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Houston Mayor Annise Parker Presented with JINSA's
2010 Houston Leadership Award
Mayor Annise Parker was honored for her long service and commitment to
the people of Houston. The evening's keynote speaker was Israeli
parliamentarian Avraham "Avi" Dicter, a former Minister for Internal
Security and head of the Israel Security Agency. Houston community
leaders Glen Rosenbaum and Ed Wulfe were event co-chairmen.
India and a 21st Century Anglosphere
In the latest JINSA Global Briefing, Prof. M.D. Nalapat, of
India's Manipal University, explains that if India can surmount its
ossified and regressive political structures and empower its citizens it
could take a leading role in the Anglosphere - the group of wealthy,
democratic, English-speaking countries of the world. For its part, he
contends, the Obama administration has yet to demonstrate that it
recognizes what India - the world's most populous English-speaking
country - can bring to the cause of regional and global stability,
security and prosperity.Click here to read the Global Briefing |
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