This Issue's Sustainability News:
Local Leaders Sign Syracuse CoE HQ's Final Beam
Clarkson Creates Shipley Center for Innovation
Air Innovations Featured in Distributed Energy
e2e Materials Makes "History"
Saranac Lake Named in NY Times' Top Ten Northeast Getaways
Onondaga County Solicits RFPs for Combined Sewer Overflow Program
US EPA Offers Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant
Upcoming Events

Sept 14 to 16, 2008: International PODCAR Conference on Sustainable Transportation, Ithaca, NY.
Click for More Details.

Sept 29 & 30, 2008:
Creating Resilience in Sustainable Communities, 2008 Syracuse CoE Symposium, Oncenter, Syracuse.

April 29, 2009:
Accelerate 2009, Oncenter, Syracuse.

Sept 13-17, 2009:
Healthy Buildings 2009, Oncenter, Syracuse.
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Click through the HQCam link on the Syracuse CoE homepage and watch progress on the 55,000 square foot research and innovation facility.

Read about Syracuse's Near West Side Initiative:
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The Syracuse CoE is a Greenbuild 2008 Bioregional Partner
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Boston--the historic cradle of the American Revolution--is home to innovations that have far-reaching impact and the perfect place to celebrate Greenbuild 2008's theme of "Revolutionary Green: Innovations for Global Sustainability." Join us at the U.S. Green Building Council's Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Boston November 19 to 21, 2008.
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2008 Symposium Banner

Make a date in your calendar for the 8th Annual Syracuse CoE Symposium at the Oncenter, Sept. 29 and 30. Come learn about the latest advances and innovations in sustainable and resilient design, engineering, architecture, and planning as well as innovations in the fields of clean and renewable energy, indoor environmental quality, and water resources. WATCH THIS SPACE--ONLINE REGISTRATION COMING SOON!
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In this issue of eNews, discover the latest news and events of the Syracuse CoE and its Members. Remember, if you wish to forward news, dates, or ideas to the editor, e-mail Martin Walls.

Beam Group 7.08
Local Leaders Sign Syracuse CoE HQ's Final Beam
Local dignitaries and Syracuse CoE members who have helped make the federation's headquarters a reality wrote messages of support and luck on the last beam required to complete the building's frame during a ceremony July 22. The HQ will be a showcase of green building and design and an incubator for innovations in clean and renewable energy, indoor environmental quality, and water resources. It will also boost Syracuse's economy, attracting scientists and others from around the world looking to conduct research and demonstration experiments in the building's unique laboratories. ABOVE: standing to the left of Syracuse Mayor Matthew Driscoll (white jacket) are New York Assemblywoman Joan Christensen and New York Senator John DeFrancisco. For WSYR's coverage of the event, click here.

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Clarkson Creates Shipley Center for Innovation
Enhanced Center Expected to Boost North Country Economy

Clarkson Logo
Thomas Young, Provost of Syracuse CoE Platinum Partner Clarkson University, has announced enhancements for the Shipley Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship. It is now a university-wide resource that will be known as the "Shipley Center for Innovation," says Young. School of Business Dean Timothy F. Sugrue will serve as the managing director of the center and Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering Dean Goodarz Ahmadi will be its Director of Technology. The center will serve as an engine for economic development in New York's North Country by engaging in the creation of new enterprises that capitalize on emerging technologies and the intellectual stock of Clarkson. For the complete story, click here.

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Air Innovations Featured in Distributed Energy
HEPAIRx System Praised for Its Energy Efficient Ventilation Solution

Air Innovations Logo
"If one letter is neglected in HVAC it is the 'V,'" writes Paul Hull in "Distributed Energy: The Journal for Onsite Power Solutions." "HVAC is all about our comfort, so the 'V' is most important. In this area, I came across a program going on in New York that intrigued and pleased me ..." Hull describes Syracuse CoE Silver Partner Air Innovations' energy-efficient HEPAIRx product, currently undergoing clinical trials in the homes of more than 30 asthmatic children, ages five to 16, in northern New York, with the help of Clarkson University. "The preliminary findings of the pilot study show that the product has reduced concentrations of particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide that trigger respiratory response." For the complete article, click here.

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e2e Materials Makes "History"
Biocomposite Firm Featured in First Episode of "The Works!"

e2e Materials
July has been a busy month for Syracuse CoE StartUp Partner e2e Materials and its partner company Comet Skateboards. First, Pat Govang, President of e2e, and Jason Salfi, President of Comet, met with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) at a green and clean technology showcase in Syracuse to show off Comet skateboards made from one of e2e's unique biocomposites. Then e2e was featured in the History Channel series premiere of "The Works!," a show which uncovers "the unimaginable intricacies of things we take for granted." The first show looked at "Garbage" and the latest applications of recycling. To visit "The Works!," click here.

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Saranac Lake Named in NY Times' Top Ten Northeast Getaways
Natural Beauty Complemented by Region's Sustainability Efforts

The Village of Saranac Lake and other parts of New York's North Country have been making great strides--and news--of late with their efforts toward sustainable planning and resource management through the Adirondack North Country Initiative, developed with the assistance of Syracuse CoE and the New York's Creative Core GreenTeam. But the New York Times recently reminded its readers that another reason to visit the North Country is to enjoy the area's natural beauty and recreational potential: "The Village of Saranac Lake ... gets its greatest fame as the premier jumping-off point for the woods and waters of the Adirondacks. The High Peaks Wilderness Area, with extensive hiking opportunities, begins just outside of town. The lakes are a canoeists dream ..." For the complete story, click here.

Saranac Lake Logo

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Onondaga County Solicits RFPs for Combined Sewer Overflow Program
Long-Term Control Strategy Will Include Green and Gray Infrastructure Improvements

OnGov Logo
The Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection is soliciting request for proposals and qualifications for Project Management and Engineering and Technical Services for planning and development related to the County's Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Program incorporating both green and gray infrastructure improvements as part of a revised long term control strategy. Proposals are due 4 p.m. July 28, 2008. For more information and the complete RFP, contact Sue Miller at (315) 435-2260 ext. 367 or [email protected].

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US EPA Offers Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant
Grant Intended to Advance Clean Energy Programming and Policies Through Cost-Effective Strategies

The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) offers its "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy, and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Management" grant. The application deadline is August 8. The outcomes for projects supported by this grant may be environmental, behavioral, health-related, or programmatic in nature, but must be quantitative. The total estimated funding for this competitive opportunity is approximately $6,000,000. The US EPA anticipates awarding one to 10 grants, ranging in annual value from $40,000 to $90,000. Additionally, the EPA anticipates awarding four to 10 cooperative agreements, ranging in annual value from $100,000 to $250,000. For more information, contact Kayla Roach at (202) 343-9186 or [email protected].

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Please pass on our news and events, all examples of how Syracuse CoE federation Members continue to drive sustainable industry in Central Upstate New York and beyond!

Martin Walls, eNews Editor
Communications Manager
Syracuse Center of Excellence
[email protected]

Mark Lichtenstein, Senior Editor
Director of Operations and Outreach
[email protected]

Luciana Amodeo, Writer
[email protected]
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