Ease, Joy and Alchemy

A state of freedom and gentleness

Great delight or happiness

Alchemy: Power or process of transforming something ordinary into something of deep value


We send the blessings of Ease, Joy and Alchemy to you as April brings us the beauty and the showers of spring!

This month a couple of things are coming to mind.  Detox - is coming to a lot of people's attention recently. Spring is an ideal time to cleanse, revitalize and renew your body and spirit.  Amelia has developed a Detox Massage protocol that is a wonderful health and wellness support.

Babies! We love them! Babies and children are free of the "stories" and compensations patterns that adults often pick up along the way.  With this freedom, they often shift and change with supportive bodywork quickly and easily.  Laura's practice specializes in pediatric CranioSacral therapy, some of the benefits or indications for this gentle, non-invasive therapy are below.  We also share some feedback we recently received from a Mom in our practice.

And finally, the end of your session.  You will generally hear from us, "take your time, come up gently" why is this, and what can you do at the end of your session to multiply its benefits?

Thank you for spending some time with us this month, don't miss this month's special below!

Amelia Mitchell, LMT
Laura Inman Mitchell, LMT, CST
Ease, Joy & Alchemy, LLC
Purveyors of Fine Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
CranioSacral Therapy helps babies in so many ways.
  • Fussy, cranky babies
    Laura working with Charlotte while Amelia looks on.  Laura did mouth work this day that significantly shifted her latch and eased feeding challenges.
  • Babies who simply seem to be uncomfortable
  • Digestive or elimination difficulties
  • Reflux
  • Colic
  • Spitting up
  • Breastfeeding problems, like poor latch, nipple pain for Mom
  • Babies who seem overly sensitive
  • Babies who hate tummy time
  • Teething babies
  • Non-sleeping babies
  • Babies who arrived via surgical birth or had a difficult birth experience
Laura facilitates the body's healing processes from the earliest beginnings.
Laura and Charlotte two months later.
Laura with Charlotte
Babies and children are incredibly flexible and so connected to their health and guidance - they can shift and recover quickly and easily.

Curious? Give Laura Inman Mitchell a call today and learn more about
how CranioSacral therapy can support your newborn, baby or child (or you!) 410-570-7245.

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Detox Massage

Amelia has developed a protocol that combines massage techniques with Lymph Drainage Therapy and assists your detox by enhancing the body's circulation, digestion, organ function and lymphatic flow. 

detoxAs the lymphatic system is responsible for the removal of many of the toxins released during a detox, enhancing its function and its impact on the organs means a better detox with fewer symptoms or issues.

In addition, Detox Massage supports digestive health with abdominal massage, castor oil packs and lymph drainage for the major organs responsible for removing toxins from the body - the liver, colon and intestines, stomach, kidneys and skin. 

Amelia is a gentle and nurturing therapist who always customizes sessions to meet the clients needs of the day. A series of Detox Massages are a perfect accompaniment to a detox diet or cleanse. See below for Amelia's introductory special.

Detox Massage is very relaxing and soothing. It reduces stress and the symptoms of burn-out while raising serotonin levels and enhancing the body's natural ability to heal and detoxify.  Amelia has also coordinated this program with the specialists at CHHC, so a full dietary and supplement detox program is also now available to you from your trusted therapists and counselors at Chesapeake Holistic Health Center.

To schedule or inquire further, contact Amelia at 410-570-8927.
cherry blossoms
The day we discovered that Gillian really likes to be upside down.  Amelia is now know as Aunt Monkey Bars.
Amelia with Gillian
Kelly H. shares her impressions of working with Ease, Joy and Alchemy Therapists.

"I could not ask for more tender and loving care of my twins and myself.  I can share that from creation of the twins to the post care of my adorable daughters, Amelia and Laura have been angels to our family.

"Their talent can not be explained in words completely. You need to experience it for yourself to understand the depths of their abilities. Their human touch of the soul and spirit is resoundingly huge.

"The changes that I have had and seen within my daughters physically has been a healthy and grounding start to a better future. We will always be within their care, even if the drive becomes longer than our current two hour excursion each way. It is well worth every minute of our time and effort to be a part of their practice.

"May the fog and toxicity be lifted from anyone who wants to better themselves with Amelia and Laura's treatments and care."  Kelly H.

These days Kelly and the girls receive CranioSacral therapy with Laura and Therapeutic massage and Lymph Drainage with Amelia. Kelly has been a long term client and in addition to the other therapies, she also received fertility sessions with Amelia before the pregnancy. The twin girls, Charlotte and Gillian, born full term in December 2009 are happy, healthy and growing so quickly!

After Your Session

"Take your time getting up - move gently and slowly"

Why do we say this? 
Because we want to help you maximize the benefits of your session.

So, before you get up, rest gently on the table for a couple of minutes, breathe deeply and simply notice.  How does your body feel right now?  What is different? What feels good?  How could you move differently?  How would you like to spend the rest of your day?

Take this time to notice and let the changes and the sensations sink in.  It is a delicious time after a session, you are alone, it is quiet and peaceful and you can indulge yourself with a bit more me time.

If you are concerned you will fall asleep, let us know, we will set a gentle alarm or knock quietly in 2-3 minutes.

Let it sink in, you just had a marvelous bodywork session, let it permeate deeply into your body, move slowly, be gentle, honor how well you are taking care of yourself.

A few other after session thoughts.  Consider handling scheduling and payment before your session so that you don't have to get back in your head too quickly.  If you feel a bit ungrounded when you get up, sit quietly and press your feet into the floor.  Have a drink of water to help you refocus before driving and to rehydrate.

Take your time.

Full Body Presence - May 8-9th
To thrive in today's demanding world we all need full access to our inner and outer resources. This course teaches how the deep wisdom of the body can help navigate our living, working, healing, and relating. Listening to this body-wisdom as the ground of knowing enables us to rediscover our innate spirituality and develop our emotional intelligence.

Amelia will be teaching a two day version of the Full Body Presence Overview workshop that is titled Therapeutic Presence at Anne Arundel Community College next weekend.  There are still a couple of spots left.  Join her - or let her know if you are interested in taking this workshop later this year.  www.AACC.edu

Everyone is welcome - bonus for therapists 6 CEUs in ethics, including 2 standard V, and don't worry, Amelia will make time for Mother's Day.

Amelia Mitchell, LMT
Nationally Certified and State Licensed Massage Therapist
Therapeutic Massage, Lymphatic Drainage,
 Certified Nurturing the Mother Therapist
offering Pregnancy, Post-Partum and Fertility

Laura Inman Mitchell, LMT, CST
Nationally Certified and State Licensed Massage Therapist
whose practice specializes in CranioSacral Therapy

Ease, Joy & Alchemy LLC
offices at Chesapeake Holistic Health Center
528C College Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21409

Save $20 Detox Massage Series Special
Buy Three Weekly or Bi-Weekly Sessions - Save $20 on the series

Jump start your Detox this spring with three Detox Massage Sessions.   Come in weekly or bi-weekly and really take good care of yourself this year.  Series valid for six weeks from date of purchase. 
Regular price $270 - buy the series for $250
Offer Expires: 5/31/2010 Coupon not required, please mention Detox Massage Series special.  You may purchase at first session and schedule subsequent Detox Massage sessions at that time.  Not valid with other coupons, specials or gift certificates.