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May 2011
Press Release - Obama's Speech
JINSA Visits MCCDC in Quantico
Raheel Raza Speaks for JINSA
Understanding the Middle East Upheaval
Israel's Response to the Next Flotilla
Who Is Calling the Shots in Lebanon
Blog and Twitter Feed



#1093 - Remembering the Fallen, Extending the Patriot Act, Expanding ROTC - Memorial Day Weekend Notes

#1092 - Prime Minister Netanyahu Before the U.S. Congress 


#1091 - Israel, Jordan and Security Along the Eastern Line 


#1090 - The President's Speech 


#1089 - In His Middle East Address, President Obama Must Note that Freedom is Respect for Individual Rights 


#1088 - The "American Way" and Israel 


#1087 - Palestinian "Reconciliation" 


#1086 - Bin Laden, al Qaeda and the War 


 #1085 - Revelations Lay Bare the Syrian and Iranian Nuclear Threat  

JINSA Press Release - White House Middle East Priorities out of Sync with Regional Realities 

President Obama's May 19 attempt to link the stalled Palestinian-Israel negotiations to social and economic progress in the Arab world will unnecessarily increase tensions between Washington and Jerusalem, said JINSA Executive Director Tom Neumann.

Click here to read the full press release 

JINSA Visits the Marine Corps Combat Development Command in Quantico

Small Arms InstructionOn May 23-24, 2011, a JINSA delegation from the New York area led by JINSA Advisory Board Member Major General Larry Taylor, USMCR (ret.) was hosted by the Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Quantico, Virginia.

Click here to read the full article 

Human Rights Activist Raheel Raza speaks for JINSA in Dallas, Houston, and Westchester County, NY

Ms. Raheel Raza, a Muslim Canadian journalist and lecturer on Islamic issues who left Pakistan in the late 1970s, presented a compelling take on Pakistan and the spread of radical Islam to JINSA audiences in Dallas, Houston and Westchester County, NY in early May. Raza is the author of the book, Their Jihad ... Not my Jihad (Basileia Books, 2005), in which she explained how Islamist fundamentalists distort the teaching of the Muslim faith.

Click here to visit Raheel Raza's website 

Understanding the Middle East Upheaval

JINSA Senior Director for Security Policy Shoshana Bryen noted that Islamic radicalism has no answer to the problems facing educated and ambitious young people in the Middle East. Corruption and repression combine to limit their economic and social opportunities and if the reformers lose their "Arab Spring" momentum, the religious despots likely to replace them will prove no better than the secular despots that preceded them.

Click here to read the full op-ed 

The Next Gaza Flotilla, How Will Israel Respond?

FlotillaThe IHH, the Turkish terrorist organization behind last year's deadly "flotilla" that attempted to break the naval blockade of Gaza to help Hamas is behind a new flotilla, preparing to set sail for Gaza in May. Analysis of Israel's likely response was provided to FrontPage Mag, May 4, 2011, by JINSA Policy Director James Colbert.

Click here to read the analysis 

Who Is Calling the Shots in Lebanon?

Ahmadinejad/AssadJINSA Research Associate Zach Paikin reveals that, in Lebanon, Hezbollah is in control and Iran is calling the shots. Syria cannot get out from under Iran partly due to Tehran's growing regional influence, particularly following the uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Jordan and Yemen against U.S.-backed regimes.

Click here to read the full article 

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