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June 2011
Latino-Jewish Alliance
LEEP Returns from Israel
Raheel Raza
Cyber Warfare
The Threat of Turkey
Yemen on the Brink
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#1102 - The Next Flotilla and Gilad Shalit


#1101 - At War in Five Countries


#1100 - Jordan at the Crossroads


#1099 - The Price of the U.S. Veto in the Security Council


#1098 - Palestinian UN Vote Fraught with Global Implications


#1097 - America, the Arab Spring and Russia the "Liberator"


#1096 - Naksa - Palestinians Killed by the Syrian Government


#1095 - Today's Threats Won't Break Israel's Spirit


 #1094 - Separating Jerusalem, Again  

Latino-Jewish Alliance Inaugural Meeting and Conference

The inaugural conference and planning committee meeting of JINSA's Latino-Jewish Alliance for a Secure America received considerable media attention. One example is this full-page article in "Que Onda! magazine serving Houston, San Antonio and Dallas-Ft. Worth.

Click here to read the article 

JINSA's Law Enforcement Exchange Program Educates 14 Top Level Law Enforcement Officials in Israel

For more than ten years, JINSA has educated America's highest level law enforcement officials through a week long trip to Israel. While abroad, the American officials attend briefings and learn from their Israeli counterparts about everything from managing a coordinated response to a terrorist attack and intelligence processes to the mind of a suicide bomber. From June 18-26 2011, JINSA brought to Israel 14 law enforcement officials from the local, state, and federal levels. They took back a better understanding of Israel as well as new ideas about how to keep their communities safer. More to come about this trip, stay tuned. 

A Muslim Confronts Radical Islam

Brittons-RazaRaheel Raza, the Pakistani-born award-winning author of Their Jihad...Not My Jihad, spoke to JINSA audiences in Houston, Dallas and Westchester County, New York in early May. A tireless campaigner for human rights, Ms. Raza actively promotes interfaith relations and appears frequently in print, radio and television media to discuss Muslim issues.

Click here to read a transcript of her lecture 

Cyber Warfare: Unity in Defense

Estonia's Cyber Defense League, the world's first all-voluntary cyber national guard and NATO's collective response to cyber attacks on its member states were but two of many subjects discussed by Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves in a wide-ranging interview with JINSA Policy Director James Colbert. Estonia, which suffered from massive cyber assaults emanating from Russia in 2007, is a world leader in confronting cyber threats.

Click here to read the interview 

Turkey - Long-Term Threat to the West and to Middle East Peace

ErdoganThe ongoing consolidation of power by the anti-liberal AKP government of Prime Minister Erdogan in Turkey may well represent a longer term threat to Western interests in the Middle East than the ruling mullahs in Iran, argues JINSA Research Associate Zach Paikin.

W(h)ither Yemen?

As long as Iran and al Qaeda threaten the United States, Yemen's Houthi rebellion and al Qaeda's presence in Yemen work against U.S. and Saudi interests and security regardless of who governs from Sanaa. Tackling these issues is key to ensuring Yemen's long-term stability and the principal way to protect America, argues JINSA Research Associate Zach Paikin.

Click here to read the article 

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