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Insulation Insights Firwin Corp's Quarterly Newsletter
Summer/Fall 2009


In this issue:
  • President's Greeting
  • Outer Covers - what are the differences?
  • Firwin upgrades its removable insulation blanket labelling
  • We're on You Tube!

  • Outer Covers - what are the differences?
    Aluminized Fiberglass Outer Cover

    Removable insulation blankets are available with a variety of outer covers. What are the differences between the various options available, and how do I know which one is right for my application?

    Firwin upgrades its removable insulation blanket labelling
    Blue Label

    You may have noticed those fancy new blue labels on our insulation blankets. There is more to them than just what meets the eye.

    We're on You Tube!

    Our very own company video, our first venture into this increasingly popular form of web communication.

    President's Greeting
    Paul Herman photo

    Welcome to the Summer/Fall 2009 issue of Firwin's industry newsletter, Insulation Insights. In this issue, we look into the different outer materials that are available for insulation blankets, and discuss the pros and cons of each. Plus, a look at our new laser engraved labels, and our first step into the world of video. As always, feel free to email me directly with any comments or suggestions you may have.

    Paul Herman, President, Firwin Corp

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