Green Visitor Center Opens on Easter Island
On May 13, a new visitor center opened at Orongo on Easter Island, the final component of a ten-year sustainable tourism program at the site supported by WMF and American Express. Built to a sustainable design that incorporates the footprint of an older building, the new structure uses wind and solar for power and has a rainwater collection system and composting toilets. This low-impact center now serves as the primary place of introduction for visitors to Easter Island.
Project Launched at Rome's Farnese Palace In mid-May, WMF Europe announced the start of a conservation project at Rome's Farnese Palace. The focus of the project is the Carracci gallery, one of the most important interiors in this sixteenth-century palace considered to be one of the finest examples of Italian Renaissance architecture. The palace is home to the French Embassy and the Ecole Française de Rome.
Cambodian Delegation Visits WMF
During the week of May 16-20, WMF hosted a delegation of Cambodian cultural officials at its headquarters in New York City to review continuing work at Phnom Bakheng, a project undertaken in collaboration with APSARA National Authority in the Angkor Archaeological Park. Discussions focused on technical conservation challenges and improving the visitor experience. As many in the group had never been to the United States, WMF also arranged special visits to heritage sites in New York City.
Mellon Lecture Marks 20 Years at Angkor This year's annual Paul Mellon Lecture celebrated WMF's twenty-year presence at the ancient city of Angkor in Cambodia. The three speakers--Sangvar Sok, a Deputy Director in Cambodia's Ministry of Tourism, John Stubbs, WMF's Vice President for Field Projects, and Pierre-Andre Lablaude, Architecte en chef des Monuments historiques français--discussed heritage protection efforts and shared their perspectives on current and future tourism management at Angkor. WMF's three main projects in the Angkor Archaeological Park--at Angkor Wat (pictured), Phnom Bakheng, and Preah Khan--were highlighted in the discussions.
Williamsburg High School In mid-April, WMF partnered with New York City's Historic House Trust on a three-day workshop at the Morris-Jumel Mansion for students at the Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design in Brooklyn. The six students were taught elements of historic property management, with teachers instructing them in basic drainage principles and landscaping to ensure adequate conservation of historic fabric. The students then partook in some hands-on maintenance and landscaping at the site (pictured).
Save the Date for the Hadrian Award
Each year, World Monuments Fund presents the Hadrian Award to international leaders whose patronage has advanced the understanding, appreciation, and preservation of world art and architecture. WMF is proud to present the 2011 Hadrian Award to Ronald and Jo Carole Lauder.
This year, we are also inaugurating the Watch Award to recognize an individual preservation activist who is advancing the work of World Monuments Fund. Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar, President of the WMF Peru Committee, will be the first recipient of this award. Both the Hadrian Award and the Watch Award will be presented during this year's Hadrian Award Gala on Thursday, October 27, at The Plaza in New York City.
For more information, please call (646) 424-9594.