Press Release: JINSA Questions Obama Administration's Middle East Policy
On April 9, 2010 The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs called into question the Obama Administration's approach to the Middle East. Executive Director Tom Neumann said, "We had hoped this administration would be tough on dangerous proliferators and terror sponsors like North Korea and Iran, but instead they are castigating Israel at every opportunity. We must now seriously ask: what is the administration's agenda? Where is President Obama taking the country? And to what end?"
Click here to read the full press release |
Israel as a Security Asset for the United States Advertisement
For nearly 30 years, JINSA has been taking recently retired American Admirals and Generals to Israel to better understand the threats Israel faces, the resources it brings to its own defense and ways in which the U.S. and Israel can cooperate on common security issues. Their understanding of Israel's vital role is reflected in the ad below. JINSA is working to place the ad in newspapers (Jewish and other) around the country to ensure that Americans (Jewish and other) hear these voices.
Click here to view the ad
Shifting the Paradigm for Palestine: From the Political to the Humanitarian
Prof. Martin Sherman, the 2009-2010 Hebrew Union College/University of Southern California Schusterman Visiting Israeli Professor of Security Studies and International Policy, writing in the latest JINSA Global Briefing, proposes to replace the disastrously failed "two-state/land-for-peace" paradigm with a humanitarian approach that addresses both the geographic and the demographic imperatives facing Israel.
Click here to read the Global Brief
Shoshana Bryen on "Secure Freedom Radio"
In another appearance on "Secure Freedom Radio", a weekly news radio show hosted by Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, Shoshana Bryen, Senior Director for Security Policy at JINSA, discusses the implications of Syria's reported transfer of Scud ballistic missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon.Click here to listen to the segment |
Press Release: Rep. Mark Kirk Condemns Obama Admin. Iran Policy in latest Journal of International Security Affairs
In the spring 2010 issue of the Journal of International Security Affairs, released this week, Congressman (and Senate candidate) Mark Kirk, chair of the Iran Working Group in the House of Representatives, asks: "Is [President Obama] afraid that public discussions of human rights abuses in Iran will offend the regime and undermine talks over the Iranian nuclear program? If that's the case, this Administration has lost its way when it comes to our most basic American values."
Click here to read the press release
Click here to download the Journal on Kindle
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