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  July 2009
In This Issue
Amb. of Honduras addresses JINSA
Berman authors new book
Proceedings from Conference on Emerging Security Issues
Detroit Jewish News on Michael Ledeen
Global Briefing: India
Neumann op-ed

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Ambassador Roberto Flores of Honduras in Conference Call, Listen to Audio

JINSA members participated Tuesday July 21, 2009 in a conference call with Ambassador Roberto Flores of Honduras who discussed the antecedents to the June ouster of then-President Zelaya, including Zelaya's determination to hold a referendum declared illegal by the Honduran Supreme Court. Click on the link below to listen to the conference call with Amb. Flores.

Click here to listen to the conference call

Journal of International Security Affairs Editor Authors New Book

Ilan Berman, vice president for policy at the American Foreign Policy Council and editor of JINSA's Journal of International Security Affairs recently published Winning the Long War: Retaking the Offensive against Radical Islam.

Click here to read the review in the Washington Times

Click here to purchase Winning the Long War

Conference on Emerging Security Issues

The Conference on Emerging Security Issues covered some of the most critical problems confronting the Obama Administration. Download the proceedings by clicking the link below.

Click here to download the proceedings

Detroit Jewish News on
Michael Ledeen event

Communications Director Jim Colbert and Research Associate Sophie Allweis cover an appearance by Michael Ledeen near Detroit, MI.  His discussion at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills focused on dealing with the issue of Iran.

Click here to download the article

India Falling Behind China in South
Asian Diplomacy

M.D. Nalapat, Professor of Geopolitics at India's Manipal University, explains that India's capable diplomatic service is being stymied by a wall of ambivalence erected by the New Delhi's top policy makers, both within the political crust as well as the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, Beijing's dynamic and decisive foreign policy is winning China countries deemed important to India's security.

Click here to read the article

Might The Riots Trip Iran's Leaders?

In this July 2 op-ed, JINSA Executive Director Tom Neumann questions whether the protests over the recent presidential election in Iran may have evolved into a power struggle at the highest levels of government.

Click here to read the op-ed