LEEP Video on YouTube!
The JINSA Law Enforcement Exchange Program Video is now on YouTube. Take a look, add a comment, and pass it along!
Click Here To Watch
Spring 2008 Board Meeting Highlights
The 2008 Spring Board Meeting took place Sunday June 1 in Washington,
D.C. In addition to reports and sessions related to the business of the
organization, the meeting featured the following presentations:
- A panel discussion of the "Lessons Learned from Iraq and Lebanon"
featuring Col. Kenneth R. Dahl, USA, Assistant Director for
Politico-Military Affairs (Middle East) of the Joint Staff; Maj. Gen.
Benny Gantz, Defense and Armed Forces Attache of the Embassy of Israel,
and; Michael Eisenstadt, director of The Washington Institute's
Military and Security Studies Program.
- Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Edmund Giambastiani, USN (ret.) provided a global strategic overview.
- "Inside the Jihadist Mind: What are Their Goals and What is Their
Global Strategy?" a presentation by Dr. Walid Phares, Senior Fellow and
the director of the Future Terrorism Project at the Foundation for the
Defense of Democracies.
- "Whither Israel's Security?" a presentation by Maj. Gen. Ephraim
Sneh, IDF (ret.), Member of Knesset, State of Israel, and former
Israeli Deputy Minister of Defense.
JINSA Visits U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
While our government has expended enormous political, economic and
military assets into the Middle East and Asia, benign neglect of South
and Central Americas and the Caribbean could find the United States
losing her neighbors economically to China and India and politically to
nations like Iran that have aligned with Cuba and Venezuela.
To focus on these crucial issues, in March a JINSA group of officers
and members visited the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) located near
Miami and the U.S. Joint Interagency Task Force-South (JIATF-S) in Key
West. This program in March was organized and led by Admiral Leon "Bud"
Edney, USN (ret.), a member of JINSA's Board of Advisors.
The two intensive days of substantive briefings addressed the
challenges, successes and failures of U.S. foreign and security policy
in Latin American and the specific missions of SOUTHCOM and JIATF-S.
SOUTHCOM is tasked to conduct military operations and to promote
security cooperation to achieve U.S. strategic objective, which is to
defend our nation's southern flank. The command is comprised of
military and civilian personnel representing the Army, Navy, Air Force,
Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and a wide range of federal agencies and its
area of focus is all territory south of the U.S. border with the
exception of Mexico.
A full article on the visit to U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) and
the U.S. Joint Interagency Task Force-South (JIATF-S) is forthcoming.
JINSA Co-Sponsors 2008 USSOCOM Care Coalition Conference at Ft. Bragg, NC
For the second year in a row, JINSA was honored to serve as the
Co-Sponsor of the Care Coalition conference in conjunction with the
U.S. Special Operations Command. The 2008 conference, held in April at
Fort Bragg, NC, brought together more than 50 donor groups and the
veterans and families that they had supported. Click here to read the full article
Ukraine Ambassador Shamshur Addresses JINSA
On May 22, 2008, JINSA hosted the Honorable Oleh Shamshur, Ukraine
Ambassador to the United States, at a Europe Project Forum. Ambassador
Shamshur first briefed a group of 50 JINSA members and supporters at an
open forum where his remarks were quite candid. Click here to read the full article
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