife food plots,
  • Quality Deer Management (QDM) principles,
  • how to make your woods attractive to deer, and
  • the effects deer have on your woods.
Dress appropriately for classroom and field components. The workshop runs from 9 a.m. to 3 pm. Pre-registration is required; the $15 fee can be paid at the door. To register or for more information, contact WAC at (607) 865-7790 ext. 101. Workshop registration fees will be donated to the QDM Association, a cosponsor of the event along with WAC, the U.S. Forest Service and NYC DEP.
LANDOWNER GRANT: Private forestland owners from Delaware, Greene, Schoharie, Ulster, Sullivan, Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties have until April 16 to sign-up for the Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative (CCPI), which was created in the 2008 Farm Bill as a part of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). This voluntary conservation program provides financial and technical assistance to landowners willing to improve natural resources on forestland. Financial and technical assistance is provided for the following conservation practices:
  • forest health thinning,
  • crop tree release, and
  • controlling erosion on forest trails and landings.
NRCS has partnered with the Watershed Agricultural Council's (WAC) Forestry Program to implement the conservation practices. Foresters from WAC will work with applicants, from the eight eligible counties, to plan conservation practices and prepare CCPI applications. Landowners within the eight counties can apply for the CCPI Forestry Program at their local USDA-NRCS office. For funding consideration, applicants must meet program eligibility requirements and complete a program worksheet. The program is competitive. Applications are ranked based on national, state, and local resource priorities and their overall benefit to the environment.
RALLY: Several watershed farmers joined Board Chairman Fred Huneke at the "No Farms, No Food" Rally in Albany on March 15. Organized by American Farmland Trust, the group visited with key lawmakers to educate them about farm needs, clean water and local food systems.
MEMBERS & PARTICIPANTS: Pure Catskills is accepting applications for its annual grant round (due 4/15) and photo contest (May 10). Check out the Pure Catskills blog (March 29 and April 7 blog posts) for more information. You'll also find an article by WAC board member Richard Giles on CSAs that appeared in the Spring 2010 issue of The Franklin Register (March 20 blog post).
Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. And, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every WAC eNews.
 4/2 & 16: Build a Farm Website Part 1 & 2 at CCE Education Center, Hamden
Cost: $5
Judy Morse (607) 865-6531
4/9: Forest Ecology, Silviculture & BMPs at Camp Shankitunk, Delhi
Cost: $15
CCE Greene County (518) 622-9820
4/10: Managing Deer: A Workshop for Hunters, Landowners & Natural Resource Professionals
Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville
Cost: $15 (pre-reg required) 
WAC (607) 865-7790 ext. 101
4/13: Improving Log Truck Profitability at SWCD Office, Walton
Cost: $10
CCE Greene County (518) 622-9820
4/24: Earth Day at Hilltop Hanover Farms, Yorktown Heights
4/29: Earth Day at Margaretville Central School
5/1: Ashokan Watershed Conference, Belleayre Mountain's Overlook Lodge
Cost: $15
CCE-Ulster (845) 688-3047
(845) 434-5750, ext. 4447
NYCWatershed.org  The Council's web site
BuyPureCatskills.com  The regional "Buy Local" food-based campaign known for "Good Food. Clean Water."
CatskillWoodNet.org The Pure Catskills brand for wood-based products
Donate Now 
Safeguard irreplaceable resources, rural working landscapes and family farms by supporting the Conservation Easement Stewardship Fund.
The Watershed Agricultural Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the economic viability of agriculture and forestry through the protection of water quality and the promotion of land conservation in the New York City Watershed region. The WAC is funded by The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service and other federal, foundation and private sources. The WAC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.