Vitis Ridge Script Logo    April 2008

The Vine


Our wines swept the Spring Beer & Wine Fest. Ten wines entered, ten wines awarded!  
Gold Medals
2006 Chardonnay
2006 Grigio D'Oro
2006 Mare'chal Foch
Silver Medals
2006 Pinot Gris
2004 Late Harvest Syrah
2006 Fortissimo
2006 Petite Verdot
2006 Syrah Wahluke Slope
Bronze Medals 
2006 Reisling
2005 Pinot Noir
As Benjamin Franklin smartly stated--
"Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance."
Cheers to that.
In This Issue
Upcoming Events


Visits to the many Festivals last month paid off. Among our stops in March was the Spring Beer & Wine Fest at the Oregon Convention Center where our wines were awarded top marks. We came home with three gold medals, five silver, and two bronze medals. Our wines are clearly speaking for themselves and we happily welcome the recognition. 
Thank you for coming out to see us and we invite you to continue to stop by and visit. We are always pleased to see so many familiar faces and eager to meet new friends.
April 12th &13th the winery will be open, come try a few of our award winning wines. Hope to see you then!
          Your Friends at Vitis Ridge
        Bruce, Chris, Glen, Sally & Sharon
Please always enjoy your wine,
and all alcohol, responsibly.

Upcoming Events and Festivals

Tasting Room Open
April 12 & 13, 12-5pm
or call for appointment
First Friday in Silverton
April 4th
Pomagranate, Downtown Silverton
Newberg ArtWalk
April 4th
Downtown Newberg
The Oregon Garden Brewfest
April 25 &26
The Oregon Garden
Astoria-Warrenton Crab & Seafood Festival
April 25, 26 & 27
Clatsop County Fairgrounds
May 10th
Downtown Silverton
Memorial Day Weekend
May 24, 25 & 26
Vitis Ridge Winery, Silverton
All quantities are limited. Prices effective January 1, 2008, and are subject to change.